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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. gee thats good news so yah horse is over the first hurdle had it not made it would have needed a lot of red to stop the urine boiling neil:oops:
  2. Yeh reminded me of the young bull and old bull story Neil
  3. But some live in a little box some can't think out side of their little square Neil
  4. nah they putting pigs in the orchards now so as when yah eat pork you don't have put apple sauce on it neil
  5. Oh sheeet red now that's a threat we don't need but if he's a real Pom could be good fun oh just a thought we could free trade for mal and co Neil
  6. Hey red stop stirring that Pom but I like it Neil
  7. Don't worry you two there's room in my boat as long you bring your own oar Neil
  8. Bit like gov makeing jobs for boys ah Bruce neil
  9. what so as the dictator of the poor country can put it on an aeroplane and fly away neil
  10. the blame is on the gov for closing mental prisons due to the bloody we don't need them do gooders they cost how mutch is life worth try and get some one into a mental hospital good luck in five years time neil
  11. Would be well adjusted girls neil
  12. dads little girl wouldn't do that would she ? neil
  13. hey phil they don't want your urine over heating again neil
  14. is the speed rite red neil
  15. O m e you gotta a good place to hide Neil
  16. Hey phill don't tell the mother in law she's got a pace maker Neil
  17. hey phil apply for a eu grant for your next holiday same over here can I get a grant to export turnbull shorten and greens over to you oh plus some well tanned others neil
  18. About time you migrated to some were see told you there is coruption every where can't get there to put you on the straight and narrow Cause the misses reconds I would corrupt you more yeeeeh:thumb up:neil
  19. Phil new it was coming loved the reply bloody tops Neil
  20. Never mind the VD just make sure yah hook up to the pusher cause the puller mite pull the Samidge toaster of the bench :help:Neil
  21. Hey guys and galls phil gotta fan club sorta big Neil Typical one a pusher and one a puller
  22. wont name anybody but did you find the missing bet slip on trump a clue:beg: check the other half of the wardrobe any new shoes or dresses neil
  23. So that's how the fight started Neil
  24. bloody amazing tell the cat don't go outside witch ones harry witch ones Hillary neil
  25. didn't someone get hair from chest removed by Corrine some years back seem to remember a photo off some ugly bloke (no not me ) yelling about pain I call her Beaut as her nik name, short for beautiful wont a disagreement from this old bloke don't worry Corrine daddies little girl sure has grown but would not have happened if he did not have the original pattern guess who she wants to dress her up for it, not her "mummy" but me, yes me, and that's when the fight started Caitlin you cant make a silk purse out off a sows ear good luck with daddy:oops: neil
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