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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. Very interesting changed my opinion of him as a labour candidate had no time for him seeing in different way now Neil
  2. My opinion So that shows that the so called educated idiots misled the peasants about time the peasants stopped bowing and stand up and question the science off fools at the top Neil
  3. waraton how did you go with batteries have four here at Shepparton x tel neil
  4. sorry admin it aint going to get off the ground as the bloody do gooders will claim that is unlawfull and against the geneiva conventions charter their just misunderstood and had a bad experience as a child I personally totally agree neil
  5. Jerry atrick you inviting Turnbull over there sheeet he's on the bus along with bishop Barnaby lambie and a gaggle of greens Andrews you keep em neil
  6. bargaining power than an equivalent number of members of the major parties. tell it to turncoat joke joice bishooop shortshif bill major parties arnt listening to the working class at their peril their glass house is falling down neil
  7. for a bunch off so called nongs first time running 3 seat to in WA to one nation so where to now not a bad start at all . I can hear some crying neil
  8. As far as my thoughts go on drugs go trace eliments should be allowed to be administered to the top importers of drugs As Kyle said the head of the one snake chopped off the trouble is not going to do any good to catch the rest off the snakes put out a saucer off milk If asked why do you take or use ice or drugs Make me feel good and I can I have found that in my opinion they have no respect for their own body Neil
  9. naughty phil at again love it niel
  10. Saturday just around the corner 13% or better neil
  11. gave a bottle to some bloke a while back when I did enjoy a drop of the good stuff went around to his place there they were adding coke and shit to it got me self two shots and drooped the bottle might as well tipp it out why a waste it on idiots neil
  12. octave hope you are not diluting that glen Fiddich neil
  13. if them there rabbits don't like me dog then pppppis of next door and he can feed em neil
  14. bruce hope you don't mind me repeating your post only boulder for the head in the sand mob I reckon we have a right to be angry at the failure of the established parties to deliver decent outcomes. Here's a quick list: 1. Obscene salaries and perks for public "servants" including council ceo's. 2. insane levels of immigration 3.insane levels of expenditure on useless military hardware. 4. neglect of aborigines and jobless and schoolkids by ridiculous political correctness. I want the established order to be given a big kick up the b*m, and the Hanson lot seem to be my only chance to do this. except for no 3 any nation that does not have military hard ware is a target we are only 24 million nation strong hell china wants to expand a fleet of jabs aint going to work neil
  15. hold that thought sharia bank Sydney proposed neil
  16. oh realy fly tonapart neil
  17. hey red has the school got free drugs :oops:neil
  18. so he don't read papers and don't watch tv how would he know what stories are correct neil
  19. bruce when they found out that they could get a fourty foot container deleivered from the other side off the wourld cheaper than from the Goulburn valley or Gatton or Adelaide or why bother neil
  20. by the way bruce I was in toowoomba 20 2 2017 I can assure you there are good people there neil
  21. treated those remarks with contempt it deserved neil
  22. condone the use off illegal drugs you say have you been on the scene off 18 year old girl that said she could fly from the fourth floor off a block flats 1968 high on drugs landed 5ft from me an 18 year old in a commodore that head on to a truck at impact 200 plus kph 1983 high on drugs a mother bashed by a 16 year old high on drugs 2002 truck driver high on ox blood tips truck over killing his mate 2005 high on drugs grandmother bashed cause she would not give grandson money for drugs high on drugs 2008 2011 theft from my ute engle fridge by a drug user would you dumb pieces of xxxxxx get out in to the real world neil
  23. am I mental yes racist yes sceptic yes radical yes all yeses why neil
  24. stolen gen neil
  25. See told yah phill ta send the good red typical Pom Neil
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