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Bruce Tuncks

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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. I just read that in Russia, children of ex-servicemen can attend medical school and never be failed even if they don't attend lectures and do any assignments. Gosh, this would make them as bad as we are with non-english speaking australians...
  2. I can give an example how a "no" vote might help.... I reckon that the future might contain less of the nonsense things the " abo " lobby of fat rich white ladies has subjected us to, like banning rock climbing in the grampians.
  3. I have seen cattle stations , handed to abos, become shamefully neglected and money-losers. I have seen businesses in Alice Springs remain successful in abo ownership but whiteys running the place. On what evidence can you say that they, the abos, have not been given a chance? I reckon they have been given every chance but they don't have a work ethic and I don't see how a yes vote in a referendum would help in any way. Octave and me are a bit like the religious vs the atheists. We are both wanting the other side to provide proof. Personally, I reckon the onus lies on the "yes" vote to give me a single good example of how this referendum will help at all.
  4. When I spill somehing like that, I use the broom and a stand-up dustpan to put them in. Where they go next depends on whether the wife knows or not. If she doesn't know, I put them back.
  5. I am still waiting for a good explanation of just how whites doing rock climbing in the grampians could possibly be of any business to anybody else.
  6. Yes Octave, you want to reverse the onus and have us "no" types say exactly what our problem is. I have to admit to being hostile to the "professionally offended" types who I reckon have too much power these days and I don't want to give them any more. A resounding "no" vote would do good I reckon, and stuff like the WA regulations would slow down and not accelerate. AND I don't like renaming Brisbane, at least without a LOT more discussion. I reckon the onus of convincing should be on those wanting the change, not those wanting to stay the same. But yes I am embarrassed at some of the bad company I am keeping on this matter.
  7. Good reasons for voting yes guys. I too don't want to side with conservative religious types..... BUT I still want a concrete example of how the thing would work to help the abos. So far, they only seem to have used their ( considerable) power to thwart white progress. I see the stalled road to ararat and read that it is forbidden to climb rocks in the grampians! What good can it possibly do to the abos to stop stupid whitefellers from rock-climbing? In the meantime, I don't give the referendum a hope in hell of passing, and I just wish that we could add new questions to the referendum which would have a far better chance of getting the nod.
  8. I think the blue stuff is copper sulphate just painted on. It does not penetrate like the pressure-treated pine has. You can see on a sawn section that the blue penetration was at best 3mm. So you would need, at best, a can of stuff to paint onto joints and ends. As far as properly-treated pine goes, it produces the longest-lived fence posts of all, I have seen the figure of 100 years quoted. Mind you, this treatment was possibly before the woke lot sabotaged the deal.
  9. When I was building a house in Alice Springs, the tradies behind were building several. They would stay away for weeks and then 6 or so would work hard for a day or so. The tradie who put in the hip ends on the house just close to us made a big mistake.... he just put ONE pencil mark on where the hip trusses should go. The next guys put the trusses on the wrong side of the mark. All those who came after had to spend time bodging it up. They were going to kill the guy who stuffed up to start. One day, the guy who put the pencil mark wrong was back again..... " Whose Effing paying!" was the cry. They were sure time conscious ( where they were being paid piecework ) . I loved it.
  10. On the subject of indigenous culture, and how it has become destructive: I reckon something similar has happened to black culture in the USA. Obama sure didn't grow up in that culture.
  11. While I agree with you Nomad, I reckon that lots of indigenous females would disagree and say that the culture was never kind to women
  12. They should last longer than 40 years IF they have got proper foundations. In the early days, houses were built with "strip footings" which never were good enough in Australia with it's drying-out soils. I think they got the idea from England and didn't allow for the fact that England has a lot less expansive clay soils, as well as a lot more rainfall.
  13. Once I knew a guy who was part of a group that tendered for aboriginal housing. It was for a settlement near Alice Springs .They were an architect, an aboriginal elder and a supplies manager. They did up a plan for first moves out of the desert, containing no flammable things or glass. Well the plan was thrown out by canberra bureaucrats, who said that "these people will have housing just like anybody else and the proponents of alternatives were disgusting. "
  14. I once said ( aloud) that I had never met an aborigine who could pass real exams. Note that I didn't say that aborigines could not pass real exams, only that I had not met one. This led me to be called a racist here ( which I deny ) and the example was given of an aboriginal woman who had just passed medicine in WA. So I looked up this woman and found that she was a blonde! Her claim to aboriginality was based on the fact that she had been fostered by a part-aboriginal family at one time. Wow there is a big difference between a legal aborigine and a blackfellow huh. I reckon I'm not a racist..... that, to me, means not giving a person a fair go because you think he/she is inferior based on their skin pigmentation. Personally, I reckon those who would bend over backwards to give advantage to aborigines are the true racists.
  15. There is a credible story from Stuart who returned from Attack Creek. He said that the local aborigines referred to the white's guns as " musquats" whereas muskets had not been used for a great many years at the time. It is apparent that news did indeed travel from tribe to tribe, but it was slow compared to telegraph or even pony express.
  16. Well I did find something.... Ancient stuff refers to seven stars, not six. It seems that the seventh has become too close to a brighter star now and so has become invisible to the naked eye. This is not as definitive as I hoped to find, sorry!
  17. Octave, I have a clear recollection of what I wrote, I saw this in an old textbook which had a diagram showing the pleiades 50,000 years ago and 50,000 years in the future. Alas, I could not google this diagram up but I'll keep looking.
  18. Like Obama's left leg huh Nomad? It's not right and it's not fair.
  19. PS The australian aborigines didn't have a monopoly on nonsense "creation" stories, the bible is also full of this stuff. ( Ever worry if your Jabiru might fly into the firmament? Well it's just a bit of nonsense from bronze-age goat-herders that got into the bible )
  20. I find the idea of a primitive people ( no light pollution ) to have ideas on astronomy to be very obvious. But there are stories about the creation-times which are such obvious nonsense that the question arises.... can we cherry-pick through all this stuff to find a grain that is true? The answer is clearly yes to this, but I don't think it therefore follows that they had or have any insights worth pursuing. I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this matter, but I really doubt that they really knew anything. Regarding the pleiades, they apparently consist of 2 groups of stars which are going in different directions, so their appearance will change with time.
  21. was the holy ghost male or female? I reckon he has got it in for me, sending bad weather when i need good etc. And I reckon he was male, cos the whole rest of the religion was so misogynistic.
  22. Here's how I would do the compelling.... The FIRST going over the budget would come from the CEO's own money. I bet this has never been tried.
  23. What nonsense they were all propagating..... as if the sun would respond to being worshiped! WELL i guess the response of nothing would be equal to the fresh air the european missionaries all were selling.
  24. Why oh why I ask, can a govt not agree to a "cut-price games" where the games CEO was given a budget and compelled to stay within it?
  25. It's the first admission I have seen about how the true cost is a multiple of the first cost. Why does this happen? Why can't the sum just be allocated and a smart CEO told that there is no more?
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