Remembering my great uncle, 2nd Lt. Alec Wald MC (RFC) and ex-gunner AIF. Killed in a flying accident while flying a Fe2b on home defence duties in northern England, 11 August 1918.
Photo taken by Alec of the Casualty Clearing Station, Anzac Cove, Gallipoli. He spent 2 nights in it after being hit by shrapnel in the kidney region during a bombardment.
He spent 9 months with No. 100SQN, RFC on night bombing duties in France. The writing on the photo tells the story.
When rotated back to the UK, he was on home defence duties which included instruction and anti-submarine patrols. The following photo is my favourite one of Alec after he had a bit of a mishap while instructing a student on the Bristol F2b (Brisfit).
and then...
My grandmother kept a photo of her beloved brother on her mantelpiece and when she moved into a rest home, next to her bed. She died at age 104 with her brother looking over her. I grew up with all the photos, medals, diaries, aircraft parts and stories etc. that my grandmother had, and which I now have. He was my inspiration to be a pilot and join the RAAF.
Anzac day means something to me. The younger generations should know where the Anzac spirit was born.