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Bruce Tuncks

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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. I reckon its amazing how authoritarian rule is so attractive to many people. Who wants to be a dictator's pawn? Lots apparently. You would think that the plight of Russians under Putin would cause people to choose democracy, but it seems not to.
  2. You are supposed to hold a bit of beetroot on your fork when you ask the table" you can beat an egg but what can't you beat?" Lotsa people have never heard this before, or they pretend they never heard it. And, marty, I never heard the one about the egg in your shoe either. Maybe I had a protected childhood, old movie-wise anyway.
  3. Those Germans took away all the sardines, the dairy and the petrol... so the Norwegians had to walk or cycle everywhere and eat cabbage. They hated it but they stopped having heart attacks.
  4. The Norden bombsight set Pritikin off on his medical crusade. Pritikin was a pioneer in developing photo-etched glass, and this led directly to the integrated circuits we have today. The US lacked the manpower to etch glass ( elderly east europeans seem to be the only ones I see on the media doing it ) on an industrial scale. This made Pritikin a lot of money, but he was told he had a "bad heart " and needed to "take it easy " in his 40's ! So he used his top secret clearance to find out why, for example, the Norwegians lived a lot longer under German occupation than they did before, and the rest is history.
  5. There was an ex-mayor looking at the shattered rubble that was a city in Germany. He said " Hitler said we would not recognize Germany in ten years time".
  6. I reckon they ( the Israelis) could do a better job of at least warning the civilians to get out of the way first. AND I don't agree that bomber Harris was right even though he was provoked. I think that better-targetted bombs aimed at weakening Hitler's military was the way the yanks did it and I reckon they were right.
  7. I absolutely agree williedoo. I am amazed that the Israeli response is playing into this scene, I hoped they were smarter than this.
  8. Have you heard of the old scottish saying " a woman a dog and a walnut tree, The more you beat 'em the better they be" Braver that me, those old scots.
  9. You will not be shot down by me Red. My heart is with you on this matter. But my head says that OME is right again. I reckon that the hamas lot are deliberately using civilians for hiding behind. Then they are poised to win the propoganda war, as night after night we will see the Israeli army destroying gaza. Here's a question which is bothering me right now.... If Gaza had a squillion people, why are they not in demand for industrial production? I read that Ukraine had a big business in making electrical looms for cars, the main requirement listed was a big population that would need little pay compared with other places. I would think that Gaza should be a good place to set up a factory, well not right now of course.
  10. I agree that ev's need to be as cheap as the cheapest ic cars before they can be expected to take over. I still expect this to happen soon. ( ten years) Since converting a farm buggy to electric, I have noticed that electric SHOULD be a lot cheaper. It mainly needs cheaper batteries than the lithium types we have now.
  11. That post about read and red reminds me of spelling reform1. There was a model plane magazine here in Aust where the editor unilaterally enacted sr1 which was to replace all the ea spelling with the hard "e" sound, so you would write that you red that book. Personally, I didn't like it even though I saw the logic. Anyway, the next editor gave up on the idea too. Esperanto was a better idea but it didn't take off , not that I would have helped much.
  12. Why are they exempt? Is it cos they are like quakers and are pacifists?
  13. Thanks guys.... I never knew how hard it was to learn english.
  14. An Australian was being shown around a farm in NZ, when they came upon a fence where a nice-looking ewe was caught by its neck. The NZ farmer said "here is what we always do here" and he got some lipstick out of the glovebox and applied it to the ewe. Then he proceeded to root the ewe. Afterwards, he said the the Australian.... " your turn now". The Australian said No, no,.... well maybe, ok yes but I'm not wearing that lipstick.
  15. I tried but failed to separate islam from the secular even in my mind. I actually spent some time in Libya under Gaddafi, and I liked some aspects of the place. BUT every arrangement sentence finished with the word "inshallah " which means "god willing ". They really act as if there is nothing they can do without god being willing. They have the worst road fatalities in the world. Why wear a seatbelt if the day and time of your death has already been decided by allah?
  16. It's just a story nev. the payment to the polly would normally be hidden as a "campaign donation" or something like that. The payment to the organizer would be hidden as "consulting fees " or similar.
  17. I'd like to see a video of the robotic brickie in action.... or is it too early?
  18. U are not so silly nev. In the Boer war, the negros supported the poms as they were a lot better than the dutch. As regards the current voice debate, I wonder if the Aborigines would have had it so good if another lot got here before the poms. Choose between Dutch, Spanish, Portugese French and German. One of the things about Darwin is how he decided that mankind was another animal when he went on punitive sorties in the Argentine. He was shocked at the behaviour of the soldiers he went with.
  19. It's hard for somebody who grew up on Enid Blyton and then Biggles to be anti-pom. They is us so to speak. I really felt at home in London, and I almost forgave them for the nasty ordeal at Heathrow, where Australians had to line up with dusky turban-wearing undesirables, while greeks walked right in.
  20. I have heard about a crow that wanted to eat the food of a big tied-up dog. The problem was that the dog's lead enabled it to protect its feed-bowl. The crow strutted around and wound the dog up, till it's lead was too short to reach the bowl of food anymore. Then the crow helped itself. If this is true, and I think it was, this shows amazing intelligence from the crow.
  21. Congratulations spacy!
  22. I have a mate who says that ww2 has, sadly. given us the stupid idea of a "just" war, and I always thought of it like this. I can be as stupid as the next guy. For example, I reckon declaring war on Hitler was the correct thing to do. But ww1 was a different matter, and Germany didn't deserve to be treated so badly after the "loss" that they turned to Hitler. Here's some trivia about the start of ww1: The poms were NOT WANTED as they were on the nose in Europe after the Boer War. They invented concentration camps in the modern world. They were lucky to be allowed into all the fun. The stupidity of the Germans in allowing their allegiance with Austria to overcome their common-sense is impressive , but I do believe the historian guy who said that germany ( 30% ) was not nearly as responsible for WW1 as the poms were, at 60%. Germany wanted out in 1915 but the poms were having too much fun.
  23. Why don't "believers" leave more to their god in the punishment dept? Surely being tortured every day for eternity is a lot of punishment? Could it just be that inflicting hurt is good fun?
  24. I still don't understand how it works. The new US senate leader says that teaching evolution causes gun violence, so he is a right-wing loony in my estimation. Yet the democrats could have got in a better person, gosh the outgoing guy was only thrown out by democrat votes. The only sense I can make of it is that the democrats really want the republicans to expose themselves and lose future elections.
  25. On a similar note, did you know that genuine black-belt hari krishnas could levitate? Unfortunately, unbelievers give off bad vibes and so they can't show unbelievers. I am in awe of this logic.
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