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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks
I helped start an anglican school when my kids were of the right age. I was the only atheist on the school board, and one day I nearly got burned at the stake.... my next-door guy on the board asked how the building was going, and I foolishly replied that " I had some spiritual help putting up some wall panels". well I said this too loud and the chair wanted all the details, so I said how "the level spirit guided me truly". Well I thought this was funny but the rest of them just glared at me.
I reckon Obama would be hated by lots of black kids in the US. I can almost hear their ( black ) granny say. " you get off that black ass n do some work... you could be president! Personally, I would have supported Hilary but Obama was a good president I reckon.
Is there a real example of a "self made man?" coming to mind are Bond.... nahhh, fails the test That microsoft guy? .... Nahhh, also fails the test Obama? closer, but also fails! He got the negro vote without really being part of their culture... Obama was actually brought up by a white granny. Trump? He fails too, by more than Obama for sure.
I was taught to be anti-catholic, but it never rubbed off... I guess my parents were not very anti-catholic themselves. We were supposed to sing " catholic dogs, eating frogs, eating maggots out of logs" but we never did.In fact, we felt sorry for the catholic kids cos the sister in charge was insane. She had a length of electric flex to hit the kids with all day. In later life, just by chance, many of my mates were catholics... at least by birth they were. I don't remember discussing theology at all, it was not an interest we had, well not as much as model planes.
It's obvious to me why a country with nukes has never been attacked, I don't understand why you don't see this Marty AND I don't think that even Russia has attacked a country with nukes nev.
PS I would vote for Australia to have nukes. Not that I would want them to be used, but how many attacks have there ever been on countries with nukes? Once, I foolishly thought that giving up nukes meant that the nuclear countries GUARANTEED your security.( Under the non-proliferation treaty, I thought) This Ukraine stuff, plus a bit of google research, has demonstrated to me that this is nonsense. So I hereby suggest that Australia builds hundreds of Jabiru drones, and fits them with "dirty bombs" until we can make the real stuff.
Yep , I reckon our hope of avoiding a nuke is to convince the lower-down Russians that they and their families are going to get it sooner if they obey putin instead of defying him. BUT I do like the notion that if a nuke is used in the Ukraine, the russians currently in Ukraine will be obliterated by non-nukes quite fast.
Our culture does similar things wille, I bet you have more money now than when you were younger. I sure do . If we lived in a culture with no money or property, how would we keep the young fellers from getting things? I reckon they used taboos etc. I never heard of the penis splitting trick, but I see how it worked for that tribe anyway. My lot ( the Arunta ) had just about everything taboo and as you got older you were allowed more stuff. I dunno how they kept the birth-rate down, I always thought that this was done by nature, in that the lubra and picaninny would both die in a drought. What was good, I thought, was their way of avoiding inbreeding. If 2 groups from different tribes met, the women from the weaker side were herded over. They were either killed or raped. If they were just raped, all was well and the blokes didn't have to fight.
I reckon the yanks were the only big army in history that really cared about the lives of their own troops. This makes them better than the poms and our lot.
Yep, no land rights for the Chatham islanders huh? If you ask a present day Maori, they will say that the invaders were just following their culture.
I like the idea that we give overseas corporations too much power, but I have to disagree with old K about the Maories ( yep I know that they were only obliquely referred to ). They are tough fighters for sure and the whites relied on ships coming with ammo etc to keep assured of winning. So the treaty of Waitangi was really a bit between equals. Sure, the whites did a doublecross much later when they could no longer lose, but that treaty was a legal document . I have said it before, but I reckon our abos are darned lucky that the Maories did not find their way to Australia. I reckon in time they would have, and the abos would have been eaten, literally.
Some kids I knew rolled their Rav 4 turning right when the camber of the road was against them. If I had my way, in order to get a license, you would need to do calculations involving c of g height, centrifugal force, reaction times etc. People posting here would easily pass, the main idea is to make sure that you withheld a license from a complete idiot.
Those Japanese militarists were bad guys for sure. And Macarthur, for all his faults, did some good stuff and the alliance we have to this day with Japan is largely his legacy. Macarthur was responsible for "winning" the Korean war with his daring attack on the north Korean capital.
The climate change debate continues.
Bruce Tuncks replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
I didn't say that the sea walls will be effective, only that they will be expensive and their cost will not be carried by the rich. -
I reckon Albo is fulfilling an election promise by going ahead with the referendum and honestly supporting it. I for one am embarrassed at the bad company I am keeping with the "no" vote and can't wait till things get back to normal and I can support Albo against Dutton as usual.
Like I have said before, there is no understanding of private property among abos. So their property rights are taken over by white fat lady "legal abo" lots. I reckon their rights are too much already, what with preventing rock climbing etc. What advantage do real abos have that they have stopped whities from rock climbing? Why would they wish to do this? And what about the Ararat duplication of the Melbourne road? I reckon you will soon be able to point to dead people who were killed by the obstruction of this road duplication. I bet that there will be tricky legislation which prevents the real culprits paying.
yep I never knew about that either
The climate change debate continues.
Bruce Tuncks replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
There is a prediction around that Australia will spend billions of tax money building sea-walls to protect the property of the rich. -
Whaddeya mean "sovereign rights" nev?
If you read a sf book in which a planet full of warring tribes had one tribe that developed A bombs, you would be surprised if others were allowed to do the same. Personally, I reckon the US believed their own propaganda to the extent that they thought they had much more time. I must admit to being surprised to read that the A bombs were not the cause of the Japanese surrender, but the cause was the Russian invasion of some islands after a belated declaration of war. Total bs, thought I. Mind you, the Japanese don't trust the russians to this day.
A glaring problem with OME's idea ( which I like ) is the precedent of consultancy fees. Millions will be transferred to fat white ladies who are "legal" aborigines. This happens now of course. If only a "work for the dole" scheme could establish such advisory bodies without millions of fees being handed out, then it should be supported.
I have to agree with marty etc about the lack of training . Having been at school with lots of black kids, I can assure you that they got the same education as the rest of us. Of course, they went home to a place with no books etc. But they went home to a house like I did. The main difference was the culture. What has hurt blacks in the US is the fact that Asians came from behind to get ahead quite without any help. Yep, a different culture. Do you help keep a culture going even though it is a bad one?
Unless you are a "legal" aborigine. When I was working on a house in Alice Springs, the aborigine-rented place across the road always had a smoky and smouldering fire burning in the backyard. This turned out to be a "comfort fire" and was quite legal. I never saw anybody sitting near that fire, but it is possible that they did sometimes. ANYway, I reckon they have already got lots of legal advantages and I personally don't want to give them more. "Reparations" will be next, regardless of the "no" vote. I predict that the reparations exercise will fail because there are too many, like myself, who never benefitted in any way from whitefellers taking the land. ( what about recent immigrants for example ). But the case will be harder for the abos to win with a no vote.
I would like it if the Voice were charged with the responsibility of finding answers to difficult questions ( such as "how do we provide real employment in the tribal lands") but there is zero evidence that it will work like this. I reckon it would just give increased power to the negative things like stopping whities from climbing rocks. So, regretfully, and not liking the bad company, I am still voting "no".
My firm impression was that it would apply to practitioners.... we in Australia have Indian practitioners who have found a loophole which includes London. One of these practitioners was the Bundaberg Dr death.