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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. You may be of the mistaken belief that this country today has more than a very small portion of Anglo-Australians. In my City we have 153 Nationalities and I wouldn't be surprised if Anglo-Australians were down to less than 20%. You wouldn't get another Gallipoli here.
  2. The surface info is about the same as a single grain in a bucket of sand. No worthwhile twenty second grabs I'm afraid, just steady studying.
  3. There are some statues in the Cairo museum made a few thousand years ago with laminated obsidian eyes, so realistic you can see into them and they sparkle
  4. Start with the Egyptians, their incredible building skills, communications, hydrology, attention to detail.
  5. They can't do the impossible you know.
  6. Very similar
  7. This brings back fond memories to me; we live in a rural setting, but eventually a car came in and the two dark suited gentlemen came to the front door. Very politely, I thanked them for visiting but told them I was taken care of, and no, I didn't need a copy of their Spotlight ot Searchlight magazine. That was the signal for one of them to step slightly forward with the question of whether I knew about (some event in the early Christian days). In my search for ancient civilizations, I've spent thousands of hours researching back several thousand years before Christianity and before the Judo-Christian streams had started. So I told them, yes, I knew about the event, and asked them if they knew who had instigated it on (quoting a time of dat and date), the eyes began to spin and I asked if they knew who prompted THOSE people to do what they did that day, and so on getting back a few hundred years, and they started to back away, obviously wishing they'd stuck to the urban area that day. They backed all the way back to their car, refusing the offer of a cup of coffee, and that;s the last I've ever seen of the JWs
  8. I wasn't suggesting a refection of God via a rejection of Christianity, but a person who continually tells everyone on social media that he is an atheist, but in the same conversation uses Jesus Christ ( who for tjose who don't know was NOT a God), New testament, which is primarily fiction, and medieval developments which were more about misuse of power than God. I don't have any objection to your evidence based decisions, mine are the same.
  9. Well at least that's better, you are now talking about belief of disbelief in God, rather than obsessing on some supposed relation, which Saul invented. Hopefully you can live happily with thinking there are no gods.
  10. You just can't break away from Christianity and get to the big one - a disbelief in God.
  11. Really? Plenty of insecure assertions you mean.
  12. Yes, I would have said it was more too, Bruce.
  13. In your aeroplane Yenn, he's probably got his fingernails digging into the tubing and his voice choked in absolute terror!
  14. The Bible, as we have seen, on a number of occasions in this thread, is almost irrelevant to a belief in God, and is full of amoral conduct, and certainly not a comprehensive foundation of morality, so your concerns are unfounded. Just because someone plucks a verse from a writer who may have written it, in aramaic seventeen hundred years ago, and after the verse has been translated into Hebrew, Latin and two lost of English, and after he has put his own spin on it, like Don is doing in #3135, doesn't warrant you getting worried like you say. I'll give you a simpler method of judging morality; don't look at what a person says, look at what that person does. Won't be long before you're summing them up like a champion.
  15. No sense rabbiting on about the New Testament since most of it is contrived fiction started by Saul and a good little earner for the Catholic Church, as we discovered a couple of hundred pages back.
  16. SBS ran a good documentary on Roslyn Chapel a couple of weeks ago; should still be on "SBS On demand" The current owner (wife of a St Clair descendant) has just spent $23 million refurbishing it......that much for a building which is not a Chapel, and was built as an adjunct to a castle out in the country (Rosslyn village was built by William St. Clair for the people who worked on the chapel). They haver drilled and found chambers under the chapel.
  17. I chose my words carefully SQ; but to clarify, I am only referring to an area which you glide towards under full control, and what you have to land on consists of dense mountain ash, or other trees or solid objects which slice and dice you, and my definition of EFATO is an engine failure from the time the wheels leave the ground until the start of the crosswind turn.
  18. I've changed my viewpoint over the last five years following about four EFATO crashes which were fatal, and on inspection of the airstrip surrounds, had to be fatal. It's not about the pilot having any concerns; it's about the exact time that engine quits, and if that's at the point where you normally hold your breath, that's the live chamber about to go off in the revolver.
  19. I wouldn't fly an RA aircraft into or out of Caloundra, and probably not an old GA aircraft either. Anyone taken a look at your EFATO options there? 30 maybe 2 small flop downs with probable injuries 12 same 05 small area close to end of strip then scrub, probable fatal 23 scrub, probable fatal I'd leave that one to be developed. [ATTACH]48566._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. Sounds good. The next question is getting those big blocks up the near 45 degree slopes. The ramps don't stack up for the reasons outlines in the above links. Someone suggested a simple wooden cross structure was used to roll the blocks up the slope, with men pulling a rope down the opposite side. That made a bit of sense to me, because it would be basically similar to the way we used to hook hay bales up into stacks. I spend an afternoon doing various CAD simulations, but couldn't make that work. If you solve the blocks issue (weights up to 10 tonnes), there's then the matter of how the 85 tonne tuned ashlars were raised all the way up to the roof of what's called the King's Chamber, now suspected to be a mechanical chanber.
  21. I'm not sure though that you could go from that sighting as a datum, and lay out the wall to an accuracy of only an average 0.015% deviation from true. Remember, that's only 3 minutes of arc, and there are sixty minutes in a degree, and the naked eye has trouble getting down to one degree. There are hundreds of mounds throughout Britain which were built with water levels and notch points, as well as many "notch points" usually a "V" where two hills met, which were used for star sightings for calendars - the original watch.
  22. The level method makes sense; north south would be interesting because of th accuracy of the result.
  23. Von Daniken's idea was that aliens visited earth. He was quickly sorted out. Tell us about this flooding of levels.
  24. Concord Airport, San Francisco[ATTACH]48564._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  25. You are usually told that by someone wanting to make a dollar out of it; a market first identified by Saul. The invention of purgatory was far more effective on Roman Catholics than "Book your place in heaven NOW!; seating is limited!"
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