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Bruce Tuncks

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Bruce Tuncks last won the day on October 16 2023

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About Bruce Tuncks

  • Birthday 08/08/1945

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  1. PS this comes from the guy who thought that nobody would vote for trump! I still can't believe that they did this, but Kamala did show a distressing tendency to agree with woke ideas. One of the worst of these was the insistence on letting boxers claim to be women. Albanese should wake up and become an enemy of some of the silliest woke ideas or he will join the rout, which actually started in Europe, well before trump cashed in.
  2. Surely it would only take a Cessna flight to solve this mystery. It is interesting that they appear to respect airspace, which leads me to believe that they are quite harmless and very likely to be a paranoid thing.
  3. Well, no lollies but some guys came real close. There are 7 heavenly bodies, against the fixed backdrop of stars,,,, These are the sun, the moon, mercury, venus , jupiter, mars and saturn. Yes, there are more planets but unknown to the naked eye. Like Uranus and Neptune . So, if you were doing an ancient cosmology, 7 sure is a magic number, equal to the seventh heaven and the number of crystal shperes you need. Funny how they didn't know they were ancient at the time...
  4. AND....why were there 7 days in a week? First correct answer will get a lolly.
  5. I like the old English day names cos it is one of the very few which has a female ( Freya). Gosh, the Abrahamic religions were really misogynistic, you have to go back to before them to get a female huh.
  6. Monday=moon's day Tuesday= tiw's day Wednesday=woden's day Thursday=thor's day Friday=freyas'day
  7. 3 COMMENTS: 1.Who is gunna pay? I reckon abos already get lots and I suspect that the poor old whitefeller taxpayer will be up for more if they get whatever they want now. 2.My current wife had to resign from the air-force when we got married. This was in the late 60's 3.Koorie courts? How could you think that they could mete out justice to the hated neighbor tribes? And I really don't think Australia was invaded. The abos had no interest in the whites, except maybe as allies against the common enemy of the tribe next door. ( I have to tell you about olive pink tho... I knew her as a batty and flat-chested old crone who used to hang around the law-court at Alice Springs. Nobody ever told me why... she was there to explain abo law to the truly ignorant judges there, and she is considered a saint these days) If I had to make up a list of things that I was never told about, those abos would be on it, as would the anzac soldiers and the bombing of Darwin. Plus the names of the days of the week.
  8. I wonder if corruption is not linked to a free press in that we hear frightening things all the time... Far better, says me, to be like this than live under a muzzled press. But then the countries above us on the "corruption-free" list also have a free press. Just maybe not so murdochified?
  9. One thing that has come from trump's win is that wokeism is finished there in the usa. I reckon that is the only thing that can explain what happened there. I wonder what they ( Trump voters ) would think of the likes of Lydia?
  10. For Marty's benefit, how does he think that aborigines would fare if whitemen never arrived? Personally, I think that they would be fewer and poorer than they are now. But we can't put our modern selves in their shoes ( oops, they had no shoes before ) because we can't restore the past. My objection to the "welcome to country" thing is that it is transparently just a precursor for asking for even more money.
  11. The only reason I can think of as to why this is not done already is the kind of "inverted racism" we see around today. For example, the lack of appropriate housing ( Simple and built with non-flammable materials as well as non-shattering materials ) is an example of the stupid kind of thinking that says " abos are citizens and will be provided with the kind of housing that others get." completely disregarding culture.
  12. I was thinking about abos and wondered what if they were paid "siddown money " once a year. Well there would be a great binge and six months later, the kids would start dying of hunger. OK, so what about the other way? They are presently paid every fortnight, I think, and the kids sometimes don't make it till payday, but they often do. So what about paying them every day? This would once have been an expensive idea, but it is no longer. They would stop starving the kids and have "lots " of money for grog. I reckon the once a fortnight was a hangover from pre-computer days and it is no longer necessary or desirable, especially for people with very limited time horizons.
  13. Here's my guess.... Trump is going to lose, and by quite a margin. Last time, I didn't mind him so much, but for a second run? Yes, I know there are crazies out there but hey they are not in a majority. My main worry is that lots of women will vote against Kamala on sexist grounds. I sure don't understand just why they will do this.
  14. Thanks Onetrack, here's a question that I asked the medicos without getting an answer: Our blood is about 900ppm salinity. Q: Is this equal to the sea salinity when our ancestors left the sea? It is a LOT more saline now, so the 900ppm seems about right for hundreds of millions of years ago. Our ancestors at the time were of course fish. ( The coelecanth fish looks like a candidate.... alas, the ones around now lack the five-fold symmetry of their appendages which apparently mark a true ancestor)
  15. AND SALT NEV! in rainwater.... not enough to worry about ( ec reading of rainwater = 20 dS/m I think, anyway the 20 is correct. This compares with 30,000 ppm for seawater, or about 22,000 ec units. But if the catchment is big enough, by the time evap etc has concentrated the salt, it is no longer negligible. For the murray-darling , this salt is significant. How does it get from the sea?... just look at the white haze in a sea-breeze, it's salt dust. It gets into the air when sea-spray evaporates.
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