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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. There we go again human rights at it again why in the hell don't they go the source off the problem there ball are not that big maybe Neil
  2. Flannery shit for brains said we won't have full dams now their is a scientific explanation for crap and you believed him at a cost off four desalination plants fact Free insulation for you cost more than money how many lives don't mater Neil
  3. Banks not backing coal re ardina mine the bank that won't has not been asked that is fact Neil
  4. Adelaide black out wind turbines have safety switch that will shut it down should the wind exceed a certain certain speed neil
  5. So inda is not building coal fired power stations neil
  6. Gee what they need is that slogan stop the boats Why don't Italy refuse entry to these boats that pick up Neil
  7. gee nev you have lived a sheltered life all off the above and your still that good looking neil
  8. gee nev some of the sheet I heard should have died years ago eaten neil
  9. so there employing long haired gits neil
  10. Research what the biggest bloody con fooling gullible persons you are paying please explain Tas should have been exporting water to vic had the likes of brown been thrown into the franklin Wind power failed Desalination failed The cost of your so called green power SA gotta build a battery that cost oh what's that don't worry greens will print money Why in the hell aren't we building all these locally no import all the pieces neil
  11. On top mobile home three solar panels x $1100 each one inverter $2000 four batteries $300 equals $6500 Won't work electric spanner or big battery charger Needs back up generator costs $1300 On roof off house 12 solar panels that were going cost me $19000 then along came the leaders off this great country and said I will give you $8000 dollars to put on solar power Now that was good for me brain dead pollies giving me nearly half of my cost oh sheet how good is that oh don't worry there's more no not a set off knives but we will pay you 60 cents a kw for every kw you put into grid until year 2025 Now blind Freddy could see this not going to work when at 17 cents a kw for peek and 13 cents of peek at this time me being just a bit slow sighned up for this deal of 60 cents into grid plus 6 cents from provider Now to work stick welder need mains power When are persons going to wake up that the so called green power is a crock of bull oh buy the way main power now 32 cent a kWh peek Neil
  12. Hey nev not a good idea planting a tree on top off me mate as his farts stink so I would have to cut it down if it was a sented gum Neil
  13. Now hold on phill that can't be happening it's gotta be all staged with actors Looks like Poland is waking up just maybe Pauline has polish blood I'm with Pauline if that's the go over there Did my eyes deceive me when a new policeman is wearing a towel on his head looks like the police are down grading there uniforms this shitttt has to stop Neil.
  14. I used to boast that i was the highest paid worker in NSW when the boss brought my pay packet up to the top of the chimney I was building. did the chimney draw neil
  15. And don't ever mention equestrian and Olympics in the same breath near me. you aint old enough for the seventies bexx:banned: neil
  16. two ships cant go to sea cause oils aint right who didn't get it right are our navy personal to blame or who please our enemy don't attack us now our imported ships arnt sailable who would have thought that neil
  17. so its ok to have a twenty five years younger wife or lover but not ok to have a twenty years younger husband or lover neil
  18. Blokes would shag each other until marriage, when they happily switched their attention to their wife. I guess it cut down on unwanted pregnancy. nah saves on alimony or somthin neil
  19. What happens after today? Nev that's in WA that's tamora neil
  20. no fact that is a stuttering crow cant get karcas out and cant spell neil
  21. what traditional media oh you mean the abc hearald sun whitch hunting sensationalist neil
  22. what is the norm the way things are shaping up some body going to get seriously hurt that mini USA fleet is a lot off punch neil
  23. Bloody science stick to test tubes Nick no brains from south Aust costing jobs for SA I suppose you are a believer of solar power Bit like the bloke I sacked for steeling fuel from me reconds I was a prick his next employer sacked him for the same reason through bricks and one is likely to return something like a women scorned believe in the abc and be fooled From 0 to 3 seats wa election is 300 percent increase and I only have 9years of schooling Neil
  24. My post on mark was that the political correctness is out the door in my opinion tell how you see the situation as mark has started doing The cowtowing to the political correctness has reached a point where the person has to lie to protect his her job Debateing anisue has became a crime good for the lawyers and the so called elite don't like others to have an opinion In my opinion example bob hawk is a drunk Kevi dud is in need of brain jullielier could not run a brothel turnaround waffler jack lamb is a waste off space that expert that ruined good army guys and the list goes on. Why do persons keep going on about Pauline just goes to show that she is a force to bring down the puppets of the established few In my opinion Neil
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