storchy neil
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Everything posted by storchy neil
gee go to top of class and now shorten has gone so low that a snake would not feel him or a grub reason for statement he has opened the doors for the ferals to enter aust by their boat shorten is not the one that has to go and pull the bodies out of the water who is lying about naru and the hospital and the medical doctors 6 persons for each doc oh sheeeeet that's right the machinery is second hand from china or Africa so shorton and his union mates and greens rabel and the independents need to be deported and while your loading that refugee boat back to to where it came from through turnbull into it neil
no old k they don't mind paying tax as long as it is used properly 100000$ on gender guidelines on bloody toilets searching for a five legged turtle how to fool a doctor so as you get to aust how to fool the dole office how to not pay rent to landlord neil
Bill Shorten is my Shepherd, I shall not want: He will leadeth me beside still factories and abandoned farms. He will restoreth my faith about the Liberal Party. He will annointeth my wages with taxes and inflation So my expenses runneth over my income. Surely, poverty and hard-living shall follow if Labor win. Five thousand years ago Moses said: "Pack your Camels, pick up your shovels, move your arse, and I will lead you to the Promise Land." Five thousand years later Bill said: "Lay down your shovels, sit on your arse, light up a joint. This is the Promise Land". Next election Bill could take your shovel, sell your camel, kick your arse and tell you he gave away the Promise Land. I'm glad I'm Australian, I'm glad I'm free. But I wish I was a dog and Bill was a tree. neil
ask a racehorse owner neil
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
storchy neil replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
I gotta coulple mates over there that carry one thing that put me off going to Tassie is the water and neil -
so what some are saying that a couple of my mates should not have shelled out the 120 thousand and a 140 thousand for their childrens weddings that the same two mates should not own an aircraft or have the latest bmw or have a 150 thousand yatch or own a open water racing boat own their homes they are the ones that keep the ecomeny going not the dole bluggers that are to stupid to do anything and want the gov to bring them down neil
yenn being a farming contractor the weather patterns have constantly changed in 1960s my father was bailing hay at mundura station jerildera October in the eighties I baled hay in the same paddock in dec the same paddock was jan 2010 the same senerio seem to apply to the fruit its getting later when fruit is being picked aint worrying me to mutch like hard work it aint getting any hotter than the 60 cause it was on ray foxs back veranda it was 110 degrees I was carting little bales off hay the weather is one thing that the human race has got no control over what so ever anyone that says otherwise is full of crap and corupion neil
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
storchy neil replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
gee Donald sure made a good speech shot the others out of the water more popular than crappy Obama the yes boss man another term for him go Donald neil -
kg yes my grandmother walked across the murrey river near barmah in her sunday best before my mother was born it was at a trickle after the hume weir it has been hard to find a place were you could do that oh by the way apparently the gov has found to their surprise a great number of persons that want to build a real power station as your solar and wind is not as good as expected gee that is a surprise to me I think not it had to happened the crap that has been told about wind and solar being the cheapest is total crap take out the subsidies payed to agl and others it is the dearest the vic gov is now losing 33 cents of royalties that was paid by the power companies neil
shows that your stupidity of not reading what I wrote RIVER FLOW neil
without dams you have no river flow neil
bruce in USA they have a dam that has a overflow valve that redirects water to another river system via a tunnel when the dam reaches a certain height some where I have the specs on it very interesting same as what Bradfield said in the 30s neil
Every time I leap into a public jacuzzi I think. . . . "We're all in this together." phil that would be a siiiiiiight for sore eyes neil
what % off reliable power is produced by wind power solar power coal is 24/7 with out coal you will be in the dark or using diesel powered gens end off story oh sheeeet that battery whitch is the great con and by the way thank you coal for putting 66 BILLION dollars in the hand off aust neil
sisters still not in trouble but me brother inlaw reconds that the crocs yabbies and fish are cause sis was in bicinie and they left now believe this shit for brain paper has head line that the weir gates were opened to cause maximum damage to Townsville at 250% capacity off the dam why would you not open the gates I have a feeling that when the water reaches the height it did the gates open as a saftey measure neil
so the broken hill pipe line does not exist ? so the north south pipeline does not exist here in vic? half a billion dollars wasted never used when then the union (in other words labour party )does it its ok now that pipe line was constructed to take water out off the murray darling basin catchment area did you care about the ecosystem when the union does this no you don't kal pipeline don't exist pipeline into Adelaide don't exist without water how in the hell are you going to feed 25 million people so the quicker that the so called green movement moved to another country (if they can tollarate there stupidity ) and we build the dams required yes bruce Bradfield was right it can be done will it be done not if the tree huggers have there way neil
as at 0900 hrs this morning my sister who lives 3 klm from the weir gates does not have a flood problem but a rain problem gutters on the house cant handle the rain neil
od kor that is the most il informed piece off garbage that you could have written the two that agree had better go back to school just goes to show that some live within there own shadow neil
Looks like the medication is not working neil, mate. Nev sorry to hear that mate but according to some increase the dosage or you could borrow the pocket edition spectrometer from octave to check the contents of your pill hope you get better soon neil
sorry bruce but to many frogs black beaked parrots in the road greens could be buried bruce sorry mate but our defence spending should be doubled cut the spending the drug xxxx idiots dole bluggers publc servants when you have union interference in them schemes they don't work out neil
I lugged around an A510 military transceiver for a while, two heavy boxes around my waist. It had a big whip aerial but half the time it didn't work. Now the same function is the size of a cigarette packet! pmcc i know what your saying the yanks carried mine cause I was a little bloke and they felt sorry for me neil
light speed the wind and solar failed you been watching the lying Andrews gov crap or the abc 300,000 homes with out power cost to tax payers 1.1 billion dollars yes the coal fired gen did break down because could not keep up with demand I was actually watch the demand for power when the ssheeet hit the fan 24000 $ per mwh at peek you been sold a pig in a bag by the renewable shiiiit for brains it is possible to watch power pricing and use live litespeed I notice you use the Canberra times as a news source another full off crap paper as bad as the crap that the ABC cant tell the truth neil
space in aust we drag a big chain like an ancor chain across trees so as the cattle can eat the leaves neil
for Christ sake 1.1 billion is what it will cost vic and sa tax payers the lying Andrews labour gov is lying bloody and you voted for that sheeeet you A B C are lying $24000 er mwh for electricity the wind and solar could not keep up neil