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Everything posted by Cosmick

  1. The old man used the razor belt on us when we were kids.
  2. Brexit is the problem. Like it or not, in the democratic process the people voted to leave. May went to Europe several times to get the best deal possible. Some Government MP's voted against 'The Deal' hoping for better and the opposition to just defy the Government because they can for Political Mileage even though against their constituents wishes. Face it, no PM is going to get a better deal, Europe will not give any ground. Form a committee from the 21 + 1 MP's who crossed, see if they can do any better.
  3. I'm sure a lot of people thought the same about Churchill when he was first elected.
  4. I was a paper boy in the 60's, Brisbane Telegraph was 4 cents. Great times , just about everyone gave me a 5c piece. 25% tip. Then they went to 5c. So much for getting rich quick.
  5. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

    Maybe not enough people went to church
  6. Good article on ABC by Dr Karl on the electromagnetic spectrum. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-08-28/is-5g-safe-dr-karl-radiation-explainer/11416070
  7. He is lucky not to have lived long enough to see someone violate a pizza with BBQ sauce
  8. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

    When you start the Na's Planey I would go to the bar and hopefully you'd nearly be finished by the time I got back.
  9. You had to look it up in the "Encyclopedia Britannica" or in your "Funk and Wagnalls" ( I only know of that one from "Laugh In", say goodnight Dick )
  10. OME you would like this Guy, Professor Roly Sussex on ABC Brisbane A word in your ear
  11. Have you ever seen a "gruntled" post office worker
  12. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

  13. Watch them spurs
  14. Aphrodesiac Nev ?
  15. Speaking of Farts. now that your over 60 - Don't trust em.
  16. Don't they play Rugby on Sundays
  17. Isn't it great to see people get off their arse and show their Government that the people don't like their agenda. Once upon a time Australians used to protest about things that mattered i.e. Apartheid when Sth Africa Rugby toured and the Vietnam War to get the soldiers out, (not the disgusting Hippie movement against the Soldiers themselves). There are still plenty of things to protest about but we are pathetic, easier to tick a box on facebook.
  18. Go Happy Rock
  19. Cosmick

    Quickies part 2

    You didn't get the Job cause they didn't think you'd fit in.
  20. whether the weather is fine that tear in my shorts brings a tear to my eye
  21. don't letterboxes have numbers on them I used to have a thing for Red Heads, used to.
  22. If you mine the Moon you would decrease its mass and maybe increase its orbit
  23. I wonder about battery efficiency. The Hyundai Kona gets over 400km from full charge, I see the Nissan above will get 270ish. So what if you don't use it, do only 50 a day and charge it each night how will the batteries fare. For best condition and longevity of life should you wait till Battery is low before charge. Maybe they should bring out a cheaper commuter with 100km range for day to day. Most families these days have two breadwinners and if they can afford, 2 cars. A little run around and a family car.
  24. I love voting day, i feel so popular walking in, unfortunately like a ghost walking out
  25. He led the Party and the Nation as a Leader, he made decisions as a Leader. Example Cabinet papers 1988-89: Bob Hawke acted alone in offering asylum to Chinese students 20,000 students and many of their families followed.
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