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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. Yes, I probably should have said allies, because they were some of the better fighters on the day, and took a lot of losses.
  2. We were all told our part in the action, but I only read the bigger picture recently. WW1 was in progress, when the Turks sided with Germany and entered the War against us (British Empire) Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty devised a plan to take care of this by a Naval attack through the Dardanelles, the aim being to neutralise Turkey and open up supply lines to the rear of the western front, which would have required German troops to be taken from the Western Front, and so shorten the war by a considerable period. The Turks had a formidable navy which cut the British to pieces, the only salvation being the fantastic work of the AE2 and also Commander Holbrook. Churchill then decided on a marine attack on the Gallipoli peninsula, then taking Turkey in an overland attack, and Gallipoli was part of that. The total cost in allied lives was around 240,000 in all after the last throw which was the attack on the western coast which we were in, and Churchill was fired as First Lord and an inquiry set up. The inquiry found that Churchill's plan had been sound, and he was quickly reinstated. Now that's going from memory, but up until then I'd always felt slightly guilty that we were invading the Turks homeland, when in fact we were responding to attacks by Turkey on us, and very successful attacks at that. That partly explains Mustapha Khemal's very generous statement, which nevertheless is still to be highly commended. We were beaten by the way, to a very large degree by his very skilfull movement of troops to match every move our side made, most of which were very sound moves, particularly by General Birdwood who was very quick to identify the skills of people like General Monash almost from day 1, when he was smart enough to recommend to Haigh that we should get back off the beach immediately.
  3. I'm very proud that someone fought the Bogans.
  4. I was named after my great uncle who died at Gallipoli. His body has never been found, but I've been using the Battalion diaries which place him, so far, within about a 700 square metre area between the beach and Lone Pine. These are a few tips to help you find the files and details on a relative who served in WW1 or WW2. Be prepared for some surprises the family never heard. Don't worry too much about AWL charges - it was a fashionable thing to do on days off. AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL https://www.awm.gov.au/ Click : People Enter Name: e.g. firstname secondname surname Choose Conflict: e.g. First World War 1914 -1918 Click: Search Scroll down to see records found e.g. · Roll of Honour 1 record (shows soldier’s Service No) Click on the name: shows brief record and the location of his name on the Roll of Honour Wall at the Australian War Museum and the dates and times his name will be projected on the wall. · First World War Embarkation Rolls – 1 record (follow the links to a digitised page) · Red Cross wounded and missing – 1 record (The Red Cross collected witness statements to a death/injury to help relatives find out what happened to him. NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF AUSTRALIA http://www.naa.gov.au/ This is where the soldier’s military files are held All World War 1 records have been digitised and are openly available on the site. Each solider has about 30 to 50 pages and there is no censorship so you get to see the good and the bad. AWL charges were common for Australians before the fighting started. 1 Click: Home 2 In the top RH “Explore:” area, Click: Search the Collection and type in the name 3 Click: Record Search; this brings up “Record Search” which has a light green band across the top 4 Click: Namesearch 5 Enter: Family Name 6 Choose Category of Records: All Records 7 Click: Search; the person’s name will come up and any records will show up 8 In the Digitised column click the pages icon 9 About 50 pages will come up starting with the AIF Attestation paper World War 2 Records Go through steps 1 to 7 In the left hand column look at “Access Status” If it says “Not Yet Examined”, click the link “Request a copy” and follow the links to order a copy ($29.95 as of writing this) A copy will be mailed to you and the soldier’s record will be loaded permanently as per WW1 COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES http://www.cwgc.org/ (Note the site is cwgc – sometimes converts to a religious site) Select name: e.g. firstname secondname surname Usually a result will come up immediately with date of death, Age, Regiment, and Grave/Memorial Reference and Cemetery. LOCATION WHERE THEY WERE INJURED OR KILLED Armed with the above information you can go on to the Battalion Diaries and find out where the battalion was fighting on the day the soldier was wounded or killed, then to trench maps, and locate sometimes to within a few metres where it happened. There are trench maps which locate it even tighter.
  5. No I'm not an arbiter of the discussion - don't try to squirm out of it - what you said was: "It is THE GOOD book The word of God. (The devils in the detail)" That's a definitive statement which is BS, so don't attack my beliefs with false information!
  6. Well if is to you then say so; don't drag the rest of us into the BS
  7. Another falsification FH, It is not THE GOOD book and it is not the word of God......unless you're different to the rest of us and have found a foreword or a few Chapters by God. You're statement blows straight back in your face.
  8. This link covers the words which children from Grade 1 to Grade 5 are expected to be able to spell correctly. It's a good example to use to decide if a short period of tuition might bring you right up to speed. There is one contributor on this site who was almost illiterate when he/she started posting, but these days is fluent in spelling and grammar (I'm not even going to HINT to ANYONE who he/she is but the result will be life changing. http://www.readingrockets.org/article/basic-spelling-vocabulary-list
  9. They could bury you with extra fries though.
  10. Yes it is, just keep moving your leg muscles slightly.
  11. The Japanese do that, but in the NT.........................................?
  12. So tell us about this affordable solar which is getting cheaper every day. Do we have a system capable of powering a house yet? Has anyone solved the issue of power companies reducing their buy price for your solar generated power to the point where it got below break even?
  13. We're buying them to register as LSA to replace the Jabs. This has two advantages - allows us more passengers, and we get a heap of engines to fly with.
  14. And that would cost us GAZILLIONS, and you aren't getting my tax to spend on them.
  15. No I didn't miss your point, I just provided SOME of the volume you have to cost for - you must be one of those rich RA pilots they go on about on prune.
  16. You're too late OK, they've already attacked us with Ice Cream Carts (see photo - Source:Wikipedia) So where would we be investing? Well we should start at home, since Australia has 476,291 Muslims (2011 Census) And we should be organising a spear buyback as well as extra lessons because there are 1,140 Aboriginal Muslims (2011 Census) Malaysia, with whom we work in a mutual defence arrangement, has 17,139,000 Muslims; I stood in a crowd of over 10,000 of them at their children's University graduations in December, and I wouldn't be the one to hand out pamphlets telling them how to improve their already friendly behaviour. Indonesia has 204, 847,018 - you can see that each of the 25 million Australian would have to contact 8 Indonesians to get the message. Then there's this batch of friendly countries: Austria 475,000 Belgium 638,000 Canada 940,000 Bulgaria 1,002,000 Argentina 1,600,000 Bosnia-Herzegovina 1,564,000 France 4,704,000 Philippines 4,737,000 Azerbaijan 8,795,000 Bangladesh 148,607,000 or China 23,308,000 I'd suggest FA18s are cheaper than school teachers. I looking at these countries, it's clear to me that the Muslims in these countries lead a peaceful life, and the ones I mix with, including a favourite dinner group have no problem in isolating the beheadings and murder to a very small group of people who need to face the full weight of the laws of the countries they operate from. [ATTACH]47549._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  17. OK The nearby countries are not the ones beheading innocent people.
  18. Tony Abbott is one of 150 members of the House of Representatives, and I'm surprised Don that you are not aware that in any policy matter, the Liberal Party requires the Leader to do the talking. This is to prevent the message being diluted by others who may or may not be in tune with the intent. I'm not sure of the history of this decision, but from what I just trawled on the net, it seems to be general liberal policy both here and in the US, rather than the thought bubble of a Prime Minister. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-01-11/curriculum-critic-wants-more-religion-to-be-taught-in-schools/5195410 http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/parents-support-judeochristian-teaching-lnp-20111115-1nh29.html http://press.princeton.edu/chapters/i8575.html
  19. Good advice for yourself Damkia, we are discussing the matter without fear or favour, and some exceptionally good information has come out of this thread. I certainly read every post and have a lot more researching to do.
  20. #1846
  21. You're good at missing the point.
  22. We're talking about #1839 Octave. If you are walking down the street minding your own business and some idiot comes along and, without any provocation, gives you a backhander, most people are going to respond. What other people might be doing, or might do may be of great interest and fun to you, and who am I to try to stop you dreaming, spurred on by the guts of #1839
  23. What's wrong with just saying "I'm an Atheist", being happy and going about your business without finding one way after another to launch ridiculous attacks.
  24. Still the Atheist not being able to help himself ridiculing someone else's faith...........................
  25. No point going off at a tangent, or even dragging in the Murdoch Press, whatever that's supposed to represent. You challenged us to find out for ourselves, I did and found that your claims were not true, and on the public record as not being true. It wasn't me not doing homework.
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