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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. I can say that because it was not required reading for my Confirmation, so there you have it first hand. Tilting at the windmills again. What is positive fact is that the world contained architects and masons who could build Newgrange in Ireland, thousands of years before the time scale you are disparaging. It's also positive fact that astronomers were smart enough to be measuring stars and calculating precession thousands of years before your time, and we know that because there were skilled writers who provided the evidence in carvings, clay tablets and wall paintings, and whose descendents would not have stood back and allowed your goat herders to make a mess of it. Prove it by not referring to it then in your arguments. Very poor evidence for an argument, and you certainly haven't proved that all of the Bible is a load of cobblers, since month by month, Bible stories are being accurately corroborated by written history from other sources. Rubbish, we're just trying to explain to you that evidence of sections of the Bible indicate that some is very accurate, and some is rubbish, and some is not understood because of the changing millenia. (I explained how when Jesus raised someone from the dead, he didn't magically create life in a dead person, but brought someone who had been excluded from the faith and was therefore "dead", back into the fold where he was "live" - it was just a matter of meaning. If you're talking about the Catholic Church, then it's not going to happen and sooner or later some evidence will come to light, most likely from Templar sources which will unmask Saul's deception. If you had gone off and studied what I wrote, and checked it out for yourself, you'd know that those people, who believed in God, were not primitive.
  2. It's possible one of the hundreds of people who contributed to copy in the Bible was a fruit loop and really thought the world was 6,000 years. There are many ridiculous and provably incorrect statements in the Bible. However it is not the word of God, it's not even mandatory for those who believe in God, yet you atheists have somehow become mesmerised by it, comb through it, and pick out some trash in a desperate effort to be able to say anything.
  3. Why perpetuate this myth that the world is 6,000 years old, when I've gone to the trouble of posting at least twice, that there are people who believe in God going back 30,000 years in the research I've done so far. Your list of dislikes is equally off the planet.
  4. They created catholicism, then God punished them and destroyed their civilization.
  5. Well Don, you know what happened to the Romans....
  6. The good Marcus's Nation of Atheists quickly saw that there really WERE things to believe in, and not only found God but invented Christ and made more money than Colonel Sanders.
  7. But I can guarantee that none do it FH as much as Gen Y. They've perfected living off us to an art form.
  8. They both shot each other.
  9. Oh........how about Maths then?
  10. I mentioned the ICE meeting in Mount Gambier, 500 people and more had to be turned away - a bigger attendance than the Queen received. ICE is tearing country towns apart; the expansion is exponential. Victims of the violence which seems to go with ICE are children, family members, police, and ambulance members trying to treat the addicts. I have no idea how many have died directly from the drug or from injuries sustained when the addict went berserk, but it would be more than two. It is already too late to address the expansion of this drug through the community through our normal legal channels; we can blame parents, police, magistrates and prisons, but I'd suggest they have all been doing their best. This is a wildfire out of control, so some serious lateral thinking is required.
  11. Being an atheist, you have no power to draw on; I can at least ask for a plague of locusts to infest the studio.
  12. Marty, if you lived somewhere decent you wouldn't have to listen to the looney programming of Radio National.
  13. While the machine gun had been around in the Boer War, the Germans seem to have been the first to use it tactically, siting for enfilade fire from well protected trenches and any high ground around. You couldn't carry a machine gun into the attack against them because it was too heavy, so initially the allied troops - British, French, Indian, Commonwealth just charged at them and the survivors knocked them out with grenades. Photo C01079 shows just how exposed our people were on the battlefield. Tactics were refined on the Somme, with lessons learned in blood from the Turkish experience. I think M'Cay was in the First Battalion in its attack on Gallipoli, certainly prominent on the beach and going up the hills towards Lone Pine.
  14. That's a clip from the video, so it's around publicly
  15. Is THAT what he was saying.
  16. So you want to set all the thieves, rapists, bashers and murderers free into the community?
  17. I would with your version, but the Saudi Justice Ministry explained that she was convicted of a crime and sentenced by three judges to 90 lashes. She went to the media and complained about the sentence, and it was increased to 200 lashes. The rape was a separate matter.
  18. My point is Winsor's quote was a fake and irrelevant. Re your information, I don't have any problems with what the Saudi Justice Ministry has explained about the case the satire was based on.
  19. "where man always bites the dog" should have alerted you to the veracity of this one, even if you didn't read to the end of the story.
  20. Well the bottom line is that Australia got rid of the death penalty, and is not likely to reintroduce it. Other countries may have it, but we don't have the right to interfere with their sovereign laws.
  21. What a cheap cretinous shot! You don't think it occurs, or are you just wanting to sink the knife into GG like the gang on the other thread!
  22. Re #121, #122 As a society we need a rethink about how we are going to protect it better. These two examples - women and patients are a valid concern. I know the medical industry is making a massive effort to avoid negligence, but women, and children subjected to domestic violence usually have to just take it and live a life of misery, if they can.
  23. Those would be some of the milder comments of the good Doctor Mahathir, who hated the British with a passion over some past disagreement, and lumped us in with the British whenever he wanted to take a swipe at us, which was often.
  24. He's learning that some people just snipe for effect, and have no real interest in the subject matter other than flashing.
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