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Everything posted by turboplanner
Except that there is a very good record of the almost immediate decline of that knowledge in Egypt, along with the loss of Sumerian, Roman, Greek knowledge, and a sequence of hard evidence of the gradual, sequential development over the last few hundred years. And I haven't researched it but archaeologists have a pretty good handle on the status of the Egyptian hunter gatherers before the overnight burst of advanced civilization/beliefs/tools/structure.
MOST ANCIENT MAN Before going on to discuss a VHC which referred to God, we can push the timeline for Man back 400,000 years following discovery the oldest human DNA sequence on December 4, 2013 in Spain What is significant about timing is that it shows there were humans floating around Europe for 363,000 years before the handover form a VHC to the Egyptians of ‘special knowledge’ That tends to rule out the beginning of the human race being kicked off by the arrival of aliens from outer space. http://news.nationalgeographic.com.au/news/2013/12/131204-human-fossil-dna-spain-denisovan-cave/
VERY HIGH CIVILIZATION So far, in post #967 we have God mentioned as far back as 34,525 BC, nearly six times further back than the teachings of most of the twentieth century. In post #961 I quoted John Anthony West: “Egyptian civilization was not a development; it was a legacy” He has been supported by quite a few other sources since that time. The question is “Who gave that legacy to the Egyptians, who were virtually hunter gatherers”. In recent years someone coined the phrase Very High Civilization and the hunt has been on for a source civilization. Surprisingly there may have been several VHCs, and as each year passes now with digitisation of old records and new scientific methods of searching, new clues are coming in, some in structures, some in languages, some in measurement skills etc. I’m not going to cover these in any detail unless there is a reference to God, but you’ll find plenty googling “Very High Civilization” – much of which is probably imagination.
Good idea, fuel has become a major part of the weekly budget, and we've got hundreds of years supply of LPG at a cost of around 1c/litre
So this wasn't going on in Julia's term?
Looking at the road toll for Victoria: Highest 1970: 1061 Lowest 2013: 243 Biggest factors: Seat Belt legislation, Blood Alcohol Legislation, Vehicle design legislation 2014 fatalities year to date for 2014 Bicyclist: 9 Driver: 103 Passenger: 43 Motor cyclist: 23 Pedestrian: 40
In Victoria cycling deaths and injuries have now reached a significant factor in the annual road toll, and Victoria Police started a blitz on failure to obey traffic signals and fined heaps. There's now a discussion about registering bikes, where the bike riders are arguing they shouldn't have to pay when they already pay with their car registration (we as motorists have to pay for second cars, trailers etc), and even more controversial for them, there is a proposal for them to have points taken off their driver licence.
Good point, there should be a mass increase in the earthly body when the soul arrives and a mass decrease when it departs. Just a question of who sees spirits and how to they manage to be there at the time with a set of scales I suppose. I did imply your reference to atoms and molecules was just interesting, not the starting point for a thesis on Souls. I never understood a word Bill Shaxberd said.
In the light of my post about Souls, Spirits entering and leaving the body, and the definition of matter, that's a tantalisingly interesting comment of yours. I'm not making any claim of connection, just interesting.
I'm suffering from scrotum restriction just thinking about that!
All correct FH, although there are a fair few fingers pointing at you on another thread, which we won't speak about in this atmosphere of harmony and friendliness. There is absolutely no reason why an atheist should not be a really decent person, and there's no reason why a person who believes in God might not be a really decent person. Many people are really decent, so to a degree it's a matter of how you look at things, and that is often decided by what experience you've had in your life. For example I was sent to the local convent for piano lessons when I was seven, and the Sister who taught me used to have a drumstick and hit me on the knuckles when I played a wrong note, and I still get very wary when I'm near a convent and have no time for nuns. In fact the South American Viracochas taught decency and so did Jesus Christ as a Nasorean (After he died as we have seen the money making machine was set up) This also goes two ways, many atheists have turned to God later in life.
You make an important point Facthunter; atheists have to grapple with the point that after they die they aren't going anywhere except the cemetery or the crematorium - they don't get a seat on the bus.
Disclaimer – I’ve looked for the books with this information for several days and have come up dry, so for continuity on this thread, with the exception of the three paragraphs I’ve quoted, I’ve written this from memory; it is probably very much abbreviated from the originals, and you’re welcome to research it for yourself, but I also searched for an hour or two on the net and came up dry. In any case it’s just something to think about. Definition of Matter An example of matter is everything we see made up of particles of elements and atoms The thing that forms physical objects and occupies space. Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. According to modern physics, matter consists of various types of particles, each with mass and size. Einstein’s equation e=mc2 demonstrates that energy (e) is equivalent with mass (m). Energy can be transformed into massive particles and mass can be transformed into energy. (In the formula c = speed of light.) I find it very hard to get my head around the fact that I’m a collection of millions of particles and atoms somehow bound together and interacting with the speed of light as I move. Some movies have portrayed this and have the actors disintegrate and fall to the ground as a small pile of sand when things go wrong. Fingerprints of the Gods P381 Ref: Osiris And The Egyptian Resurrection, volume 1, p 352 “Kep Tepi, the First Time (around 34,525 BC) is described as a golden age, the waters of the abyss receded, primordial darkness was banished, humanity, emerging into the light was offered the gifts of civilization. There were intermediaries between gods and men – the Irshu, a category of lesser divinities whose title meant “the Watchers” The Neteru, who lived on earth, possessed a range of supernatural powers which included the ability to appear, at will, as men or women, or as animals, birds, reptiles trees or plants. Archaeologists claim this is myth. Ancient Egyptians, however, who may have been better informed about their past than we are, did not share this view.” I found reference to stories about the Neteru in two books which described the Neteru as becoming bored and starting to experiment in Egypt. They had the ability to “jump” into living things and experience life from the perspective of an animal, bird or human. They were warned not to do it, because it took enormous amounts of energy, and they would be weakened every time they did it and could reach a point where they couldn’t get out. Disregarding this warning they “jumped” into various animals, birds and humans, and then “jumped” out of them. Some liked the physical experience so much that they opted to stay as humans, others, becoming weak became stuck half way when changing from animal to human or vice versa and were forced to live out their lives with, for example the body of a human and the head of a bird. Still others really got caught out and finished up without some organs, and they were known as “things” and used as servants. Examples: S2760 Thoth (Ibis) S2761 Horus (Falcon) S2762 Anubis (Jackal) The reason I posted this, is that if you visualise the Einstein equation, and apply it to what was going on with the Neteru, it almost suggests a collection of particles and atoms going in to a human body, and going out of it in the way we think about “spirits” or “souls” and may be where this thought originated. [ATTACH]47498._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47499._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47500._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Really? I don't think you've observed too well Bikky - for a start it's very hard to indoctrinate an Australian, and almost impossible to subjugate him. Sounds more like atheist denial to me.
I wasn't looking for qualifications or payback for the time spent. I'm going over there for the sacred measurements and how that fits in with the VHC. With drafting you'd know it is tedious making sure each separate component fits, working how parts will be assembled etc and that takes time. It takes me 3 years to design a truck from existing components, so I thought the timeline for the first Gothic building in Paris would ring bells that something was going on. You haven't understood the last sentence.
. Seven bays of library and about 80,000 files. The books I'm quoting from aren't novels either. Fingerprints of the Gods has 1298 references involving 216 books. It was good today to read about the translation from Amreic on Mary Magdalene, and even this thread has given me something to think about with Chartres Cathedral containing sacred VHC dimensions, and an Egyptian Ark looking a good match for the one carried by Moses..
You want the whole 20,000 pages in one post just to follow the theme?
I picked you for an architect or engineer Marty, which is why I spent a lot of time on you, but I'm up to speed now. You're welcome to your beliefs. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with Dorothy Dixers about the Neteru - we've only just started to work back from Christianity. I agree the people who believe Hubbard are nuts, but there are others who don't believe anything.
You can't Nev, we are outrageous there.
The adventures of Foxhunter in his three holer are legendary.
Yes, the NES where we talk about you FH.
Manetho’s “History of Egypt” written around the third century BC, has been proved accurate by the Palermo Stone, Turin Papyrus, and Abydos king-list. Manetho writes that the Ancients ruled for 13,900 years, the Followers of Horus ruled for 11,025 years and the mortal kings ruled for 31 dynasties, giving a total of 36,525 years. According to the Edfu texts the Seven Sages (the Ancients) came from an island, the “home of the Primaeval ones”. The texts are adamant that the agency that destroyed this island was a flood. They also tell us that it came to its end suddenly and that the majority of its “divine inhabitants” were drowned. Arriving in Egypt, those few who survived then became “the Builder gods, who fashioned in the primeval time, the Lords of Light….The Ghosts, the Ancestors….who raised the seeds of gods and men… the Senior ones who came into being at the beginning, who illuminated this land when they came forth unitedly…… These were known as the Neteru It is not believed that these remarkable beings were immortal. On the contrary, after they had completed their tasks they died and their children took their places and performed funerary rites on their behalf. ….their special gift was knowledge – including, but not limited to architecture. The Sages are said to have specified the plans and designs that were to be used for all future temples. For example, the temple of Dendera (a little north of Edfu) is inscribed with Building Texts of its own which state that the “great plan” followed by its architects was “recorded in ancient writings handed down. The “Followers of Horus” were descendents of this group. Neteru is universally translated by Egyptologists as gods, but from about the mid ‘90’s we have become more educated in the symbolism and quirks or the Egyptian language, and these days we might see them more as “Industry Leaders or Mentors” like Einstein. However that is not so with the word Neter One meaning for Neter is: “the great and supreme power which made the earth, the heavens and the sea, the sky, men and women, birds and creeping things, all that is and all that shall be.” In the Pyramid of Unas, it is said to the deceased: “un-k ar kes neter (Thou exsistest at the side of God)” In the Pyramid of Teta it is said of the deceased “ut'a-f met neter as set'em-nef metu (He weigheth words, and, behold, God hearkeneth unto the words.” The Stele of Canopus shows that in Ptolomaic times Neter meant holy or sacred So we now have God mentioned in human history as far back as around 34,525 BC This material comes from “Message of The Sphinx: Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvall, and other sources.
Before I get on to the real reason for getting into Egyptian History, here's a litte snippet which might provide some insight into the later activities of Moses. Maybe they had one, maybe they were as ubiquitous as the Hilux with a machine gun in the rear. "Geb, the third divine Pharaoh, duly succeeded Shu to the throne. His reign was also troubled and some of the myths describing what took place reflect the odd idiom of the Pyramid Texts in which a non-technical vocabulary seems to wrestle with complex technical and scientific imagery. For example, one particularly striking tradition speaks of a ‘golden box’ in which Ra had deposited a number of objects – described, respectively, as his ‘rod’ (or cane), a lock of his hair, and his uraeus (a rearing cobra with its hood extended, fashioned out of gold, which was worn on the royal head-dress). A powerful and dangerous talisman, this box, together with its bizarre contents, remained enclosed in a fortress on the ‘eastern frontier’ of Egypt until a great many years after Ra’s ascent to heaven. When Geb came to power he ordered that it should be brought to him and unsealed in his presence. In the instant that the box was opened a bolt of fire (described as the breath of the divine serpent) ushered from it, struck dead all Geb’s companions and gravely burned the god-king himself."
.........Other than the 5,000 years or so of carvings, drawings, plans, recorded statements, and photos of the car from the time it had it's dashboard stain by the source of its motive power.
As exciting as it is to see Atheists coming out way ahead of Christians in quoting bizarre Bible passages, an Atheist is one who doesn't believe in God, rather than a person who doesn't believe in Christ, and the good news is that if we go back further than the time the Bible was written, all that forking through the fog of who begat who, who was gnashing his teeth and whether the Battle of Jericho was simply a football match. Egypt is more interesting, since the Neteru, the people who arrived at Zep Tepi (The First Time) were not gods at all. The Pharaonic culture took off in the third millennium BC. John Anthony West: “Every aspect of Egyptian knowledge seems to have been complete at the very beginning. “The sciences, artistic and architectural techniques and the hieroglyphic system shown virtually no signs of a period of “development”; indeed, many of the achievements of the earliest dynasties were never surpassed or even equalled later on. “How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of ‘development’. Bit in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start. The answer to the mystery is obvious, but because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered. “Egyptian civilization was not a ‘development’; it was a legacy” And that leads to a whole new ball game.