I've been driving outback for 40 years and had a few hits, plenty of 'close ones' and for the last decade I splashed out with 6 bucks at supercheap for a pair of black plastic whistles and my experience is they work. Will they save you from ever hitting a roo again, No, but if they reduce the incidence by my guess 80% well $6 well spent. I've mentioned it to many people and some say BS but others have agreed in a change in the behaviour pattern.
Funny you should say that, was Catholic but liked his secretary so changed to Anglican and got married. All the time Chaplain in Army so Job didn't really change.
The Malay campaign consisted of many heroic battles by retreating Commonwealth forces in a very difficult terrain with heavy tolls and atrocities by advancing Japanese forces including the Parit Sulong Massacre and the Alexandra Hospital Massacre. The fall of Singapore was a disaster, surrendering to a smaller force. I can only imagine the disappointment felt by those who fought only to lay down their arms and endure years of suffering. Also resulting in the subsequent murder of many thousands of Chinese during the Sook Ching Operation
Wiki has a good account and is a good read, jump off into sub headings for more information.