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Everything posted by farri

  1. I came across this on the net, this afternoon! Coalition corruption: Turnbull’s tawdry tenure terminates Frank.
  2. [ATTACH]49428._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. I reckon your right...
  4. [ATTACH]49206._xfImport[/ATTACH] A ninety year old aboriginal elder sat in his humpy eyeing two government 'Welfare' officials sent to interview him. One official said to him: "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You have seen his wars and his technological advances. You have seen his progress and the damage he has done." The elder nodded in agreement. The official continued: "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the whitefella go wrong?" The elder stared at the two government officials for over a minute and then he calmly replied: "When whitefella found the land, blackfellas were running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty kangaroo, Plenty fish, Women did all the work, Medicine man free, Aboriginal man spent all day hunting and fishing, All night having sex." Then the elder leaned back and smiled: "Only whitefella bloody stupid enough to think he could improve a system like that". Frank.
  5. Someone in our area has had enough of the Crocodiles...Some unknown person shot this Croc about 2 or 3 nights ago...The white spot in the middle of the head, is the bullet hole...A dead Croc sinks to the bottom then it takes a couple of days for a it to come to the surface, due to the buildup of gas. A local neighbour has his boat moored in the Mulgrave river,in front of his house, half a kilometer up the road, saw the dead Croc being pushed along by the tide and came and got me...I took the photos. As I was at the boat, with the owner, taking photos, a local doctor and his lady partner turned up to have a look...It turned out she was the lady who was in the water with her friend when her friend was taken by a Croc...The Doctors partner, looked at the Croc, went back up on the bank, sat down and cried. Human remains found inside crocodile caught in far north Queensland [ATTACH]49090._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]49091._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]49092._xfImport[/ATTACH] Frank.
  6. Absolutely! Why not? That`s your privilege! doesn`t follow though, that others have to believe in Unicorns. My wife and I once went to a seminar in Cairns, where the guy running the seminar told everyone, there are little blue people, with special powers, who live in Pyramids, such as, Walshs Pyramid, near Gordonvale, that only come out at night, that`s why we don`t see them...He wasn`t very happy when I questioned what he`d said. Michel J. P. Desmarquet was living here at Deeral, when he claimed he`d been taken by Aliens` to the ninth planet, I spoke to him about it and he tried hard to convince me it happened. ABDUCTION TO THE NINTH PLANET That is a valid point. Could it be???...I think it very unlikely that humans will ever solve all the mysteries of the universe. Frank.
  7. Therefore! If God created humans in the image of himself, as it says in the Bible, God also has many flaws!!! It amazes me how the true believer, believes there is a God and the non believer, believes there is no God, neither one has any proof to their belief and yet! they are so certain they are correct, in their belief. As this is the Recreational Flying Forum, I say this! Believe as much as you want, that you can fly, without an aircraft, you`re going nowhere,so,launch yourself off a tall structure and you will fly,straight down,till you come into collision with terrain...Believing it is so,doesn`t make it so!!! Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and religion, provided it dose no harm to others. Frank. Ps, It also amazes me that God is Male....
  8. As a kid, in Tully Nth Qld, I loved Guy Fawkes night, that was when you could buy fireworks from various places, most of us knew it was about some bloke called Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up parliament in England but didn't know anything else about the story & we didn't care either, we just had a lot of fun. So! What`s one of my gripes? I`m thoroughly disgusted with the behaviour of our politicians,in Parliament and to make it worse, they allow school children to observe from the public gallery and televise the proceedings...Would the sort of behaviour they go on with, be acceptable in any board room, anywhere? I don`t think so, so why should it be acceptable in our Parliament?...It shouldn`t be!!! These guys, are supposed to be running the country but mostly what they do is jeer at each other and try to rake up as much muck as possible on the other guy, so that they can keep their own position...How the hell then,can we get good policy making, from them. Oh! By the way! With some of them loosing their seat due to dual citizenship,technically, hasn`t the government, been governing illegally? Frank.
  9. Keep in mind, there are fresh water and salt water Crocodiles`, it`s the salt water ones the are the baddies...With the end of Croc hunting and with each hatching that occurs ever year, the numbers have been increasing and will continue to increase...They`re able to adapt to fresh water so they`ve gone further up the creeks and rivers and you will find them in fresh water and they are just as dangerous. This is the box jellyfish stinger season, in Nth Queensland and what we call, stinger net enclosures, are put out off the beaches for those who want to go swimming, hopefully! they will keep the Jellyfish out, however, the nets don`t keep the Crocs` out and there have been several Crocs removed from inside of these nets...At night, the nets are lit by floodlight and there`s a real danger you might be swimming with a Croc,so,if a Jellyfish don`t get you, a Crock might...In my opinion, it`s not safe anymore to swim inside these nets at night and you need to be very careful, if you are the first person going for a swim in the morning...It`s officially the start of the Croc breeding season and already 2 Crocs` have been sighted off the Cairns Esplanade. This is the Croc we saw, when flying yesterday,Andre took the photo,it looks small because I was at 700 feet agl...I`m fairly certain, it`s the one below. [ATTACH]49051._xfImport[/ATTACH] I took this photo, from my Tinni.
  10. This morning I took a young couple from Germany, flying in the Drifter...In the Mulgrave river, about 3/4 of a kilometer, in a straight line, from my main strip, was a Croc, over 4 meters long,gently swimming up stream, on the surface...A tinnie went past it, no more than 10 mts away from it and the Croc just gently kept on swimming, guys in the tinnie probably didn`t even see it... I circled around it a couple of times so Andre could get a good look at it,then it went to the bottom...No more sight of it but it was there...As I`ve said in my post above, you`ll never know where one or more will be. Frank.
  11. A couple of weeks ago I was on High Island... High, is 8.4 klm north east of Russell Heads and 4.3 klm east of Palmers Point... Logged between the rocks on the western side of the Island was a steel cylinder about 5 mts long and 1 mt in diameter, sealed at both ends...I reckon it will need a crane to get it out of there...Unfortunately, the ocean is becoming ever more polluted...Where will it end?
  12. I`ve just got back from my regular Croc spotting flight ,In the Drifter, up the Mulgrave river. I know where I will regularly find several Crocs`, over 3 mts long and some smaller ones, sunning themselves in winter but I havn`t seen a single one for the last 6 weeks, so, " Where are they?" They are there somewhere. As I see it, unless every Crock is taken out and that`s not going to happen,nor am I suggesting it should,culling some isn`t going make much difference because when one dominant Croc is taken out, another one soon takes it`s place and because you will never know exactly where a Croc will be,you need to be Croc wise when in Croc country. This was sent to me by a guy from Brisbane, who I took flying, while he was up here...I had to convert from pdf to jpeg to be able to post it here so I hope you can read it. [ATTACH]49049._xfImport[/ATTACH] Frank.
  13. Yesterday, I dug up some potato`s from our veg garden and these two were among them... [ATTACH]48815._xfImport[/ATTACH] Franco.
  14. Mongrels who deface road signs and those who throw their litter on the side of our roads.
  15. Wet bugger of a day, just taking a break from a couple of hours of Guitar playing so I came back to your post...I`d love to watch also! How about you make a Video and post it here!!! Last Saturday, Fran and I attended one of our Granddaughter`s wedding...Three piece, mature guys` provided the nights entertainment... Guitarist singer, Drummer and Guitarist: Great music, great night! Had a ball! I played at a lot of functions, when I was a young guy: did a lot of weddings but missed out on a lot of the fun because I and the rest of the band were always providing the music to the fun! Tried to make up for it on Saturday night,though. One of my neighbours`,John Bennett, is from Liverpool... As a young guy, in the sixties, he played Guitar with a group called, "The Bumblies,Cryin Shame" ( John B, in the Video). Just wondering if you recall the Group? John, Drifter flying, with me. [ATTACH]48779._xfImport[/ATTACH] Frank.
  16. G`Day Phil,I started a pop band at 15 years of age... I played guitar with three other bands before I gave it away, for more than twenty years, finally picked up a guitar again at forty eight years of age! I still play at home, just for my own satisfaction....Back then, I had a genuine British Fender Stratocaster and how I wish I still had that guitar! these days I play a Fender Squire Stratocaster. Technology has advanced so much from the sixties that these I play my guitar and computer sound through a Fender Mustang v2 amplifier with "Fender Fuse" software for the Amplifier... I have a program called Vanbasco Karaoke Player for windows,on my computer... I search the net with VanBasco midi search (or other midi search engines) for the midi files I want, I then edit the midis` and they become my backing tracks...No other musos` required...Solo artist often use a similar system, run from a laptop computer. Frank.
  17. [ATTACH]48774._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. farri


  19. Today`s slang is tomorrows language!!!
  20. Brilliant! .......Do, recall some!
  21. Retired priest: ‘Hell’ was invented by the church to control people with fear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkaH3hEmV3M
  22. Came across this Video! not sure if it should be posted in Religion or Politics but here it is...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qCJReFvMTI
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