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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. Well if you're sourcing government documents, you'll see that the government and opposition, have not really been politicising it. Both have stuck to processing offshore to stop the rorting of the Australian legal system They had different ideas on where to send arrivals and how to make Australia less attractive to rich people smugglers, but that is part of the Westminster system. When Julia Gillard started to get some traction with her offshore strategy the coalition has not allowed that gain to slide backwards. That doesn't suit the refugee industry which has grown into a multi million dollar operation with entrepreneurs and marketers making more money than we dream of.
  2. I don't know whether you know it but you are quoting direct propaganda from the extreme Refugee Council of Australia. If they were legal there would be no impediment to them entering the Country, as did my Dental specialist, from Iraq, and my family Doctor, from Egypt, both some of the nicest people you would ever meet.
  3. Thanks Kaz, perhaps you should take a look at these links - $60 million dollars is hardly petty cash. From memory, before the Howard government stopped onshore processing the lawyers were stringing out the process over five years and the cost to us was $1 million dollars per refugee. Refugee Legal costs paid by us the taxpayers http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/taxpayers-will-fork-out-at-least-60-million-in-free-legal-advice-for-asylum-seekers-this-year/story-e6freuy9-1226296395878 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-31/coalition-would-stop-funding-immigration-advice-for-asylum-seek/4926666 http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/legal-aid-cost-rocks-the-boat/story-e6frf7jo-1226170057728 http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/BN/2012-2013/AustGovAssistRefugees For others who want to non biased statistics, take a look at these links State and Territory Migration summary report 30 June 2013 http://www.immi.gov.au/media/publications/statistics/immigration-update/state-territory-summary-2013.pdf Asylum Statistics Australia – March Quarter 2013 http://www.immi.gov.au/media/publications/statistics/asylum/_files/asylum-stats-march-quarter-2013.pdf Boat arrivals in Australia since 1976 – Parliament of Australia http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1314/BoatArrivals Refugee Legal costs paid by us the taxpayers http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/taxpayers-will-fork-out-at-least-60-million-in-free-legal-advice-for-asylum-seekers-this-year/story-e6freuy9-1226296395878 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-31/coalition-would-stop-funding-immigration-advice-for-asylum-seek/4926666 http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/legal-aid-cost-rocks-the-boat/story-e6frf7jo-1226170057728
  4. Apart from this do you have an aerator? If not it's the aquarium shop fast.
  5. Best move for you FD is to go to a retail Aquarium showroom and ask for advice. The most critical thing to keep a fish alive is dissolved oxygen. Whe you think about it they have to get about the same oxygen into them as we do but they can only get it out of the water. What you describe sounds to me like a pump to aerate the water. Have a look at aquariums in shops and you'll see air bubbles and disturbed water pouring upwards. Your fish. like any other animal needs a day or two to assess it and take it all in, so that may be why he sits in the corner, but if you cut back too much oxygen he'll be floating upside down on the surface. I'd visit the nearest shop early tomorrow morning.
  6. No, but the murder rate is going up in Melbourne - do we write the victims off, make them fend for themselves?
  7. $20,000.00 would probably keep them in the Indonesian community for years; my point is these are rich, educated people who have found loopholes, and in terms of compassion and basic human decency are so cynical that they are prepared to risk the lives of their wives and children, knowing the risks.
  8. Horsefeathers, I think you need to study something other than your own brand of press propaganda. The so-called "refugees" filtering in to Australia pay somewhere between $10,000 and $20,000 to get onto our land and in previous years about five years of free legal aid to find a loophole to stay here. They are not the desperate refugees we sometimes see, or they would stay in neighbouring countries where they could olive free of any threats made in their homeland. They just want to live here because of our freedoms and living standards. By paying these big some of money they were beating legitimate applicants who applied through the formal immigration system, but by far the biggest cost to us via our income tax was the free access to legal services for years. They don't struggle when they get out into the community either, I was served coffee by the owner of a Coffee Club franchise this morning, and many of them run successful businesses, which they used to run in their homeland. I got deeply with one group who were heavily persecuted in this area, and very quickly found that one of the religious leaders in charge of fundraising for them was also listed as a fundraiser in the US Mid West and other countries and was really a very rich jetsetter on our donations. In other cases when I checked back up the tree on stories about "part of the family trapped in Egypt or they would be murdered etc" I got the people top level political assistance and involvement for them, but when that happened we found all and I mean all the stories were fakes. Similarly our local police got involved, but finished up having to chase murder cases, theft, beat ups on our trains and other crimes we hadn't seen before. I'm in favour of the standard Government immigration procedure which for many years managed to keep an even spread of nationalities throughout the Country.
  9. http://www.aquasonic.com.au/online-sales/ Here's the link, yes they have moved to Wauchope, phone No 02 6586 4922 I don't think they'll be able to help you with specific gravity, I don't think there's anything in aquaculture that needs to measure it. Interesting about the shift; once you go online and get an online payment and distribution system working, you can move your business from the City to wherever you want with virutually no loss of sales. In this case it looks like Lindsay may have moved to a high volume aquaculture location.
  10. If you're setting up an aquaculture or hydroponics system, you could try Aquasonic - they're in Sydney and very helpful and since certain ph levels are important in those industries may have a tester or electronic probe and gauge.
  11. Sorry, forgot to include this speedtest link http://www.speedtest.net/ You can try the 3G speed out by using your Iphone as a mobile modem Plug the charger lead into the phone, and the USB end into the computer Go to Settings >>> Personal Hotspot >>>connect using USB (or bluetooth)
  12. I bought faster and faster modems, but finally the suppliers admitted I was way out on the end of the line, and the 1.35 Megabits.second speed was limited by the line not the modem. I use a 3G mobile modem and from the same location, get about 1.9 megabits/second. I've just had to face a situation where I have do do complex overseas work which requires a minimum 6 megabits per second. Luckily for me, Telstra (who'd been telling me it was impossible at my location) had just upgraded my area to 4G without telling anyone. Bought a prepaid mobile modem for $87.00 and I'm getting 9.8 megabits per second. Not sure which Mallee you're from Vic or SA, but my grandfather came from the SA Mallee. The reason I gave you the above run down is that both mallees are not unlike where I am - poor quality locally, but surrounded by better services. If you check the processing speed of your modem as shown on the specification, you can rule that or in by the specification. I'm guessing if it will process a minimum 2.5 megabits per second you should not get videos freezing. If the modem specification is 2.5 or more, then my guess is the telephone line is the speed limiter, and that's not likely to improve any time soon in the Mallee. So you could play around with what I did - If you can get video smoothly on your 3G mobile phone, a 3g modem may be the answer. I can use the notebook computer on 3G in a lot of outback locations. While I wouldn't expect you can get 4G yet, it would be worthwhile to punch your address into the Telstra site checker, and you may get a pleasant surprise like me. Hope this is some help
  13. My virus system lists that link as a dangerous page, so maybe someone is out for revenge. Suggest those without protection don't click the link.
  14. Ipso facthunter
  15. Did you use the ruler FH? Just asking in case I drop in one day and you get even with me!
  16. We had a thread on that about three years ago and decided to castrate those who didn't realise they were turning or who tried to do two finals at once and haven't had another problem for a long time
  17. And of course two a vowels should not follow each other in a sentence. Example: I sit in an aeroplane. If you say it out loud you can see the n is used for continuity in the sentence.
  18. Although the first settlers of the USA were mostly British, from the 1500's to the late 1700's they were virtually cut off from Britain, while Britain expanded its day to day contact with a variety of other countries. So UK English changed substantially, while US English remained pure to the 1500's and they continued to use words like center, where in Britain it was topical to use centre. The US pronunciation and drawl is also more pure than the current British. Bill Bryson wrote a great book about this called "Made in America"; he's one of the most entertaining writers I've read and his books are sprinkled with gems like this one from "The Lost Continent". "Feeling self conscious I went into a dark place called Vern's Tap and took a seat at the bar. I was the only customer, apart from an old man in the corner with only one leg. The barmaid was friendly. She wore butterfly glasses and a beehive hairdo. You could see in an instant that shehad been the local good-time girl since about 1931. She had 'Ready for Sex' written all over her face, but 'Better Bring a Paper Bag' written all over her body. Somehow she had managed to pour her capacious backside into some tight red toreador pants and to stretch a clinging blouse over her bosom. She looked as if she had dressed in her granddaughter's clothes by mistake. She was about sixty. I could see why the guy with one leg had chosen to sit in the farthest corner"
  19. South Africans are more effeminate replacing the o with y or ie
  20. He did say he wouldn't be at the top of the class for long!
  21. Ah, caught me - go to the top of the class.
  22. So who flies an airplane?
  23. I have a few friends buried in the South East who didn't get the opportunity of that warning, see them every five years or so.
  24. One thing's for sure, the next 176 days will be enough time for all the wankers to come out and show themselves.
  25. Wrong again, Gillard was beautifully wrong-footed and now has the future of a McDonalds waste bin load. A classic case of the cat on the polished lino trick.
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