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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. sorry that we do not need defending you are right in your mind open your eyes and look around you because Australia has nothing neil
  2. space that tree was still there2003 /4 when we started on that track going from the western side and got near that turn the gps that I was using failed at the turn the other driver said which way I replied theres at tree up the road if you don't pass it your gone the wrong way and you will wind up in a salt pan he laughed did a lttle bit of work out there neill
  3. yenn I know of a couple of pilots that did that burning from the air trying get em on the phone that's another stuff up by your gov experts that no jack sheeeet neil
  5. thanks to those that phoned me to see if I was ok neil
  6. my humble self seeks forgiveness from marty-g I am sorry pays not to listen to podcaste when typing:oops: neil
  7. I hear now we have a political party in aust has had their account on face bool or twitter or one of them pulled down cause it up set the people that do not abide by our laws don't believe me take a look at what is happening near Sydney marty-G what ever I say in your eyes will not be right you go ahead and believe the ABC and Fairfax there is a ship that leaves Tassie and goes to another wourld neil
  8. how in the hell 90 years ago aust built railways roads with 3 or 4 mil how in the hell 70 years ago aust built snowy scheme with 5or6 mill now with 25 mil aust cant pay its way got to borrow for Christ sake what planet are some on neil
  9. that piece ofxxxxxx should get 10 years I have a gut feeling he got a smack trying to find the out come neil
  10. no marty-d you give me evidence that it did not happen to tommy marty I run a ipad pc two tablets mostly on news or forums I have followed phils post for awhile see that mob at ABC have some explaining to do oh nothing to see move on oh by the way marty the hearing aid aint tuned into the ABC I look at the whole story what has gone on neil
  11. jerry that piece of sheeeeet got a smack on the hand if it is the same story I was following will look at it further should have got 10 years neil
  12. sheet phil tommy been taken off my source off info someone don't like his truth neil
  13. marty-d I have a free hearing aid for you neil
  14. hows yah footy team going jerry before Brexit or after Brexit :thank you:neil
  15. thanks phil been looking for that hey whats his back ground save me checking him out neil
  16. look at what Osaka will be putting in her pocket now dummy spits aint the best way to go neil
  17. don't mention that bruce like don't mention the war neil
  18. why I hate solar wind cause you are getting ripped off and told a complete lie as to why you need it that garbage that the labour told you sheep how it will save the planet sheet for brains Gillard and rudd and Malcolm turn to shit bull are making money out off you suckers ask turnbulls son the oxgen theif get a new calculator and work out the true cost off your so called new cheep power your taxes are paying for it nomadpete that is fact my figures are about what they are paying me for my excess power again I state that the state of Victoria covered on solar panels and wind towers you may enough power to charge a couple off torch batteries that's if the wind blows at about a steady 25 to 35 knots and the panels are kept spotless keep up the crap that we need renewables and you wont have a job to go to neil
  19. They'll always charge more for what they sell than what they buy. Last month I was charged $96.02 for the 143 kWh I bought from the grid, but only paid $25.30 for the 248 kWh I fed back into the grid. LAST MONTH CHARGED FROM GRID $0.36 kwh PAID for putting BACK TO GRID $0.713 kwh WHAT PART OF THAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND neil
  20. bruce close on two hundred years ago wind power alone was not a good idea think before you bite neil
  21. so you want our wages or theirs neil
  22. sheet phil that's old one did that 50 years ago neil
  23. NBN and cleen energy neil
  24. pink bats and the deaths banking scandle caught many by surprise me included neil
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