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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. now I have to believe in climate change cause fed lost to an ausie because of climate change what a load of crap and corruption what next neil
  2. well ill be stxxxx 10 year old grand daughter was taken into a paper shop by her other grand father and told to get any book that she wanted any book at all well she walk around and picked up a book and asked the other pop could she get this one yep says pop when he went to pay for it he asked did she want it yes she said it was a bloody naplan book educational this is bit hard to do any thing when the 14 year old bashes into his mother as stated on 60 minutes neil
  3. how do you punish 14 year old that wants to play video games all day and not go to school ? neil
  4. gee phil any chance that they could do the tunnels in melb oh that's not possible their not in the union and they may not go over budget by a couple mill neil
  5. bruce watch this space on this mater I have a gut feeling the sheeeeet about to hit the fan big time neil
  6. storchy neil


    yeh bruce I kinda agree back in the seventies I was cutting cement sheeting with asbestos in it for the wallarawang power station mob and I still smoke lunges still work fine gee guys I gotta fill me pockets with stones to get 75 kgs neil
  7. nev you are smarter than that to make sutch a statement that you do not read news papers how can you make that comment on trump oh you get it on line do you and they don't tell porkies sorry mate neil
  8. storchy neil


    we now have precations that need to be taken being made aware that it is dangerous as nev said years ago he did get covered in so did I never was told how dangerous it was no we wernt so if by education we can use it why not neil
  9. yes jerry when some are made aware that some thing is not on their scope and they are blind to facts attack the person that has made them aware that corruption is going on in there back yard like phil pointed out about them white girls in your country I knew 12 months or so ago it got put under the carpet I take a gues it involved to high profile people neil
  10. nev it is a saying in the army neil
  11. Take me to task all you want to Neil, the fact remains that you are talking A-grade manure. How many times has female mutilation happened in Australia? It is a criminal act and if someone does it, and gets caught, they will be charged. How is this different from domestic violence, rape and murder against women, done by all cultures including white Australians? As for the African melee which damaged police cars, yes, probably poorly handled. I can't speak to Victorian police procedures in riot situations but it's not a good look. Regardless of the race of the offenders it SEEMS like they should be making arrests then and there. yes marty how many has it happened I know off four cases were the child nearly died I have heard that it is quite high when the coppers have a no go zone until the children are mutilated you that are blind to bloody facts yet quote them when it suits you my taxes are paying for something can be stopped by not bringing them here as for a grade manure is it well stop my post from entering your perfect world princess neil
  12. fact yes I have seen photos off this barbaric culture that is against our laws and its in aust neil
  13. so multiculturism means that the cops have a no go area so as the persons of that area are beyond the laws of the so called peasants what law of the land don't I get is why that cop stopped a person from going about on aust soil bit like people were not allowed to enter black fella land because if it got out how much crap was going on there the sheeeeeet would hit the fan I now take you to task marty does the barbaric crap of female mutilation happen in aust ? marty when you have poor little children smashing police property and a dumb copper saying there were only about20 25 there for Christ wake up the law coppers can only catch big tough bikes oh I misread that oh sorry princes I wont do it again it didn't happen fake news when you have these so called goody persons and that have a free reighn to build a community that no one is allowed to stop that's bullxxx neil
  14. nev them batteries are only as good as the charge that goes in neil
  15. yes space stand alone aint cheep for what I needed would cost north 20 grand then I would have needed a stand by gen another 8 10 grand when I put the solar on my roof at home I did the sums and the end result was 5 years to fully repay me for the expense if I did the same cost analist to day 6 to 7 years and with a lot off cut backs old k I notice greatly reduced used by you why would you not put in a system that would cut your power bill to zero on your house marty that word climate is another word for make more money for the al gores of this world weather patterns have changed 20 years ago the highs an lows came across aust from above perth now they come in across the bite naturally the warm air that is in the tropics and the cooler air aint meeting in the right place what piece off that is not getting through in other words globule warming is sheet neil
  16. so that is ok to mutilate young girls is that what your saying neil
  17. cant someone come up with an answer why do you want solar or wind power neil
  18. so marty here is the same question for you it is ok" for the genital mutalation of young girls"? and don come back with acoxxxxxheads response neil
  19. so nev I ask you this question do you condone the stoning of women that have been raped ? neil
  20. no nev they will be charging you and they are not building on a treeless desert a repeat why do yo have to have that so called clean energy clean for what ? What about the NEW form of hydrogen they have just come up with (from Ammonia NH4). Hydrogen burns to form water only?. is it working now now is when we need it neil
  21. marty am I not allowed to have my opinion of those that follow baa baas I have followed what luren has said and what she has done high lighting the failings of many like that newzealander that was so cocky after his interview of what she was on about in my opinion he really has no idea and was totally out off his mind to even ask her for an interview lauren took him to task bloody great job on putting him down neil
  22. so our electricity prices are coming down well I can just see it happening when your bloody wind and solar is going to be paid north off 713 cents per kwh to produce it How do I come to this figure that's what they pay me why do yo have to have that so called clean energy clean for what ? neil
  23. oh sheet should not have mention airstrip cause hear at shepp local paper there is another push to relocate shepp airport and make it bigger so as the produce from this area can go by airfreight sheet that's going to be one big pipe dream who is going to buy that when you are two hrs away from tulla neil
  24. sorry fellas there aint an airstrip on em school sites oh by the way I suppose its Harvey normans fault that 18 just lost there job near me neil
  25. bloody good story oh for those who pitcher read outside the square yep got any more cause l loved it or is my mind becoming deveated and corupted neil
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