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Cosmick last won the day on February 7 2021

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About Cosmick

  • Birthday 09/03/1959

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  1. USA BUILT CEMENT SHIPS IN WW1 AND WW11, I think 2 were involved in D-Day armada.
  2. Cosmick

    Funny videos

    Sit back for half an hour, classic British comedy. Great cast, Not a spoken word.
  3. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

    For me its a Burger "Hamburger with egg and cheese". Try and find a decent one with a home made rissole AND tomato sauce(of course you can ask for type of sauce but still usually comes out with BBQ. What ever happened to a decent Dim Sim - Hmmm .. Cabbage
  4. Cosmick

    Funny videos

    Really, he was opposed to it
  5. for a laugh
  6. Bet they got that from the ACME company
  7. Precisely
  8. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

    A wake is a party for the deceased. Maybe a woke is a party attended by the deceased.
  9. Cosmick

    Funny videos

    he changes the orientation of his left arm
  10. When I was young I hiked up a creek with a lot of boulders named Stoney Creek ha ha anyway I was enjoying the cool fresh clean water on my journey and when I finally arrived at the pool below the waterfall I found a dead goat split open with its intestine's floating. Didn't even throw up just missed out on the cool swim.
  11. Wow, I pretty much know I suffer from the condition on the first explosion
  12. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

    My brother played rugby union for a taxation team. On the Guernsey they had two hands twisting a stone and a drop of blood coming out.
  13. Big plane, saw the city of Darwin in the city of Darwin.
  14. use a bum gun. If you step on and squeeze a dog tu*d between your toes are you going to use a tissue or the hose. and no issues during panic buying
  15. Looks like he is related to Yul
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