coned again by phil 1 bloody hour and 14 blooody minutes and them there seconds but that in my opinion is happening here I aust with just 24 million people w are in the same boat thanks phil neil
I have delivered dongas to some remote places up north them white ants sure loved em
what cattle stations costing us millions to keep em running asked about the 16g grader at moree and the rest of the gear neil
we need excellent intelligence, perhaps some sort of international agreements to assist in shutting terror groups out of the internet (if it's even possible),
marty where you going to find a Politian with intelligence oh yeh Poland neil
PC is totally out of control the do gooders need shipping back to where to wear the trouble started
looks like w have a problem hear in Melbourne same sort of senerio neil
Maybe an unintended consequence but most of what he does has unintended consequence s
just maybe them so called consequences are well what some persons cant see EU brought on its own demise with mass migration to me trump told em to fix their problem in a round about way neil
the stupidity of our leaders today in importing thousands of moslems and then being surprised at the result.
in my opinion brain dead garbage politicians and the so called do gooders who bring the enemy to our shores give em shelter food money should be made to pay
they are gutless garbage no respect for the soldiers
like the so called Vietnam victims who arrived here by boat loads how many were the peasants bloody none needed 5 grand to get on the boat then go back on holidays and made Cabramatta little siagon
now moslems let in same shit as they did not learn from Whitlam and co rudd Gillard do gooders so called freeloaders on our way off life
come to this country you abide by our laws our customs or piss off
rant over
thank you phil for posting that neil
USA fought in nam on two frounts home and nam
aust in nam fought on two frounts home and nam
on return from nam the parisites in aust condemned me calling me a baby killer worn that hurt for fifty years suck it up baby were you there neil
in my opinion jerry you are write give some dumb person money for a holiday get em into some country locked up then demand money for their release if their caught neil