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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. ian was that as bad as the removal off a certain amount off hair by a certain young lady ha ha neil
  2. example would be Telstra call centres would it not neil
  3. going to the pub bloody early your watch is fast the time checker misses getting home late from the pub your watch is slow time checker the misses any way you look at it your SA watches are slow to mine neil
  4. bex better explain that slower so as the government here might get it neil
  5. onetrack did that 20 odd years ago he still to this day he has not forgiven me but his wife has:cheezy grin: neil
  6. Why didnt you let us know you were coming we would not have shut the gate Neil
  7. hold the bloody boat you guys with a halal cert it taste better :oops:neil
  8. yeh she has been swigging fts water and that's Teflon turnbull sucking your supper I mean super with fairfaxs dog paper making a news neil
  9. with T W T B S in charge now that's Teflon Waffalar Turnbull Back Stabber getting all wet and gooey pity some forget conrad blackand and Kerry packer story neil
  10. Mark Molloy 6 May 2016 • 7:51am An orphaned kangaroo had a lucky escape after being abducted by a ‘massive’ wedge-tailed kangaroo in Western Australia. neil
  11. An orphaned kangaroo had a lucky escape after being abducted by a ‘massive’ wedge-tailed kangaroo in Western Australia man aint western aus in trouble neil
  12. bloody hard work that shovelling got a thing here in vic called frount end loader bruce is there a market over your way for them a few years ago a bloke was saying about putting up a wind turbine and facing it to where the wind came from I said you need to put it on a swivel head his wife asked why a swivel head my answer was cause if the wind blows from the opposite direction it will spin the blade the opposite direction and suck the power out of the batteries not thinking any thing of my stupid remark a couple off months latter we caught up I asked how the wind turbine project was going his reply was to expensive to put up two turbines :please:neil
  13. bruce they have no clothesline and the bloody kids have no fun swinging off them:oops: spoil sports how mutch coal power to make 0ne ton of alumiam will solar stand alone power run my big mig welder I would need 5 acres off batteries or give the misses an ear full to get the storm going to spin the turbine :im with stupid:neil
  14. Here's Assange, an Australian, hiding in the Equadorian embassy in London, in reasonable fear of being tortured in Guantanamo Bay, for revealing trivia that powerful people wanted kept secret, and I'm ashamed of how we fail to protect him and the free speech he exercised. accused rape get to the full story so you left that out neil
  15. egle it was little eagle neil
  16. for crist sake nev reading that picture went in me head of cane toad chomping wing with a bloody egle chomping it neil
  17. headline local paper:please: man killed after hitting tree in xxxxxx what would happen if he cut it down neil
  18. :oops:read this morning paper unprovoked shark attack:im stupid: shark must have been on beach:please:neil
  19. wide load 16 feet wide three flashing lights on rear off load rear ended by car driver off car thought he would move over meaning me he did not see escort car two flashing lights or cop car road grader rear ended by light truck grader in table drain cleaning it out 22 feet from sealed surface three flashing lights driver said that we should have stop go batten on road works just as well we didn't I would have had dead traffic controller repeat :loopy:wake up that's so as drug affected drivers:oops: can line you up:sorry: neil
  20. :loopy:wake up that's so as drug affected drivers:oops: can line you up:sorry: neil
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