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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. and another green bites the dust waters through stupidity oh well starting to weed out the con artist without using force just may be some that voted for them will come up with some excuse like I'm being victimized neil
  2. funny ha ha trump has cut your wages oh he has banned you from the states oh you read it on faceshit oh soory you read it on Murdock oh no you watch cnn that gives you the right to denagrate the president of the states but I am not to say my opinion the local green crap con that personally effects my living standards typical off crap of labour greens and liberal turnbull neil
  3. good news for some bad news for others neil
  4. research what personal happenings I was asked a question my answer as to why I made statement neil
  5. spot on marty the quicker they get out off aust the richer we will be brown cost me money on the franklin greens cost me money with the lie that cheaper power from solar greens cost me more for the car greens garbage cost jobs in my opinion they are the scum neil
  6. what part off must revoke duel citizenship don't some people get to be a member off Australian parliament neil
  7. your safe octave don't become a politician cause you must revoke your british citizenship or any other nationalatly neil
  8. go on about Pauline doing wrong greens are a lot off garbage how come that green senator can have duel citizenship and don't know about it you voted for a ludnam ten years ago neil
  9. back 1975 south aust company director shifted his company to NZ never looked back made him self a million air seen the writing on the wall then neil
  10. sheeeet gareth bit hard on em but that's the truth as I see it speak English when in public neil
  11. well if they cant get in to practice that you come here you leave your old ways behind neil
  12. no close the borders those that complain ship em out those that want open borders send then to tasie neil
  13. hey phil not a good idea that plywood bloody white ants will get fat neil
  14. gee bruce now you cant say that oh sheeeet you have some ones going to refer you to racial discrimination for telling the truth neil
  15. got a tiny bruce you could hire to the navy cause the navy sure aint got a boat there in dry dock garden island cause sol for got to put in the right oil oils aint oils sol neil
  16. ok 2 questions what is the minimum wind speed needed to generate 1 kw of power ? what is the maximum wind speed that wind turbines shut down ? neil
  17. I ask the question who is to blame so far tony abbot is to blame so far istopes are to blame sulphur dioxide to blame pollutants are to blame concreate will fix the so called problem wtf neil
  18. see here we go again cant any one answer the question neil
  19. just a thought in Victoria next year 20000 new homes are built each home uses 15kw of power per day how many wind turbines are needed how many solar panels are needed now in the mean time the electric met tunnels com on line what is going to power it green power labour power liberal power so those off you that closed down your so called dirty power station suck eggs cause you are to blame find out what and how many kw gw or what ever it is your power is going to fail or your train arnt going any where neil
  20. nah when I cant get the child proof lighter tah work neil
  21. no marty when you have parisites like turnbull morrisson bishop stone pyne and 20 others I would not piiisss on when they are on fire gutless good for nothing parisites neil
  22. libs I went to nam 1966 labour cost me 19% interest on home idiot brown greens cost me a job on the franklin should have thrown him in it drunken sparrow oh hauk neil
  23. throwing sticks and stones may break bones but names will never hurt what is some peoples concern over another country how about cleaning up your own country neil
  24. :idea:gee phill clever thinking 99 Mind you, I'll hold up the court papers until Monday neil
  25. Magellan gold is one of me old GPS still works last used 2004 neil
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