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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. Marty said: #3055 "How can anyone seriously believe the tripe in these "holy" books, when they're based on stories handed down (some hundreds of years after the protagonist's death) from people with extremely limited knowledge of science and medicine?" I asked him if he'd built any pyramids lately Then he said: #3062 "Nope, and I don't tend to get engineering and craftsmanship confused with science either." Some atheists cling to beliefs that ancient civilisations must have consisted of "goat herders" and people of limited knowledge. This link shows the skill of the people who taught the ancient Egyptians, and as far as Marty's second positioning statement goes, this link shows their skill, not only in building, but in understanding the science as well. http://transmissionsmedia.com/the-inexplicable-precision-in-the-construction-of-the-great-pyramid-at-giza/ As far as medicine goes, the Egyptians regularly used trepanning to relieve pressure after brain injuries.
  2. Built any pyramids lately Marty?
  3. Even Harley are turning to God......after all those years....... http://www.harley-davidson.com/content/h-d/en_AU/home/try-a-bike/forgiveness-offer.html
  4. Someone did the maths to show there was not enough ice, water and moisture on earth to cover all the land, and you would spend a few lifetimes capturing two of every species, but there are flood legends in many unrelated civilisations. The latest information I've read suggests the Biblical version may be based on the end of the last ice age, when the mediterranean sea was created over what was previously a river which flowed from east to west out through the Pillars of Heracles. The suggestions is 'the world" referred to to the "world" of the people who lived in and around the area now covered by the Mediterranian.
  5. Depends whether he's in a good mood; you've heard about the flood?
  6. Facthunter's words remind me of this flood story. When a flood hit the district, and the houses were covered to roof level, some rescuers in a boat came across an old farmer perched on the top of his roof. "Jump in!" they called. "No thanks, the Lord will protect me" replied the farmer. A few hours later another rescue boat came by and the farmer replied to their offer of help with "No thanks, the Lord will protect me." The flood had come up to the tip of the roof, and rescuers in a helicopter saw him clinging to the tip of the roof. Hovering overhead they called "GRAB THE ROPE AND PUT IT ROUND YOUR WAIST!" The farmer replied "No thanks, the Lord will protect me." The flood continued to rise and the farmer slipped away and was drowned. When he got to the Pearly Gates he was greeted by St Peter, but just snarled at him. St Peter escorted him in to be introduced to God, and said "It seems we have an unhappy customer" "I'm unhappy allright you bastard" said the farmer, "you let me drown!" and in a final act of defiance "I've turned ATHEIST" "What did you want me to do?" asked God, "I sent two boats and a helicopter!"
  7. Never mind the Prophet's words, it would help if you just clicked the "Reply" button, then the subject matter you want to comment on comes up like this, and we would know what those deep words were referring to.
  8. What are you talking about?
  9. You're not as good as you used to be, Lord, at telling stories - we used to get free cakes and wine first.
  10. Better read it again Don, that's going back only to the Greeks and Romans.
  11. That's what happens when you can't recognise humour Bex.
  12. Yes, they stayed out in the rain and were killed in Noah's flood - there's a song about it. When passengers are told a snake crawled into the plane, they are pretty interested in having you prove it's not still there. No, same logic goes for those who believe in God.
  13. God single, the God that led to the creation story in Genesis in the Bible. Genesis was clearly written thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years after the event, or millions actually. The further back we go the less bible errors affect what we find in artifacts. I'm looking for realistic useable data, but I don't expect proof in the form of God's sneakers or false teeth Can you come up with proof God does not exist?
  14. Well we are only 100,000 years apart. I got is from a series of web references I think, when I was focused on getting right back as far as I could. It was based on a new remains find not in Africa.
  15. I haven't been following the front end of the research lately, but from memory, the human race as we know it is known to be around 300,000 years old based on artifacts. We need to get back into that area to get fresher data on belief or otherwise in God.
  16. FH: "If it's what Turbs doesn't agree with it's "shrill" or "absolute rubbish" Do you want me to you are lying when you apply that to everything I don't agree with?
  17. By all means twist what I actually wrote, but that reflects on you.
  18. Yes, and our base motivating factors are very similar.
  19. No, most of them get their money elsewhere, which puts them one rung up the ladder from trying to get me to work for my money then give away for administration purposes. I have, a number of times, but it usually comes up when the conversation is about religion in the form of an attack on religion.
  20. The 'shrill" I was talking about were the flat assertions, without any foundation other than an apparent intense dislike, suprisingly focused on Christianity rather than and belief or otherwise in God,. This is what I said "that is because people who believe in God and particularly who read the Bible get a message that it is essential to look after those worse off than you. There's nothing really stopping atheists doing the same." So you're just confirming what I said; but what is very interesting is what gives you the inner motive, what propels you in that direction - that is very similar to what some people report as a motivation by God to do a certain action.
  21. Maybe I should have said "Ever seen a socialist group organise funds to build a school?" I also work with and donate to when in their meetings political parties I don't vote for, so I can understand your point. And no, you're not a prominent example.
  22. I was interested in the exceptions, given the critical mass movement in the community away from discrimination, and it's detailed perfectly on your link, the religious section being: "Religious exceptions Religious bodies and religious schools can discriminate against a person on the basis of a personal characteristic in certain circumstances that include: ordinating or appointing priests, ministers of religion or members of a religious order training or educating people seeking ordination or appointment as priests, ministers of religion or members of a religious order selecting or appointing people to perform functions relating to, or participating in, any religious observance or practice. Religious bodies and religious schools can discriminate on the basis of a person’s religious belief or activity, sex, sexual orientation, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental status or gender identity where the discrimination conforms to the doctrines, beliefs or principles of the religion or is reasonably necessary to avoid injury to the religious sensitivities of people who follow the religion. However, religious bodies and religious schools cannot discriminate on the grounds of race, disability, age, physical features, industrial or employment activity, carer status, political belief or activity, pregnancy, breastfeeding or on the basis of a personal association with a person with any protected characteristic. Religious bodies and religious schools can also allow a person to discriminate against another person on the grounds of the person's religious belief or activity, sex, sexual orientation, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental status or gender identity if the discrimination is reasonably necessary for the first person to comply with the doctrines, beliefs or principles of their religion. The term ‘reasonably necessary’ requires an objective assessment of whether the discrimination is necessary." Shrill posts? I guess I can only speak for myself but I always put great effort into challenging ideas not attacking people.It's mostly the ones who just make assertions; in your case you are usually able to get me hitting the books. Threads no, but interminable posts miss-aimed often at just the Bible, or Christ, or Churches - yes.
  23. Jesus, I've been Octaved!
  24. Can you point to any examples of those laws?
  25. I understand.
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