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That's what I'm asking for.
What are you quoting from FH; this just sounds like typical atheist trash.
Good point Nomad, and he would have been providing updates and electronic versions with Youtube examples, but he hasn't and there's a good chance that Moses decided his Israelites needed some mentoring and chiselled a few ideas. He wasn't all that smart; played around with the Ark of the Covenant, which we know was a capacitor and burned half his face of, having to wear a leather cover over it for the rest of his life.
Yeah, very predictable.
That's right, and while I don't have any references of ancient discussions on earthquakes, it would be surprising if civilizations which existed thousands of years BC, who could plot the exact positions of the stars, build accurate structures, measure water flow for irrigation and so on, were fazed by the shifting of the earth. In fact, the South Americans built their poly-face block structure to interlock, which is a good indicator they knew they had to take care of business themselves rather than rely on God not to send earthquakes.
You're just as bad as Bex; an imaginary God who sent the earthquake? Have any of the news services suggested that God sent the earthquake It is disrespecting of the dead and their families to take the opportunity for cheap, baseless shots at religion. If any of the people involved had done what you two are suggesting it might be a dabatable issue, but so far, there have been no reports, just the lightweight comments on here.
People died here Bex, but you can't help taking a cheap shot. What did it was the earth's geological structure, which was doing it in biblical times; it was not your 'effin "god", and I didn't see any evidence of your clowns.
You have to give Bruce some slack in his story telling.
There was a missionery present. Apparently it was a regular occurrence in SA, a bit like musical chairs on steroids. This is another occurrence, from the Booandik Tribe, by Mrs James Smith, who ran an orphanage for aboriginal children in the South East, written in 1880. "However, he told me he once went to a murapena (a native festival), and that after the dancing was over, the men ran after each other with their spears. He saw one fall, and soon after heard the death-cry. The poor man was killed and speedily divided and devoured by his comrades."
At Beachport the tribe had formed a group for some feasting and dancing. One guy noticed a few too many were looking at him and started to run, but they clubbed him, cut him up and ate him. Life could' be tough on the range.
Seems we've got an atheist pack on every second thread now.
The irony in this Bruce is that for thousands of years they milled seed on your property, and the surviving plants will still be there. If you managed to get out of your car and walk, you would still find grinding stones on the property. They harvested fish from the Mosqito and other creeks. Yet here you are in 2017 trying to rort our system by getting Newstart applicants to pick up sticks, and whining that you can't sustain the same property.
Well if that's true Bruce, it must be an amazing book to produce methematicians, scientists, doctore, engineers etc.
We did get well beyond the christian stories in this forum, and last week's announcement of an aboriginal settlement and tools scientifically aged at 49,000 years old, pushes the local Australian population back a handy 10,000 years. Nor do we have to worry about the earth going flat, since we can see the curvature, and many of us were given a simple equation (the only part I can remember is the suqare root of DH/2) with which to calculate the height of a building over the horizon based on the distance from the building and the height showibg above the horizon. What a scientist will tell you though, is that if he hasn't found any evidence of something, that does not mean it doesn't exist, just that no evidence has been found.
Probably just as well I'm on your ignore list Bex.
Just for you two, and perhaps I should have allowed for that when I made my comment, it's up to him TO GET HIS OWN MIND out of the gutter. There is potential for this thread to be very informative, but it's not going to get there with this crap.
Just for you two, and perhaps I should have allowed for that when I made my comment, it's up to him TO GET HIS OWN MIND out of the gutter. There is potential for this thread to be very informative, but it's not going to get there with this crap.
Just for you too, and perhaps I should have allowed for that when I made my comment; it's up to him TO GET HIS OWN MIND out of the gutter. There is potential for this thread to be very informative, but it's not going to get there with this crap.
That's for you to do, not me.
So we're back on the smut now.
There's a study which was done in the UK on 40 km/hr zones, which included statistics on fatalities from 0 to 40 (one person died after falling on a stationary car). Of the cars involved, only a minute number (I've forgotten, but from 1 to 5%) were exeeding the speed limit at the time. That study strongly supports your view.
Buy the book; I knew where the Southern Cross was too.
At $9.97 from Amazon it's a painless experience. It gave me a better grasp of navigation; made it less theoretical, less chance of me making a mathematical mixup. Most of us will experience at some stage, a successful unexpected forced landing and then experience the "tink" "tink" of a ooling exhaust and the realisation that VHF and mobile phones don't work very far away from the coast; the nearest property could be 15 minutes by air but several hours walking time, IF, you keep walking in the correct direction. The information on navigating by the stars was so clear, that I felt I could just about walk out of a bush situation at night.
[ATTACH]48005._xfImport[/ATTACH] "It was 12 cycles, 18 katuns, 0 uinals and 16 kins since the beginning of the Great Cycle. The day was 12 Cib 14 Uo, and was ruled by the seventh Lord of the Night. The moon was nine days old. Precisely 5,101 of our years and 235 days had passed since the beginning of this universe, and only 23 years and 22 days yet remained until the final cataclysm that would destroy it. So the ancient Maya scribes and astronomers would have calculated, for the day was 14 May 1989." ("Breaking the Maya Code", Michael D. Coe) This 5000 + year calendar was remarkably accurate. Most researchers claim the age of Pisces ended, and the start of the age of Aquarius occurred in the 20th Century, and this confirms that the Mayans joined a number of other civilisations in understanding precession. Most of the discussion on this thread has been restricted to the paradigm boundary of 2000 years ago, and when we were discussing the dead seas scrolls, and corroboration with other ancient texts, one person even suggested that in that time events were carried mouth to mouth and story tellers would get a feed for making up wondrous stories. What we've done is go back thousands of years before this; and we can see that civilisations had accurate methods of communicating in writing, whether on copper, papyrus or clay, or depicted in paintings and highly developed skills as well as complex languages. The Great Pyramid was the tallest building in the world for 3,800 years, which puts the Jesus Christ period 2,000 years ago in perspective