Most modern cars have conservative speedo's. My Navara 2012 is 11% conservative but the odometer is accurate, go figure. Left it as is as missus has a lead foot. Nissan proclaimed it was only 7% which "was acceptable". Many wouldn't think of checking speedo Vs GPS speed and happily drive around at a stated say 100kph but are probably clocking 95 or thereabouts.
They say that alcohol was invented so that even the ......... Well you know the rest but in the case at hand I don't think there is a liver out there that could handle the required quantity.
I can just see it now, You and the missus to be (or not to be) driving down the road and you see the vending machine...... you say, what do ya reckon.... Spur of the moment activity..
Maybe there should be a Motel just a bit further down the way.
No real change, 5+ km p/ltr towing, 8km p/ltr general, 9+km p/ltr highway. Not as economical as newbies but only cost me $34k new and about same economy as my 99' Hilux 3.oTD but bigger and can tow 3T. CPU tickle under $2k with ongoing support.
IMO the likes of a Manual Patrol with Free wheeling Hubs for Heavy Vans. You can reverse in Low Range 2wd getting into tight spots. Brother had a 200 Series GXL with a 22' Fibregass Golf and did a few laps and had to replace two front diffs as AWD. I currently have a Auto 2012 Navara 2.5 towing 1.2T Horse Float + up to 1.2T of Horse. Standard 131kw at rear wheels. Had a CPU upgrade now 153kw (206hp).
If you remember the lines of refugees during other conflicts they were made up of Women and Children and the Elderly. I don't remember seeing Men running away from those oppressing their Country. When England had its back against the wall in 1940 did all the young Men run away to hide from the Nazis. Why are these young Middle Eastern Males fleeing their Countries. Are they Cowards or are they planning to fight in a different war.
I have a 5yo Laptop which is dated. I also have a 2009 imac, runs like a dream video editing etc, Latest operating system FREE. Microsoft Office Suite. even run XP for some old programs. I'm converted