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Bruce Tuncks

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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. I was a kid at yuendumu and we went out to get some roos with a bunch of blackfellows. They used Ford flat-tops and 303 rifles and we went out to a nearby watering-point. Even as a kid, I thought that this was not fair on the roos. The abos should have been restricted to traditional spears etc. The roos were cooked in a traditional way on a fire which was also used for a corroboree. Women were not invited, but they were not prevented from sitting at the back. I reckon that traditional rights should go with traditional methods, otherwise we should have one set of rules no matter what your race is.
  2. It must be an easier job than i thought
  3. I wouldn't advise him to run again, and I'm younger then he will be.
  4. I spent years saying that the current abos had exterminated a previous wave, and this was proven by the difference between tasmanian abo dna and the mainland stuff. alas, this proved to be not true, the tasmanian stuff is indeed abo dna.... bugger, says I. BUT I sure object to being asked to pay for "stolen land". I NEVER got any real estate without paying the going rate.
  5. I think that the pommy lead was because their coal had less sulphur, and it was therefore much better to make steel with. This, combined with the European religious wars ( catholics vs protestants) kept the germans back for a long time. This explains why england was so powerful and rich before WW1.
  6. When i was in the US, there was this guy who was wearing a north melbourne tee shirt. I thought he was doing it in honor of us Australians, but that was wrong. He watched lots of cable-sport tv, and he reckoned that Australian rules was easily the best spectator sport there was. I agree and can't understand why they watch that poofter game a lot in sydney. Gosh it is embarrassing how they stop lots to have a gang-bang, which they call a scrum.
  7. Me too Jerry... my mother came down from Alice springs with a big car jammed full of rubbishy stuff which was hard to dispose of. At first we tried to sell it, then to give it away. In the end, we had to pay for dumpsters . She would have died over again to see this.
  8. I have, for many years, thought that WW1 was primarily the fault of the English ( 65%) followed by Imperial Germany ( 35%) followed by everybody else ( 10%). But on looking the subject up on Google etc, this is not the division of blame. The Austro-hungarians and the Serbs and the Germans are to blame mostly, it was said. Maybe, thinks I, my belief that those poms were awful has been misplaced? This is a different thing to how I still reckon that Australia could have shortened the war and prevented both Hitler and Stalin from getting into power.
  9. I really like the idea of making the rich pay more taxes. So they will pass it on? Of course they will try, but every dollar they pay in tax is a dollar that the rest of us don't have to pay. I have read that inequality costs us heaps. So any effort to make the rich less so is ok by me. But you will get lots of opposition.... look at today's murdoch papers to see some..
  10. not much foot and mouth around here, but you did say foot in mouth. There is a lot of that in my house.
  11. I don't actually think that you have to be a genuine flat-earth creationist to be a republican these days, but it sure would help.
  12. Alas, getting back to the heading, I really don't think there are any real creationists out there. I noticed that recent mayoral elections in the US went heavily against the republicans, and I took it for a good sign that people are fed up with creationists. But just maybe there is one out there who is just itching to be made fun of.... please respond.
  13. Gosh nev, you were very lucky.... I would hate to hit a hay bale, and especially not on a motorbike. Please don't try it again.
  14. Well I was thinking a brain transplant would help.... Apparently they have goats brains at the local abbatoirs on thursdays. But don't you need the right sort of beard to have one of these?
  15. Sorry Nomad, but its way too late for me to choose carefully, like about 55 years too late. Anyway, I wasn't thinking with my head at the time.... well, not the head on my neck.
  16. Getting back on topic, I wonder why we don't copy those countries like ours, except they have success, more often? Scotland, for example, even has a Murdoch press I think. The bottom line should be cost/benefit, and the cost of incarceration sure is not negligible, nor is the cost of re-offending. Similarly with drugs.... If Portugal is really cheaper, then it makes no sense to continue as we are.
  17. I hasten to say that I got a vasectomy in my late 20's after two kids. It sure stopped more arriving.
  18. Thanks willedoo, are they available today? I've never seen them.
  19. Gosh nomad, 3 marriages.... did you learn anything which we could use? The other day, the wife said that she thought people might go extinct, on account of not having kids much. Well I pooh-pooed the thought, but now, since looking at the latest robot dolls, I'm starting to wonder ... you can have a heated one for cold winter nights for example.
  20. Seems silly I know about Uganda and space. But there is a book in which the moon was colonized by Nigeria, because all the rest wanted too much woke stuff which would have made it all too expensive.
  21. I know a case where it was overused and Smacker ( his nickname ) was too big at 14 for his alcoholic father who tried to beat him once too often. Well Smacker won and the father finished up in a mental hospital. I say don't do it at all, except possibly once in a lifetime if you have really lost your temper. The kid will forgive being hit then, well usually. Old K is right.
  22. I never thought about the possibility that he might be innocent red. I would hope that the parole board bears this in mind.... for once, I actually agree with andrews.
  23. Good advice here spacy, keep trying!
  24. What I don't understand is why the labor lot are not repeatedly calling the liberals out for corruption. There is a new case just today, where a sum of "construction contract" money found it's way back to a very-well off already liberal senior politician. In my book, that's as open and shut a case of old fashioned corruption as you can get. I'd send him to jail. If they did it well enough, the public might start to associate the libs with corruption... mind you, they sure would need to be clean themselves.
  25. Once, I was coming back from Alice Springs with a glider in its trailer. We were stopped near Pimba for a monstrous loaded thing that spanned the two lanes and both the side areas. They ( the cops ) were blocking off about 20 km at a time for this thing. I had the bad luck of being first in the line but I did get to chat with the motorbike cop and I found that it REALLY hurts if you are on a motorbike and crash with an emu.
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