storchy neil
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Everything posted by storchy neil
Sometimes there is a good reason, although my son reckons "scars are tattoos with better stories" some are not visible to the naked eye neil
bit like me mate down the street whos 38 year old son claim a disability pension who only has only had a job for 4 or 6 years off his life but when his father and I were talking about that he informed us of how to get all the lurks he claims that his taxes should keep him like the persons that are well over tanned driving a two year old Toyota that is in the price range 70 grand living in a housing commission house a few years ago when I gave up work full time I went calling bingo this women played 6 game book x3 for a session cost her 36 dollars for a session four times a week when I was calling I actually seen her in a op shop getting a food voucher cause she could not afford the rent off a commission house bruce what has so called climate change it is a shifting of the weather pattern as all off my working life I have been outside (oh shit except when I left school and got a job delivering telegrams that didn't last long ) all the highs and lows are now coming in over the great aust bite were as twenty years ago they were coming in over the top of perth oh by the way wolworths Monday people are ripping them off coming in with two or three bags doing a full shop and are getting two or three bags for nothing so woolworths are out of pocket resources depletion is a money exercise bit like me mate who owns a sand hill at the moment its worth around 5 to 6 mill when he got it that hill cost 20,000 what is under the ground and in places you would not believe is coal gas and other that people don't know about neil
hey bruce easy fixed cut spending on solar by 20 billion aboriginal 10 billion welfare 20 billion hospitals 20 billion foreign aid 40 billion and the list goes on oh dear and that's just a few who would own a rental property these days I had two cost more for up keep and legal fees to get them out no respect for others property my son has one he finally got em out 2000 dollars latter for repairs plus lost rent that they are paying off at twenty dollars a week for the next six months its up for sale now But remember the US professor who says we are all about to go extinct ( 10 years) ...so there are other possibilities. well bruce in that case what a bloody waste off time them wind towers and solar set ups are when no one will be around neil
She's a college drop-out with a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. bloody lot smarter than some dropkicks I know Saw a clip of her trying to whip up controversy over here - most people didn't know who she was and were of the opinion that she should piss off and get a life. so based on a clip you are an expert I wonder why you'd want to share it? my opinion for post of phils draws the crows out in the open funny how some have a hate off free speech only the uneducated imbersils who have little brains and full off there own importance oh whats the bloody use I think this woman's main claim to fame is that she's not a typical Canadian - they're usually polite, respectful and reasonable. so because the woman thinks and works out side your little box gives you the right to denigrate her neil
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
question how long will the solar panels last in years ? at what stage will you replace the wind turbines ? how old is the youngest coal fired power station ? how old is the oldest coal fired power station ? the panels on my roof have a ten year life span so will have to renew them that is 12 new panels so its ok for me to get 713 cents back to grid 2009 I was paying 13 cents kwh coal today I am paying 36 cents kwh renewable my mate was charged for 500 meters of underground power $ 20,000 pluss he had to buy the new meter and pay his electrician $2600 to connect coal is the cheapest no they go and pay for the most expensive crap that will have to be replaced in around ten years neil -
na red just for comensence that seems to be missing I could not build a shed 33 feet x18 feet 10 feet because not enough clearance between me and neighbour neil
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
octave could you point out on what page off that report that simms says coal is out that story is not what simms says it what some mupput of a reporter says oh and by the way that battery builder off SA battery has a generator beside it and for that battery builder to call a diver that got those kids out a pedo is beyond a joke those sort of muppets have never been into caves neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
octave have read that report give me a couple days to think it through neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
olk when I finish that accc written report and a couple of others I am reading cannot rush these things the old brain needs a spell now and again neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
with respect octave the whole report is available on line read the report not the bloody paper don't tell me what some pissant reporter says yes olk I have part read that report bit more to go neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
notice you have gone away from wind and battery what the ACCC started you to look silly neil -
hey red did you buy any off them dried figs with the maggots in them from woollies you get the figs for free but pay for the maggots neil
four cars tried to kill me 5000 nogs tried to kill me five trucks tried to kill me had a go at sky diving 1 aeroplane tried to kill me 1 aeroplane would have killed me bowl cancer had a go waldenstroms cancer had a go a couple of women I have up set old age welcome bring it on just to piss of the kids and every body off I have lived a very sheltered life neil
marty-d said Don't know where you get your info, but you may want to start getting it from people who know what they're talking about. who do you sugest flannery shorten rud Gillard turnbull oh bishop oh the greens oh Jackie lambie oh the hundred scientist that did the great study that the earth was warming using the wrorg data old koreelah said Coastal cities are already being affected. Farmland is being lost. like the islands in the pacific that have disapeared due to riseing sea levels where is that at last info I had was the are still there you are the ones that are getting fleeced for electric power I am getting paid for you useing my power thank you for the 713 cents per kwh I put into the grid neil
oh shit YOU elected tony abbot as prime minister not the piece off crap that could not run a chook raffle lost what was it 12 seats to labour so the glaciers have not melted before how in the hell did the bodies get to the bottom off a couple off glaciers oh that's right they dug a snow cave turnseet and that bishopppp morainonison are so called leaders back stabing bumbling idiots have led you sheep over the cliff He's Labor's best asset. nev wake up labors worst night mare how many seats did he win fact think about this there is a heat sink below that ice neil
and he's damaged this country enough already. please explain nev neil
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
no way nev are you a dill you answered my argument marty-d not lucky it is called doing the sums on what politicians try to feed shiiiit down the sheeps throut neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
sooooory jerry but until 2023 the gov pays me 60 yes 60 cents per khr back to the grid the 13 cents is what agl pay me not to change supplier now my friend there are 11 persons that I personally know that are in my boat they took my advice and got in early when that brain dead dud and gilliar conned the sheep to follow her/him neil -
no that's phil moving to future son inlaw neil
now that's when the dog house has a new squatter neil
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
for Christ sake agl are paying me 713 cents per kwh back to grid whitch I collect about 200 to 300 dollars every 3 mounths after my power bill is paid neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
so proposed solar panels cover 5267 Ha for 1885 MW slowly covering vic neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
marty said As long as we keep electing f*ckwits then nothing will happen about climate change. marty where has the climate changed what effect has it had on you when are the gooses and sheep going to wake up that it is a con climate change you are the fxxxwits wheather patterns have changed over the years I agree with that neil -
From other site...WIND TURBINES
storchy neil replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Science and Technology
so 650million for a solar shieeeet that may never work in south Australia bruce your power prices are going up again qld to get a coal fired power that's good cause is affordable 650 million should build a top off the range one and not have to replace the guts of it every 10 years and you will be able to sell more power to vic and nsw and sa neil -
octave I was there 1967 in uniform was you neil