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About Mr.Vegemite

  • Birthday 24/06/1949

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  1. I'm no scientist but I thought the whole point of a nuclear reactor was to generate heat to turn water into steam to drive turbines and generate electricity. Why you would want to use salt to cool it doesn't make sense to me. I thought they raised and lowered "rods" to regulate the fusion process and therefore the heat generated.
  2. I must admit I haven't read all the comments but I have been watching the news and regardless of what is being said here on estimates to build nuclear power plants and their cost, you only have to look at real world costs and timelines. They are simply extraordinary. Extremely long times to get up and running, sometimes more than double the time originally estimated and cost blow-outs of more than 100%. I'd accept that having them as a back-up in times of need is acceptable but not at the expense of getting more wind and solar/battery online.
  3. If you think slotted are bad have a look at these that are used on RAAF Hercules C-130 aircraft. https://waykenrm.com/blogs/aerospace-fasteners/ You slide the tool tip into them, the theory being it won't slip out. Invariably they would just sheer the slot off completely. I would have liked a dollar for every one I had to drill one out. The aircraft were given an Aircraft Deterioration Service at Qantas back in the 60's 70's so not surprising the screw heads suffered while sitting out at Richmond base year after year.
  4. I live in one of the wettest areas in the country with annual rainfall measured in metres. The Tasmanian West Coast and yet I have never seen a home with a water tank and some councils actually ask residents to conserve water. I have that problem in the house I just started renting. It takes a few minutes to get hot water in the bathroom and the water heater is in the bathroom. The pipes must run the perimeter of the house before reaching the taps. Amazing!
  5. Not only a power saving but very handy in traffic when stopped for extended times.
  6. Insightful ๐Ÿ˜„
  7. True, it is one thing to have a good defence but another to stop your aggressor.
  8. To his credit Rockliff did say "we have heard you" (the electorate), even if he didn't spell it out that they lost votes. It won't change anything of course. Back to square one. I was amused by the various party members on the panel having shots at each other. They just can't help themselves. 'You said this. No I didn't. Yes you did'. They are all liars with selective memory. What annoys me is how they have these plans, some set for 2030. All well and good but if they had planned in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation with housing and so on. They've had 10 years and things get worse .... <rant over> To add. I came to this state exactly 10 years ago so have a good snapshot of how things have progressed. Or should I say regressed.
  9. That's already the case and has been for years. The US has intelligence/communications bases in South Australia. Bases in the NT with ongoing rotations. Once we get set up for our nuclear subs it will only be a matter of time before the UK and US bring theirs into our region for leave/maintenance/supplies so we will have nukes right on our door-step.
  10. If you think we couldn't develop a nuclear weapon, when you consider the first was developed before the end of world war two, then you believe in fairies ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. It's a treaty that in fact means nothing except a desire to reduce nuclear armament. Then you have the ones that haven't signed it and continue with nuclear testing. "Withdrawal" "Each State Party has the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events related to the subject matter of the Treaty have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country."
  12. But isn't that what you would expect from Russian national guard special forces?
  13. My thoughts on nukes. They don't achieve anything positive. If someone drops one on us ... then what? Retaliate (if possible)? What does that achieve? They drop more .... If we drop one first? Annihilation .... Mind you with us now getting nuclear submarines I think that is the first step in that direction despite us saying it is only for the propulsion. The US and Britain will pressure us to outfit them.
  14. Neither do I after doing a Google........ https://fastestlaps.com/lists/top-quickest-stoppers-60mph
  15. I know the fellow you mean. He was on the ABC's National Press Club a couple of days ago and very impressive and articulate. Originally with Labour I believe.
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