I can say that because it was not required reading for my Confirmation, so there you have it first hand.
Tilting at the windmills again. What is positive fact is that the world contained architects and masons who could build Newgrange in Ireland, thousands of years before the time scale you are disparaging. It's also positive fact that astronomers were smart enough to be measuring stars and calculating precession thousands of years before your time, and we know that because there were skilled writers who provided the evidence in carvings, clay tablets and wall paintings, and whose descendents would not have stood back and allowed your goat herders to make a mess of it.
Prove it by not referring to it then in your arguments.
Very poor evidence for an argument, and you certainly haven't proved that all of the Bible is a load of cobblers, since month by month, Bible stories are being accurately corroborated by written history from other sources.
Rubbish, we're just trying to explain to you that evidence of sections of the Bible indicate that some is very accurate, and some is rubbish, and some is not understood because of the changing millenia. (I explained how when Jesus raised someone from the dead, he didn't magically create life in a dead person, but brought someone who had been excluded from the faith and was therefore "dead", back into the fold where he was "live" - it was just a matter of meaning.
If you're talking about the Catholic Church, then it's not going to happen and sooner or later some evidence will come to light, most likely from Templar sources which will unmask Saul's deception.
If you had gone off and studied what I wrote, and checked it out for yourself, you'd know that those people, who believed in God, were not primitive.