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Everything posted by Cosmick

  1. The Deen Brothers, all they leave is the memories. Category: | The Courier Mail
  2. I don’t think I would find the book very a-peeling.
  3. and half baked ideas
  4. Those little $5 plastic whistles are great. 90% of the time now I see the Wobbilies disapearing as I approach. Doesn't eliminate risk but sure reduces it.
  5. I'm a yes vote but i'm not certain of a win. The majority who are sorta yeah arn't passionate and as it is not compulsory a reasonable percentage may not vote. The religious will be banging it out in the sermons and the old fashioned will want to have their say. Wouldn't surprise me if its a 'NO' on the day.
  6. There is no reason to 'Vote No', except that you don't like the idea. "I'm going to stop people doing what I can do because they are different" If your that righteous than its not going to affect you anyway is it, well not until your loving grandchild or other progeny comes out of the closet. What right do we have to tell another person what they can and can't do simply cause we don't like it.
  7. i wonder how many proved their innocence by not turning to dust.
  8. [ATTACH]48890._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. Ch 5 § 116 The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. Religious belief is not a factor in determining Law as that it would be discriminatory against those of other religions or those who do not believe in religion. The right to believe in a particular Religion or lack of is our right as an Australian. I believe It is not our right to impose our beliefs on others, I have the right to not have you breath fire and brimstone down my throat. I agree with pete above. This discussion is about all persons rights being equal, which of course they are not.
  10. Its probably got something to do with the angle .
  11. Centre prop counter rotates
  12. If I saw Angela Lansbury walk down the street I would turn around and walk away.
  13. Australian Constitution 01/01/1901 Part IV Both Houses of Parliament 44. Disqualification Any person who: is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power; or
  14. Don't worry about saving the Planet, the Planet will be fine. All that's going to happen is nature will get rid of us (by our own hand) and then over time will get things back in balance.
  15. Bit of a Blind Spot
  16. "42" https://www.quora.com/Why-and-how-is-42-the-answer-to-life-the-universe-and-everything
  17. I feel invisible when I walk OUT of a polling both.
  18. Is it more true than not ? What is the world going to be like in 30 years. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1728086850790564
  19. In light of the lone wolf attack in London and the stabbing death of a police officer I think its about time that ALL cops got side arms so they can protect the Citizens and themselves...
  20. Have my tickets for the 1st Game at Lang Park. BTW cane toads eat cockroaches
  21. Hi Frank. People who live in Northern Australia live with Crocodiles. (Southerners only have to put up with Poodles). I lived up there for several years in my mid to late teens (used to be the bunny on the outside of the prawn net at Flying Fish Point in the 70's). I think many locals like the idea of living on the frontier and have a healthy respect for Crocs and Sharks and snakes and box jellyfish etc. But nature has to be managed, around Darwin considerable resources are utilised to control Crocs and if numbers are getting out of hand in populated areas then they have to be managed and by managed I mean whatever means to control the croc numbers. If the greenies complain, invite them to come up and pat a Croc, their paradigm will change very quickly.
  22. The middle one on the right has that longing look, wondering why she isn't getting any.
  23. Your not so innocent youth is becoming apparent.
  24. I'm confused, i thought there were Nun
  25. Lot of those older Buildings do have lower doorways. Isn't that what you mean. Don't want to bump your HEAD.
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