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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. in between that great nbn debarcle and climate change oh goble warming millions spent on crap scare mongering what renewables still using steel concreat rare earth that is dug up using fosil fuels my take on wind power is they would cover vic and the rivereinea to power vic where would you have farming land them towers don't absorb carbon but sure put carbon out in the making off them how mutch carbon is produced in the making of your towers neil
  2. willedo been watching mark quite a bit lately I did not have time for him changed his tune some what neil
  3. sorry jerry spelling finger japarit it is a ship a resupply ship for Vietnam 1964 to1971 neil
  4. not going there but let me put it this way my hate off started with the japparat neil
  5. now marty you left out shorten Gillard rudd beasly the abc Andrews oh sheeeet no room on the bloody bus gotta get another bus neil
  6. yenn octave I am not saying we don't need either or nuclear the thing I am on about is what is the cost just have a look at SA and their white elephant there is no way in hell off persons cutting back on the consumption of power with the idiotic consumer want the latest gadget the biggest house no way should I and you have to pay for some ones house I use on average 7 kw of power per day it does go up when doing welding so back to the question hey neil
  7. so new technologies is the way to go 2 questions how many wind turbines would you need to supply Victoria with power ? how big of solar would you need ?neil
  8. Aust being part off the commwealtth has the same problem any chance that I could export the so called learners oh I mean leaders over there then you could export them to the eu Neil
  9. take drugs on holidays get arrested not my cuppa tea neil
  10. hey phil first line last word substitute for pollies welfare cheats and what migrants not being political correct you know neil
  11. whats that saying they handle the truth neil
  12. oh that's a fact by the scientist I suppose neil
  13. Latham is an electric chook your saying latham a battery hen please explain for us uneducated neil
  14. I was going through the numbers today and LePen actually did better than what the press would have you know. not surprizing that you would find the press a little misleading one clown takes a guess at a figure and the rest off the sheep follow neil
  15. mark dishing dirt on labour going con should be interesting neil
  16. gee jerry I thought you was a mate off phills don't think pizza would work cause he would want some red to and this body don't like pain:peep wall: neil
  17. oh phil but you can count on the fact I aint going to be son in law with those rules neil
  18. so I just listen to what the guy says,. . some of it is interesting and thought provoking yep but some have tunnel vision in their thought process unless that story eludes to their ways or they can miss quote that persons story neil
  19. Not judge a book by the cover ah Neil
  20. Cheepracer you aren't going to win because what would you know how could you believe that bull Takes a lot to make sheep change direction especially when I have lived a very sheltered life and I don't have uni degree new that was going to happen two examples no way have you read what those two said 97% of what scientists are they like flanery look again neil
  21. Just read that adina mine to use Aust made Steele from SA wonder witch bank backs them Neil
  22. fairies in the bottom of your garden marty d If we're smart we'd be encouraging innovation in renewables, getting Australia in front your words marty you been listening to turnbull in the meantime india has got a contract with our opposition take a look at the poms and how they are IMPORTING wood chips to replace coal DONT worry about where the chips are coming from don't worry about the 3 or 4 million india persons burning ox sheeeeett to keep warm biggest so called polluter take a look at the latest pommy good idea to charge diesel powered motors a tax take a look at the cost to put solar power station at Shepparton borrowed money take a look at the cost off the insulation bull sheet borrowed money take a look at your wellfare system borrowed money NOW TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE COST off reeducating the coal miners on BOROWED MONEY do the sum an get back to me on the cost of milking 200 cows twice a day in vic as I have said before I get paid 60 cent from the government plus 6 cent from the provider that make 66 cent for every kw back into the grid until 2025 Telephone exchange operator.no that job has been exported over seas under the disguise of a new name neil
  23. to me who ever wrote that ad vert has problems the assumption the none English speaking nurse can read English the assumption that the patients will under stand what they are saying yeh OME but yah gotta feel poorly for phill them English speeking poms are slowly being out numbered neil
  24. naah don't have them there lying bloody things any more mirrors are banned and me glasses arnt needed neil
  25. Now the blue gums episode now what a waste off good grazing land Now the melting sea ice was the end of the world oh it's never happened before Humans have adapted to the climate the same as animals Weather patterns have changed very slowly Guns tasie loss of jobs Franklin river dam loss off jobs how Mutch revenue has that generated Lambie won't go there Oh by the way if Pauline Hanson is so bad there must be some thing she is doing that gets a following maybe she is saying it the way it should Oh my miss guided uneducated mind off mind according to some I am not to dispute so called facts written by so called experts Neil
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