Nevertheless there are some atheists who are angry with God and have said so on here because He didn't fix this or didn't save that.
I've seen hundreds of them on television over the years say something like "I don't believe in God, but I prayed last night", particularly when they are most vulnerable, like having a loved on in ICU.
Well in previous years if one of use voted for a different Party they would be quietly taken out the back and shot like lazy sheep dogs, but I'm not sure who your question was meant to be addressed to. If it was an Atheist he shouldn't be asking God anything.
They are probably just trying to be polite, or politically correct.
Many of your references have been about Catholic teaching, which as we've said was a slick set of techniques to part the believers from their money, but you probably did get into a bad crowd, and people are trying to be helpful.
I've learnt over time never to assume anything, be it people who have odd beliefs, cross dressers, gays, and even women.
No we don't! You party poopers would then start bawling is out about not making it clear enough that there was a God, and not telling you the correct door into Heaven.