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No, but I pointed at it several times, as I was directly above them...Just reminded me of the time, way back, when Bob Plant, the legendary Crock shooter, returned from a flight to Russell Heads, in the Drifter...There were two tinny`s about 50 mts apart and a big Croc on the surface, between them! Bob said he was frantically pointing at it and all they did was wave back.. Croc just kept going on it`s way. For years, there`s been a big Croc about half a kilometer up from the boat ramp! This particular day there was a boat right on the spot and I`d seen the Croc on the mud bank, the afternoon before! There were two girls in the boat and three guys in the water,only a couple of meters from the bank, either the Croc had gone somewhere else overnight or it was lying on the bottom, bellow them! My thoughts at the time, " If only you`s could see the size of the Croc that was there, yesterday afternoon"....No attack occured. There`s a lot of paranoia about Crocodiles. Frank.
We used to do it years ago, on the stretch where the Mulgrave and the Russell meet, to the Russell Heads! Can`t anymore, by law. Went flying up the Mulgrave last Saturday to see if Big Boss Croc was still around ( been thinking it might be the one they shot ) Yep! still there, on the sand bar! this one is a real big one, I reckon over 5 mts, there was another one about 2mts...Two guys were heading up the river in a tinny so I circled around to see what was going to happen, they got about a hundred meters from Big Boss and it just gently backed up into the water with hardly a ripple and lay on the bottom, the guys in the tinny got about 20 mts from it, stopped and started fishing...No reports of any Croc attack. As winter comes on, I`ll get to see more as they come out of the water onto the sandbars to catch the sun and warm up. Frank.
Yeah I know! but we choose to live here...Yesterday, I saw another big one a bit further up the river. A couple of months ago our Granddaughter who lives with her husband and children here in a second house on the property, was on her way to work, at 7 am, got just up the road,spotted something up ahead on the side of the road, slowed right down thinking someone had hit a dog and just as she got to it, a Croc about 2 meters long, took off across the road in front of her and launched itself into the river. My mate John Bennett lives in the first house to the right of the red circle....Every morning around 7 am John would walk with his 2 dogs, up the road past the red circle, to the boat ramp and back..... It`s quite possible the Croc had worked out, sooner or later it could get a meal there....John doesn`t walk the dogs that way any more. Warren Huges was taken, while spearfishing, on Saturday the 18 th of March and on that weekend 2 dogs were taken by Crocs, off the the beaches north of cairns and a dog was taken from a paddock on the bank of the north Johnston river, yesterday afternoon. It`s now got to a point where the well being of the Crocodiles is taking priority over the well being of the people! [ATTACH]48673._xfImport[/ATTACH] Frank. [ATTACH]48672._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Three Cheers to the French Muslim at the end of the video,from 20.43! Couldn`t have said it better myself.
Been wondering what they put in the water, myself.......most of my lightly ginger hair that I had when I was younger, has turned grey. Biochemistry and genetics The pigment pheomelanin gives red hair its distinctive color. Red hair has far more of the pigment pheomelanin than it has of the dark pigment eumelanin. The genetics of red hair, discovered in 1997, appear to be associated with the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), which is found on chromosome 16. Red hair is associated with fair skin color because low concentrations of eumelanin throughout the body of those with red hair caused by a MC1R mutation can cause both. The lower melanin concentration in skin confers the advantage that a sufficient concentration of important Vitamin D can be produced under low light conditions. However, when UV-radiation is strong (as in regions close to the equator) the lower concentration of melanin leads to several medica disadvantages, such as a higher risk of skin cancer. The MC1R recessive variant gene that gives people red hair generally results in skin that is unable to tan. Because of the natural tanning reaction to the sun's ultraviolet light and high amounts of pheomelanin in the skin, freckles are a common but not all-inclusive feature of red-haired people. Eighty percent of redheads have an MC1R gene variant,[2] and the prevalence of these alleles is highest in Scotland and Ireland. Red hair can originate from several changes on the MC1R-gene. If one of these changes is present on both chromosomes then the respective individual is likely to have red hair. This type of inheritance is described as an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Even if both parents do not have red hair themselves, both can be carriers for the gene and have a redheaded child. Genetic studies of dizygotic (fraternal) twins indicate that the MC1R gene is not solely responsible for the red hair phenotype; unidentified modifier genes exist, making variance in the MC1R gene necessary, but not always sufficient, for red hair production. Frank.
Being low tide, I went for a quick fly up the Mulgrave river this afternoon and it didn`t take me long to find a couple of big Crocs... They were both sitting on the bottom, in shallow water.... I estimated both of them to be over 3 mts long...Neither of those were the real big one, I see often, in that area...About half a kilometer away from one Croc, two guys in a tinny were casting lures. [ATTACH]48665._xfImport[/ATTACH] Frank.
John, an atheist, was walking through the woods. 'What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!' he thought, when suddenly he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look ... and saw a 7ft grizzly bear charging towards him. John cried out, 'Oh my God!' Time stopped ... The bear froze ... The forest was silent ... A bright light shone upon the man, and a deep majestic voice came out of the sky ... 'John, I thought you didn't believe in me.' John looked directly into the light ... 'I don't, and it would be hypocritical of me to start now ... but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian?' ... A pause ... 'Very well,' said God. The light went out ... The sounds of the forest resumed ... The bear brought both paws together ... Bowed his head, and said ... 'Lord, bless this food which I am about to eat. Amen.'
For him, it is the right way! .........Dare to be different. Frank.
I`m caught between a rock and a hard place on culling! I see every living thing as an individual! it matters naught to the Croc that was shot, that there is an enormous amount of Crocs left, for it, it`s life has ended, on the other hand, I believe we humans have a right to protect ourselves from anything that threatens our survival, it`s what and how we choose to protect ourselves, that is the real issue. Frank.
On Saturday 18/03/2017 Warren Hughs, from Cairns, North Queensland, became the latest victim of a Crocodile attack, while spear fishing! On the same day, a guy in his late teens, was attacked by a Crocodile when he jumped off the jetty, into the Johnstone river, at Innisfail, North Queensland. Since Crocodiles were declared an endangered species, numbers have increased enormously and with new hatchings each year, the numbers will continue to increase! It`s no longer safe for anyone walking on the beaches or swimming, in the ocean, creeks or rivers, where Crocodiles are known to excist. Is it time to start culling Crocodiles? The red circle is where Warren was attacked. [ATTACH]48120._xfImport[/ATTACH] The area of the Innisfail attack [ATTACH]48121._xfImport[/ATTACH] Frank.
If it`s yourself you are referring to, you have my greatest sympathy as I would have, for anyone else, however, it doesn`t have anything to do with what I`ve been trying to say, which is!... To have any real affect on the elicit drug trade, I believe the users have to be seen as being responsible for creating the demand, therefore accountable, not just as victims of evil drug producers and pushers. I wonder how many new users of Ice or any other elicit drug, there are today, from last night`s parties?... I reckon there will be and I also reckon they made the choice to put the stuff in their mouths or anywhere else they put it. Frank.
Medication may well cost a fraction of detention but are all the addicts going to take the medication without being forced to do so? I don`t think detention, without any form of rehabilitation, does much, if anything, to solve the problem! Detention cost the tax payer an enormous amount of $$$ that could be better spent elsewhere. Drug Facts & Information - ice, cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine & other drugs Frank.
I don`t profess to know the answer to the issue but I don`t think it should be about the law, it really should be about finding the best way to address the manufacturing, supply and demand...Just my opinion, but starting with the users and correct education in our schools, is not a bad place to start. Will decriminalization mean addicts will be given the fix they need at the tax payers expense?...I dare say it will. Frank.
spacesalor, You may have missed the fact that I specifically said "illicit drugs"...There`s a very big difference between those who take illicit drugs and those who require medical attention and use prescribed drugs...To my mind, there`s also a very big difference between those who smoke Pot and those who might benefit from medicinal Marihuana...Having said that, there are those who have smoked Pot most of their lives and say it has done them no noticeable harm...I don`t know if that is correct so I`ll leave that issue alone. I believe the illicit drug users are those who are driving the illicit drug trade... As I said in my previous post, without users there would be no demand and without producers and distributors there would be no supply...Chicken and the egg situation. Frank.
If there were no manufacturers and dealers, there would be no illicit drugs and if there were no users, there would be no demand! From what I understand, the demand exceeds supply, therefore, I can`t see how the illicit drugs, Ice or any other drug, situation is going to change much until the users are held responsible for being part of the situation. Everyone needs to accept that before becoming addicted to any drug, it has to be consumed! if a case can be made that the user is just a poor victim,then a case can be made that the dealer is just a poor victim, also. Manufacturing, dealing, distributing and consuming are all part of the same problem. Frank.
10/10......Has to happen!!!
Is this a great idea or what?
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