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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. Sorry, I caught the Facthunter disease and didn't reference my post back to the specific post of Don. As far as evolution goes it's an unproven theory which you have to prove. I haven't got around to my study on mitochondrial DNA, but basically if we start with current humans and go back to an amoeba in a swamp and all have that magic DNA component then they evolved, but if the DNA link doesn't go back beyond current humans the theory will be bunk.
  2. Logical arguers, look at this tripe Roflmao. You should be on the stage.
  3. Ah, we're into manufacturing scenarios now, don't you love atheists, they just can't stop looking over the fence and carping about believers.
  4. We might have to change the spelling of his nickname.
  5. Very well written Octave, I couldn't disagree with anything you said, other than that I've gone down the path of belief in Good which has been supported by some experiences which I don't want to talk about. As you say the killer in the argument either way is "what was before what was before". ur minds cannot picture an endless past. I've just kept on plugging away at evidence for "belief: and have at least got back 28,000 years past the Jesus Christ scam, which I admit was a shock to me and took some time coming to grips with.
  6. I only ruled out multiple gods, because the original dictionary definitions I looked at were in the singular, and that cuts out thousand of multi-god cultures most of which were very shallow in substance, but looking at on-line dictionaries, I see a lot of "god, or gods" tagged, so I'm happy to be proved wrong.
  7. This is a thread relating to atheists. If you don't believe in Christianity that puts you in another place. Not gods Octave, a single God. i'm only searching for references to a single God
  8. What fairy stories? I only posted about discoveries.
  9. Why is is that some atheists here are trying to perpetuate the myth that the Bible is "the word of God" when most of the authors are clearly identified, and nowhere has God signed off on a paragraph? Why are people still trying o make something of the Bible error that the world is only 6,200, 6,300, 6,700 years old when we have carbon dating proof otherwise? Why do you Don rail against the Christian church, when I already gave you references which show Saul/Paul made it all up, and there are plenty more references for you to follow up? Why don't you turn your attention to the con artists and monsters down through the ages who perpetuated Saul's lies and used them to victimise a large part of the world's population for 2,000 years? That had nothing to do with any action by God. Why are some atheists focusing on Jesus Christ rather than telling us why they don'y believe in God? I've posted information that takes belief in God back 30,000 years, so why would you be focusing on the last 2/30 to proclaim your atheist beliefs. Let's see someone trying to challenge the evidence coming from the dead sea scrolls, the Essenes, and other groups going back that 30,000 years who believe in God. Never mind messing around with a fairy story which started out as a way to rip money off people just 2,000 years ago.
  10. I was in Canberra this after noon and there were three people begging on the street.
  11. Thanks Octave, I'm on the road, will have a read
  12. The commie rag will probably catch up tomorrow.
  13. You make it up as you go FT. Were socialist ideas on the nose when Anna was turfed out?
  14. "Science of Big Bang gets knocked on head" Today's Herald Sun story explains how scientists are now abandoning their clsim. The last line quotes: "it's like finding out there's no Santa Clause" Maybe so, looks like God was watching
  15. Interesting comment; there's no doubt also that in recent times politicians have been talking at cross purposes to the electorates, or electorates have different agendas to the politicians, and it's going to be interesting to see how this will successfully be addressed as the future unrolls. I was in Queensland for much of the election, and saw the candidates in action. Clearly "We have a plan", popular in the 1950's is out of date. People couldn't care less whether you have a formal plan or not, just whether you are going to address their favourite gripes, and that can mean a clash between a 10 year construction project which will benefit the State for generations, and fixing ambulance, school, education, police issues which are festering today. Very interesting challenges ahead for politicians.
  16. This is an award winning UK safety video about a motor cycle accident at 160 km/hr. I've spoken a number of times about training your subconscious to react in perhaps 20/100 to 50/100 of a second rather than going through the recognition cycle which can take two or three seconds. In this case the speed is not high - about 87 knots, and the video shows what you have to deal with if perhaps a cable or low hanging branch comes into view, or if you are coming out of cloud incident and get a momentary glimpse of the ground. We a pre-programmed subconscious which way would you have flicked as you saw the car start to turn. http://www.uk-global-roadsafety.com/blog/police-motorcycle-safety-campaign-wins-uk-award/?utm_medium=linkedin&utm_source=twitterfeed
  17. It's a pity no one has ever written a comprehensive book on what really happened. I don't doubt that all the British motorcycle companies would have made superhuman contributions. Phil Irving who became Chief Engineer at Vincent, spent a lot of time designing and perfecting a two cylinder two stroke aluminum life raft engine. The life rafts were strapped to the belly of the bomber and dropped when the crew bailed out, and had quite a high speed requirement. Freighter Industries in Adelaide converted their semi trailer/bus factory to the manufacture of tank turrets. The auto companies in Detroit, within weeks ceased all private car manufacture and converted the production lines to aircraft and other war items, then at the end of the war, again within weeks, converted the lines back to cars - a magnificent effort forgotten today. In the movie about the time when Princess Diana was killed, the Queen is shown going off in a Land Rover to think, and gets stuck in a rocky creek. She phones one of the people at Balmoral and asks them to bring out something to tow the land rover out of the creek, and bring out a replacement prop shaft. The Balmoral guy says "How do you know the prop saft's broken". She says "I used to be a truck mechanic in the War
  18. I think that was William Wallace.
  19. We still know it's you..........
  20. Is it aerobatic. That brings back memories. I had a non-unit construction model which pumped out 25 hp. That was my first engine build. I followed Phil Irving's adviceand managed to squeeze around 55 hp out of it. Got a season out of it and came third in a heat of the Victorian Championships, but next heat it went to that great engine ground in the sky with a rod through the side
  21. Based on some of the parables I read on this forum from time to time, I think I know who he is. It wouldn't be God's Country, bus Jesus's country, and you'll find plenty of proof of that in Queensland camping grounds where people apparently discover this, based on the amount of times I hear "JESUS CHRIST" when they pitch their tents.
  22. Possibly from the energy and matter left over from the last guy who didn't get the recipe right.
  23. You're an alien FH? Billions of humans live in harmony with each other; that's why TV News channels have to have mobile reporters - they have to travel to the few travel spots each day. I live in a City with 153 different Nationalities, and out of 124,000, about ten make the headlines each year.
  24. From one of your beloved forumites (We Believers are friendly, but you don't have to lay it on!) You just have to do a little more study, and in all modesty, on the earlier part of this thread, to get back past the Christian era, and its cults and money spinning antics, rewriting history etc. to find peace. All religions have their hijackers, who go by various names, but "gangs" is a good description. Someone had to make the energy or matter.
  25. You can afford it, what's 80 cents these days!
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