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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. A modern house, withe computers, lights, phone chargers, and air conditioning running through the night?
  2. This is the biggest impediment to affordable cost and we need to move away from it. The Atlanteans are reported to have had a power system where power was projected to residences and vehicles from central generating points, in a similar concept to our radio and TV transmissions, and Nikola Tesla was able to replicate this in an experiment where he was able to power up lights 18 miles away. A better solution might be to design self contained residence by residence systems, then there's no transmission cost.
  3. Unless you are talking about the few genuine alpine towns we have in Australia, this would need spectacular break throughs in turbine design and physics; are there any links to this process?
  4. Have you got any examples of these power companies we could look at?
  5. Sorry, I used the wrong words.
  6. Two wrongs don't make a right. Option A Both parents are doing something illegal; I know that's simplistic because, as a society and as a country, we should have fixed this but we've failed, and the ice epidemic is tearing the country apart, particularly out in country areas. We have an obligation to solve the drug problem, and your example is one of the reasons. Option B I only gave the clothing example because the rest was too painful to revisit, but your comments were typical of the patronising "solutions" I used to be given by relatives and friends of the family. There are always going to be children who for some reason or other are best cared for by foster parents; they should not be condemned to a single sex development? The ones I had in mind in particular were those where two females decide one of them will have a child naturally, so they can be "parents". I don't have anything against gays; I know it's not their fault that they were wired wrongly; I have two long standing gay couples as valued friends, but I wouldn't want them to inflict a single sex upbringing on children, any more than I should be allowed to psychologically abuse a child.
  7. This, and two "fathers" is one of the reasons I'm against same sex marriage, is for the "children". I was 8 when my mother died and grew up without the female component of the marriage, who fills out the feminine part of parenting, such as social skills, etc. Even now it's not unusual for me to arrive at a function in inappropriate clothing etc. There are always going to be unavoidable cases like mine where a mother or father are missing, but it's just plain wrong to put a child into a family without the male/female balance.
  8. Pardon? Which "religious" nutters?
  9. If you're talking about: "Listen guys, while he's here let's pretend nothing's happening, that old Rambo over there is just feeling a bit sick, just walk around smiling and munching grass here and there, and as soon as he turns the Ute around, you, Martin will head-butt Rambo as a diversion, and I'll charge in from the side and cave the bastard's ribs in" Yes
  10. If that's the case we're related to stud rams.
  11. Bless you my son.
  12. Yours was post 3399; most of the proclamations in this thread are from atheists.
  13. Not directly by the human eye, but we can deduce he's there by the wobble of the atheist dung pile, and He's not controversial among believers.
  14. Atheists are different?
  15. It's a free world; amuse away!
  16. Another one with no idea.
  17. An atheist who doesn't know what religious people are doing, or why, the equating his made up description of what he didn't understand to fit the wrong part of an Abraham Limcoln quote - priceless!
  18. Ironically, these Public Private Partnerships are usually entered into when the government of the day is short of cash.
  19. Not unless some Unit student has done a thesis on a few. There are thousands of them; Councils will often have several. The ones in my orbit are State Water and Electricity and Roads, all PPPs and all way less efficient and more expensive than the previous government entities, although roads within the urban area of Melbourne have generated millions which is being re-invested to make more millions building more roads, and trip times are looking promising in the medium term; just can't stop the politicians trying to get the roads to go through their favoured electorates.
  20. Yes, quite a few PPPs work very efficiently, but when the good old boys get together with dodgy government entities it can go terribly wrong.
  21. This is a bit of a worry; the CSIRO has been a rock on GW facts: Why on Earth did the CSIRO sack oceanographer John Church?
  22. That pretty much sums up atheist view; and underlines the level of knowledge of atheists.
  23. It did; I just made the mistake of not quoting Facthunter.
  24. And it's at that critical point where the scientists realise they should not have skipped the first year classes which explained what a light switch was.
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