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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. There are counsellors who can help you OK, you just have to take the first step and phone......
  2. On the other hand, when the Japanese decide to make a splash, they do it in style. This is the mausoleum of Masamune Date, one of the most impressive men in world history. Just 15 minutes from the CBD of Sendai, and covering about 50 hectares of the city's high ground , it takes about 15 minutes to walk in through manicured gardens and ceremonial gateways. The photo shows the granite markers for his 22 personal soldiers who committed suicide when he died so they could be buried with him. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e5153.html [ATTACH]47529._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47528._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. They actually have thousands of square kilometres of unused bushland right through Japan. They have developed the flat areas almost totally for rice and other food production. The gentle slopes are used for housing, but the hills are almost never built on or developed, even though they aren't too step or too high. I'm not sure why this is, but it points to the very tunnel vision of the Japanese. If the regulations say don't develop the hills they won't.[ATTACH]47527._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. So, God created the rippling energy..............
  5. Agree, but our problem is our culture. There's a local Islam bookshop here which provides updates from middle east conflicts, training details and other propaganda. One of its graduates got himself killed after stabbing two police, and there are probably 300 more graduates of that shop on pur streets, but how do we start closing bookshops?
  6. My point is there are records of people believing in God thousands of years before the Bible was written. My argument was that it is pointless using an excuse about what someone did in the 20th Century. And yet after virtually all the contributors to this thread had settled down to each other's viewpoints you couldn't help yourself;you had to sink the boot into believers again. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the catholic church, but that's your problem to overcome.
  7. Just had to repeat this for you Don; here you are like a spectator at a ghastly accident leaning over to see how white the body is. Whether Hitler crossd-ressed as a Bishop, or prayed to Jesus doesn't matter to us; we've got back to people believing in God around 30,000 years ago - bit before his time.
  8. I don't think it has much to do with the faiths. More to people misusing the identity of faiths for their own peculiar ends.
  9. Not sure what you mean, but only a few believe that their belief is the only correct one, and any others shouldn't be tolerated.
  10. Totally agree, that's what I've been trying to get across.
  11. For goodness sake Octave, I haven't quoted from the internet, just read the posts in this thread!
  12. Why all these defensive posts about people who invoke God when they say they are atheists. I smell a little self doubt.
  13. The atheists who wrote that rubbish, and confirmed they didn't really understand what atheism is.
  14. The issue with the Fukushima plant was poor planning. I've been to that coastal area, and it certainly had protective walls, and signs all over the place to start running into the hills if there';s an earthquake. The Japanese planned their tsunamis defence which included curved sea walls, based on the 1906 earthquake which they thought would be the biggest ever.....just like Australian authorities plan for the 1 in 100 year flood while European settlement is only 200 years old and we don't have a clue what the biggest flood has been over the past 5,000 years. Their mistake was HUGE. There would have been no problem for Fukushima if just the earthquake had hit them, but the seawater rushed in several kilometres and knocked out power lines. That would have been OK except the backup diesel generators were at ground level, and were flooded, so they brought in pumps and pumped sea water on to the rods as best they could. There were no fatalities, but there seems to be a lot of conspiracy theory around just lately.
  15. I'm sure about what the atheists have written, and I agree, hating something they don't believe in defies logic, but that's what they say. Makes me very suspicious abut people who meet the definition I posted early in the thread.
  16. No, wasn't talking about them either; I think they deserve reasonable latitude. I'm sorry to be sounding so ambiguous, when you all write these scenarios, and maybe you should all be screenwriters, but it was a very simple sentence.
  17. That may be true, but that wasn't what we were talking about.
  18. Now you're quoting hypothetical conversations. If you're interested you can look up people's posts yourself Octave. They weren't having conversations necessarily with me.
  19. Yes, I should have said Groyne.
  20. You might ask that Octave, but nevertheless the bloopers are there for all to see - it's the God they say doesn't exist that they're blaming.
  21. You're quite right Octave - I wouldn't think to blame Thor for anything, but as I said, and if you look carefully at the posts, you will see that some atheists have taken it upon themselves to defy gravity and actually get angry with God, who when they are more rational, they profess doesn't exist - it's a funny world.
  22. Forget it FT, she was talking about the time Julia started to put lipstick on.
  23. Nevertheless there are some atheists who are angry with God and have said so on here because He didn't fix this or didn't save that. I've seen hundreds of them on television over the years say something like "I don't believe in God, but I prayed last night", particularly when they are most vulnerable, like having a loved on in ICU. Well in previous years if one of use voted for a different Party they would be quietly taken out the back and shot like lazy sheep dogs, but I'm not sure who your question was meant to be addressed to. If it was an Atheist he shouldn't be asking God anything. They are probably just trying to be polite, or politically correct. Many of your references have been about Catholic teaching, which as we've said was a slick set of techniques to part the believers from their money, but you probably did get into a bad crowd, and people are trying to be helpful. I've learnt over time never to assume anything, be it people who have odd beliefs, cross dressers, gays, and even women. No we don't! You party poopers would then start bawling is out about not making it clear enough that there was a God, and not telling you the correct door into Heaven.
  24. Yes, it would be interesting to see what the 20 - 30 yo market drinks.
  25. Ah, West End, 270 million cattle can't be wrong. Marty, we've never seen much Boags over here, but in the last twelve months or so, they've been running some clever ads - interesting to see what that's done to the market share.
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