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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. What was tha__________________________
  2. I was having a speed problem and was referred to Spyhunter.com which cleans those hard to remove spy files which take over your browser. Normal virus checkers can't reach them, and even a clean using DOS doesn't seem to work. Bought a copy and it cleaned out about 30, and the speed increased. My main computer had been out for a card repair and when I got it back I noticed it was nowhere near as fast as the one I'd just cleaned. Put Spyhunter on to it and it found 1200 of these paratite programs which keep redirecting your searches to where theior customers get best exposure while you sit there and wait.
  3. I knew you would, but I had to feel sorry for the technician though, Toshiba gave him an envelope of 3 to 10 days for the supply of parts. For any business person, that sort of practice is a smoking fuse; cuts down Toshiba's phone bill, but I wonder what it costs when people buy their next computer.
  4. So why isn't my friggin Toshiba fixed after two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Well we won't pigeon hole you for a start.
  6. FD there's a very old saying: "Two men looking out through bars; one saw mud, the other stars" If you are seeing mud, it might pay to step back and look for a better perspective.
  7. Grumpy old persons FT.
  8. What's barbed wire? Victoria has padded fences in deference to our animal friends, and we relocate any poor lost snakes etc.
  9. The Queensland Education Department has a lot to answer for. Only in Queensland would a Company have to to brand their product XXXX because the majority of their customers couldn't spell beer. Geography hasn't been on the curriculum for 30 years, and the teachers just use maps of North and South America which were a gift from Richard Nixon to Joh who was trying to reduce Queensland's debt at the time.
  10. I have a gripe about Facthunter's avatar, selling the macho-male-metrosexual message when the rest of us have to put up with photos.
  11. Good one.
  12. Keyless locks
  13. Welcome to Commercial reality Mark
  14. Nah, you're too dear.
  15. That's step 1 Step 2 - Go to jail - they already thought about you mining magnates
  16. Yes, bugger that, I just want to fly!
  17. The best part about Australia’s democracy is that someone from the Government doesn’t come out and shoot you if you disagree with them. The worst part is that they are forced to make their plans and spend their money to bring in projects in the last six months of their term in order to be re-elected.....or so they think. Doubling Queensland’s food production would not be a huge issue given State financing for equipment, production, transport and irrigation. Huge volumes of water currently flow into the sea every day, and a project which writer Ion Idriess conceived in the 1920’s – diverting this water through the divide and into the inland waterways would see much of the outback turned into fertile land all the way down to lake Eyre. (Idriess by the way had WALKED to each of the areas he recommended) These examples of specatular lateral thinking show us what can be done if there’s a will: The British Government could see before WW2 that the Germans were outstripping them in military aircraft production, so in some smart lateral thinking they approached Lord William Morris, Viscount Nuffield, a car salesman. He co-ordinated car plants to produce aircraft, and employed women to build them and by 1940 Nuffield factories were the main source of British fighters. So the Germans were beaten in the air by a fleet of English Morrises. In the US, Detroit retooled from cars to aircraft and in two thirds of the normal gestation period for a car, rolled the first B24 Liberator off the line at the Ford plants, which at one stage were rolling them off at one per hour, and built nearly 9000. General Motors built fighters, Chrysler built fuselages and Packard built Rolls Royce Merlin engines for Mustangs. The general population did their part by driving anround in old clunkers until the end of the war when Detroit re-tooled the lines and built record numbers of new cars to replace the clunkers. It is a very spectacular story of innovation, lateral thinking and co-operation. They built: •nearly 300,000 aircraft (compared to Japan’s 70,000) •more than 600,000 jeeps •nearly 2.4 million military trucks •more than 88,000 tanks •more than 6.5 million rifles •40 billion bullets Sources: •American History@Source101 •Perilous Fight •America’s Last real Home Front
  18. You've probably encapsulated it I think. The compounding effect will produce genuine cost increases for small to medium businesses which are notorious for not having the money to spend on accurate accounting, and while I hear what you say Dazza, this will be the business layer which has the most effect on costs to the community and the bigger companies who will legitimately pass on their increased costs. The worst of this is that if the Government changes, and a new Government decided to cancel the tax, the momentum will have blurred things so much that no one will know how much to reduce their prices, and we'll just be stuck with a higher consumer price base with the unscrupulous sucking up bigger profit margins.
  19. That'll teach you Dazza. Charities are exempt from the Do Not Call register, and they are some of the worst offenders congregating around the evening meal. I found this out one night after I pointed out to the Cancer Council that I was on the register and received a 15 minute blast about what a bastard I was not donating etc. I missed my opportunity, but a few months later they phoned again and the conversation went something like this: Me: "Thanks for calling! I really appreciate it, when do I get the money?) Them: "What do you mean?" Me: "Well your collecting for cancer and I've got it so the money must be going to people like me isn't it? Them: ".............then ten minutes of umming and aring, and very pleased to get off the line. While the collectors are crass, in fairness to the Council I agreed to go in and donate blood and skin details for their research programme, and was absolutely blown away by the scale of the skin cancer research they are doing and the progress they are making. It appears that the dose of sun we get early in life may come out in places other than our skin later in life.
  20. I've had emails with Westpac and Iinet registered logos, very high quality, and using the casual phrases inviting contact to email numbers starting with "Westpac"......com etc - all scams. I've managed to offload the subcontinent phoners offering to help fix my computers by using an official voice and saying "You've called the wrong number this time, your call is locked in and the FBI have been called" there's usually a click on the line in a nanosecond.
  21. Er.....isn't this a big take off rather than a hand out?
  22. The Funeral Tax was for a burial, not as you would have expected for a cremation (where we've only just been told a carcinogenic cocktail is emitted) The local Councils are already in on the act, announcing rates increase. What Julia didn't comprehend, and didn't set up a protocol for was this type of gouging, which is going to hurt the average family badly.
  23. India will never win the war as long as we've got you Ah Lo.
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