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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. so it must be true the crap ABC says so neil
  2. my opinion yeh that labour green team sure suits those that want to be paid for doing nothing for them selves and live of the ones that have a go and pay tax a vote for sheeeet head shorten is going to get more tax from you he has already said he is going to increase tax so vote for him and lose your job sounds fair to me neil
  3. typical internet troll response marty when did you get some one to read their policy to you neil
  4. who are you marty calling a liar I or phil perry or tommy ? neil
  5. high phil how in the hell is tommy putting up with all the sheet that's been shoved at him I am with him all the way the truth will prevail one day I hope the he can get through this sheet neil
  6. jerry take a peek at this Australian conservatives party neil
  7. Sheeet how in the hell did get room to pass it some one see your indercator or were you driving a tank Neil
  8. I think it ain’t going to make mutch diferance as those voters can see that labour led by the nose idiots of the union Bullxxxx to labour getting you lower electricity prices with a 50% off renewable energy your kWh will triple now Bullxxxx to your cheaper rent as negative gearing is cut So goodby to new hospitals new inforstructor will not happen when they ban coal exports as they the labour have stated new taxes happy workers working to pay more taxes good luck Neil
  9. Well so what You want that go live there what industry’s do they have Oh by the way has any body found the recycling of the solar panels site yet that is cost effective Neil
  10. What a mistake to; have a meeting in melb Why would you live in melb 1 hr 45 min shepp to near Yarra glen Yarra glen to Scoresby 1hr 20 min nah did not get lost and some want more people to come hear
  11. mt rushmore just got a little bit higher seems like a lot off democrats with red faces trying to get under that rock neil
  12. suck it up princes OH BY THE WAY mark is back on the scene some persons just hate that people get the winning vote and cannot understand the better team won some one has to come second that is LOSE neil
  13. yeh octave have seen still don't know neil
  14. oh says so you say marty who cant read what pmc has put up so what are you going to store all the old solar panels in your back yard and feed your neighbours the minerals that will kill you or your kids your grandchildren oh that's right you will send them to a third world country and poision them what part don't you get off what pmc put up don't you get clown facthunter did you not say that wave power was the next your next free power source take about sheep more like goats making money for the al gore mal turncrapbull con men oh while im at just trying to get that battery of musk put next door to you marty have you studied what its full of neil
  15. check your mouth the crap still spilling out neil
  16. get your head out off your arse trump has given more to American persons than Clinton Obama you sheep are heading for the cliff get with facts neil
  17. so no comment on the second FAILURE off wave generation port Kembla just a couple millions wasted now WA Albany wave generation down the gurgalar but what the hell only acouple mill or so wasted on the green crap yeh new tec is the way to waste your money neil
  18. am I not surprised a wind solar wave and battery storage company in trouble oh that wonderful cheap free energy you crap on about neil
  19. yep red why can I find in any lane some one doing 80ks in a 100ks lane or some one going the wrong way :ban me please:neil
  20. space I am being a smart arse now and giving you a clue it was started near where THE FIRST RURAL FIRE SERICE in aust was formed neil
  21. sorry space no neil
  22. hey space ask mr google where Australian federation started neil
  23. storchy neil


    an important question for every party leader in the up coming federal election must be "under your policies what will be providing affordable base load power for Australia at 7am (before sunrise )on the 2nd of july 2023 neil
  24. had to go melb Friday to pick up some stuff 1hr 45 min from shep to donnybrook rd 2h 20 hrs to Beaumaris then when I left 2h 50 back to donnybrook rd then 2hr 15 min back to shep yeh long weekend road rage nah just go piissss off neil
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