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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. Bit close to home Marty?
  2. You only have to look at the current Royal Commission to see that OK Many times in history self-interested people/groups have come up with their own version of a religion based on belief in God, but based on their own moral standard, or their financial goals.
  3. It's illegal to discriminate against someone on religious grounds, illegal to even ask them in an interview, but a lot of atheists are so in your face every hour of every day taking every opportunity to ridicule believers, attack the Bible, tell people they are wasting their time going to church, that they shouldn't be surprised if they are quietly shifted to the side. Much earlier in this thread I quoted the Collins New English Dictionary definition of an Atheist as "one who denies the existence of God." Don loudly proclaimed I had the wrong dictionary, but many of the shrill posts in this thread match that description. with an anti-God drive many atheists also drift to the left into the socialist camp, and we have a couple of prominent examples posting here. Ever seen a socialist organise funds to build a school? that is because people who believe in God and particularly who read the Bible get a message that it is essential to look after those worse off than you. There's nothing really stopping atheists doing the same. the religious based ones were founded on the good neighbour principle I mentioned above See the first answer; police forces are notoriously political, so this is not surprising, yet is surprising given that they see some of the most horrific things people ever see, but from a sociological point of view there's nothing to prevent the situation oscillating the atheist way and back again over time. Same reasons, atheists have a way of getting up your nose with their constant denials, and people don't like it so they just close ranks. If SDA start a business to fund themselves there's nothing wrong with staffing it internally. I think anti-discrimination laws took care of that, any examples of any such legislation? If they are behind the scenes, how do you know? If you are a atheist, female and not white, you really are doomed in some professions. Many of those are doing just fine, but it's not uncommon for unshaven, long haired, loud mouths with rings through their ears to find common ground with employers, and they usually rationalise that in their own way, particularly if its happened eight or nine times in a row.
  4. No, I'm a student. (And yes I know Octave, but I've had so much workload since October it feels like I've been in a washing machine.
  5. And they work very hard, and many of them suffer from depression
  6. He is a comedian though
  7. Pideon Chess came from someone who lost arguments with creationalists. Creationalists refer to what they read in the Bible. The Bible was written by many people, some who knew their history, where their words correlate with written tablets from the time they are writing about, to sex fiends and people who appear to have been on the biblical equivalent of grass. The Bible is not mandated as a sole Reference Book, or sole Book of Rules. So atheist knowledge is not necessarily going to be increased by reading the Bible, particularly the juicy stories clearly written by fruit loops of old. I've said I've found references to belief in God which go back 30,000 years, and I haven't found much interest from anyone in doing any research on that far back, or further so far.
  8. And onle a few about atheist knowledge.
  9. - or a wonderful safety feature for those allergic.
  10. I never criticised the drivers of rear engined buses after I drove a few new ones on delivery runs. Something is going on waaay down the back, but the coach body is so well insulated, with the engine/transmission in it's own compartment, that you only have feel, the tacho and the speedo to work out whether it will shift or has shifted. At one time Greyhound became so frustrated with transmission failures that they put four speed constant mesh transmissions in all the new coaches on the grounds that the driver would be embarrassed with all the crunching going on behind the passengers. One of my most memorable experiences was when Melbourne operator Frank Bono bought a rolled coach with an RFW chassis, pulled the wrecked body off it and asked me to supply a new coach body. It had a Roadranger transmission with a Detroit 8V92 engine of around 290 horsepower. I had to drive it in on Ballarat Road to a Footscray transport depot for shipment, and Frank had wired a plastic chair from the lunch room for a driver's seat, otherwise I was out in the open air with just a steering wheel to hang on to. An 8V92 was no slouch in a prime mover with a semi trailer on the back, but with just a chassis and wheels, the power to weight ratio was magic, and I spent the first few intersections dragging cars off at the lights. Eventually someone started revving and engine, and at the next set of lights I dropped the clutch and gave it heaps! Nothing happened, and then there was a massive push in the back which nearly dislodged the chair. RFW had built the chassis light and the design required the body to provide stiffening. What I'd done was torque the chassis so the engine squatted behind the rear axle until kinetic energy took its course, humped the chassis up in the centre, then let it go!
  11. They imported two similar truck models from Brazil also and burnt themselves out of the medium truck market. Very expensive mistake.
  12. .....and so began the era of recycling and sustainability which, 2,000 years later would lead to massive forest fires and houses made out of the mudguards of Kia Rios and Harleys.
  13. You're welcome, 8km/hr, farting all the way and you have to find grass for it every night.
  14. How do I know these things? I've got a subscription, and get a monthly report.
  15. He's got a ring spanner in His hand that looks as if it fits a thru bolt, but I'm not quite sure because it's partially hidden by his tablet of stone with Don's list carved in very big letters.
  16. You should see the red sticker He's got ready for you Bruce!
  17. How do you know this guy wasn't a sinner?; sinners are very sneaky people.
  18. They weren't actually gods.
  19. I'm not so sure, it does show the poms as a dark yellow like p*ssholes in the snow.
  20. I see you're"on message" with the former Attorney General's emotional call to arms in this morning's press. Not everything in everyone's diary is open to an FoI declaration, and Brandis is simply playing it safe by ensuring the AAT make the decision on what is required to be released. If Mark wants to be Prime Minister (and I would like to see that happen at some time in the future) he needs to settle his emotions and stop getting himself thrown out of the Chamber.
  21. Not only that, the paper is grained to split longitudinally so you get along streamer.
  22. Just wanted to wake Facthunter up and get him drooling. This pulled into a service station north of Rockhampton this afternoon.
  23. [ATTACH]47840._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  24. I think the biggest problem is reach.
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