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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. red what about the story of that brain dead uni idiot wanting to make people shorter so as they believe in climate change desperate and they say I'm an idiot neil
  2. yes to the last part neil
  3. should I go off grid entirely as at first I did my calculations on solar cost was about $25, 000 plus on going fuel matainence cost off about say $400 a year if I did not need to heat the house keep me fridge going or cool the house run the welder heat the shower water use the toaster boil the jug just may be it would work so my house uses min 8kw to run a day so there for the solar must put double that to cover the days that the 12 panels only put in 3 kw and that has happened I have a feeling that so many solar panels have been installed that the combined number is the eqivelent of a power station but are they producing that power when within 1000 meres there are 12 houses that the panels face west so in the winter the sun does not shine on the until 8 or 9 oclock in the morning one I can see from my front door neil
  4. as I have stated I do have 12 x 1.5 kw solar panels on my roof this was started before the greens rud Gillard had that brain shattering news that they would pay 9000 dollars to get you to put on solar power now that solar system was for 6 x 1.5 kw panels that would not cover your average daily use of 2 people in a ex commission house let alone with two or three children to ad to the crap they wrote out a little note saying that they would pay me 60 cents gov guaranteed for 15 years for any kw I put back into the grid now at this time I was paying $ 0.168730 per kw for grid power now the day that the solar panels were connected grid power price went to .288730 kw hrs it now .3229 kw hrs I use between 8 kw to 12 kw a day depending on what I am doing neil
  5. yeh nev bit like me pommy mate running around looking to borrow 2 shillings for his fare back to pommy land gave him a quid here take nine others with you on the other hand have 10 pound poms that have been life long mates for over 55 years and done well for them selves neil
  6. 22.75 mbps it shows is that speed or is that miles between pissss stops neil
  7. marty d as I said the law was written abide by it as i stated I knew about it why did they not sheet it pays not to educated neil
  8. yen what was the supply charge for your bill in 2013 compared to 2017 mine was in 2009 $46.78 2017 $126.25 neil
  9. service to property charges 07 08 2017 $126.85 dollars now take that the electricity supplier has for sake of round figures 100,000 customers for each of them is paying these supply charges =100,000 x $126.85 = plus charging you 33 cent for each kw you use but paying me 65 cents for solar excess to my needs 700 kw x 65 = service to property charges 17 1 2009 $46.78 dollars now take that the electricity supplier has for sake of round figures 100,000 customers for each of them is paying these supply charges =100,000 x $46.78 = plus charging you 17 cents for each kw you use gee that bad coal from what I can see coal power was 8 cents kw to generate the state government up the royalty to make it dearer another scam by the vic gov so as they could scam with clean solar but its only clean when its up and running don't worry about china getting polluted with that bad carbon and the money for manafactureing them so my take on that is that the so call green power is a scam base load will not work from a battery oh if you cover vic in this battery it might work but there you go not in my back yard. proposed solar set up at Tatura vic only going to cost $50,000000 dollars to build plus the blow out cost of another mill or two take long time to get your money back or are they going to run ponsiy scheme oh no just charge more for electricity india is building coal fired power stations china as some say is smog covered but you exported so many jobs and industry there what in the hell do you expect no pollution nev nw tasie the wind would not be to good when I was down that way I had to fill me pockets with stones to stop it blowing me away made it hard to walk up hill the fans would be turned off more because off to mutch wind neil
  10. so the salvos claim that cold is killing 1 in 15 is a lie the price of green power would not b a contributing factor in that neil
  11. hey phil now out here them so called educated uni students want shara law to be allowed here any advice on how to wise them sheep that are being led to slaughter house neil
  12. oh shheeeet I for got Germany fancy having to import our electricity bit like that battery for south aust so far fetched 400 acres off battery well done 99 what is the cost of cleaning up after use by date neil
  13. bob brown best for cost Tassie hydro power from the franklin cost jobs I was there greens cost jobs where have the greens made a contribution to the work force of Australia and don't say solar power cause not 10 % is is made in aust no they import from china france tiwan neil
  14. I believe that credlin is a very astute person the liberals that got shoved out at the last election were not paying attension to their electrolate you cant just blame abbot the blame lays with the sales men and woman your footy teams losing so you sack the couch how about sacking the team and start again its a bit like the bloke that worked for me many years ago said I was an idiot didn't know what I was doing bought a truck off his own lost his house lost his truck lost his wife and kids Individual people there are OK yes nev but you need a team why do people assume that so called educated money hungry people are good leaders they in my opinion have and do not listen to the working class as you said nev we are stupid to them look at benardie one nation both are gathering a following benardie got out off the libs would not bend to turnbull crap Dutton just got bought by turnbull bishop not worth a vote back stabbing pyne neil
  15. yeh and when you make a call to report it some foreign voice sounds the same at Telstra want to speak to an Australian voice I'm speaking berry god englesh peas me off no end neil
  16. turnbul is in the thinkers club the only one that he thinks off is himself and I have stated that for years sorry bruce you are not the only one conned by him and there are others labour party move to the centre have wasted more taxes and cost me and you millions proof I now know off 25 people that get 65 cent per kw back into the grid my return to the grid 725 kw at 65 cents for no power bill my mates return to grid 1100 kw to grid at 65 cent no power bill power from grid to me 32 cent so it costing you 65 cents kw for my excess power work that out an I have that until 2025 26 when mark latham was with the labour party a complete drongo in my opinion why in hell has his opinion changed has he seen the real world its not one party that cant get it right while ever we have these political correct weasels and sorry weasels pandering to the so called poor me persons what hope off good governance do we have neil
  17. thanks comick been in force a long time my thinking was some like that but there was a sheeeet fight back in the seventys or there about about the same problem of duel citizenship regarding political figures And I aint old just mature :tongue in cheek:neil
  18. nev totally agree many years ago Kerry packer description off him was spot on remember Conrad black and co saga now who in hell are you talking about marty is intelligent, progressive and forward-thinking...looses 15 seats sets up a great new Dutton enterprise to keep leadership Tassie air aint doing you any favours better have a cuppa tea an a bex an a lie down marty neil
  19. no nev the facts are they failed a basic requirement that has been around since 1974 75 perhaps someone can bring up the actual date if I knew about this how come they didn't know about this LAW NEIL
  20. turnbull what that saying couldn't organize a something in a brothel neil
  21. what losing 15 seats is not losing bit like me winning lotto got 7.70 cost me 50 dollars so that's a win neil
  22. my point is sorry officer I thought my licence to drive was current judge mr bradly your licence is your responsibility you were driving on a not valid licence fined 500 dollars plus cost neil
  23. carful marty known to lead some up the garden path gee marty trying to give nev a disorder of some kind neil
  24. no nev cant blame me for that one but as got pissedddd of with the loss off job s going overseas valuesof Australia being denergrated assets of aust being taken overseas political party being run buy so called educated imbersiles and yes I am now a fully paid up member of Australian conservative party no longer vote liberal as I voted for them since 18 years off age so at 72 got old and fed up with waffler turnbull , princes bishop , pyne in arseee , local member sharman was told by me personally that turnshit would lose last election and she would lose her seat I was right on both neil
  25. yep octave that's what I'm saying not the first time they are supposed to be educated future leaders off this nation basic stupidity off not fact checking ones self neil
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