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Bruce Tuncks

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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. For example, workers should be asking for a percentage of the ceo figure.
  2. Yep, I too reckon that executive salaries are crazy. We need to fix things by indexing everything to them.
  3. I just don't understand bitcoin. In particular, I don't understand why those who own it don't just take all the money.
  4. Is it true that Nev is really a 14 y/o girl who just pretends to be a wise old pilot?
  5. Yep, I just hate it when they try and enforce their beliefs over what I regard as common sense. I was not aware of the ban on taking photos, but I can imagine it. Apparently, the $50 note not only has a picture of a dead person on it, it has a picture of a dead blackfellow! There is no known example of $50 being declined on these grounds.
  6. Gosh Spacy, sometimes you are brilliant
  7. I just got over covid, ( I think ) despite going for years without it. Q: how do you know its over without spending big for a test?
  8. I didn't get Marty' problem, but I sure reckon that they( the abos) would soon learn about money management if they were faced with any consequences of their actions.Like Uluru ... I think that the "no climb" rule has been rescinded, because it kept tourists away.
  9. Suppose that you lived back then ( first fleet) and could determine just which lot colonised you. I bet that you would, after a lot of reflection, choose the poms as the least worst. Just compare the present riches of the australian abos with that of the latin american indigenous, for example.
  10. My strong impression is that trump and the republicans are going to lose big time. Of course, if I were there and asked what my intentions were, I would answer"republican" but in no way would that be true.
  11. In the 1960's there was a heavy-accent prof of architecture at Adelaide University who once said "zere iss no gonnor ear in Australia.... Australia is a siffilised country.
  12. I'm well aware of the danger of disagreeing with OME over the meaning of words, but the word "tribe" far better describes the aborigines than does the word "nation". Look them up like I did.
  13. It was thought that trading routes ( ochre was one traded commodity) where tribes gathered once a year or so in relative peace for this purpose were also information routes.
  14. there is a story about stuart who was attacked near katherine by aborigines. They referred to stuart's rifles as "musquats" . This shows that there was indeed transfer of information between tribes, but it was very slow. "Muskets" were the firearms on the first fleet, but were well out of date by Stuart's time.
  15. Maybe I'm a grumpy old man, but I get annoyed at the term " first nations". how closely would the tribes have to cooperate to be part of a "nation?" In fact, the opposite was true, and whites were seen at first as potential allies against the true enemies, that is the nearby tribes.
  16. Why not make a wooden model? the cost is bugger-all compared with those plastic ones.
  17. It's amazing how "christianity" can cover people of all types huh? From hippies to pentecostals! Is there any other religion so accommodating?
  18. I've wondered about how there were advanced civilizations in China and Meso-America who didn't mention the flood , despite having records which included the time at which it was supposed to have happened . A bit like the jesus story... apparently there was a diarist in Jerusalem during the jesus time, who didn't mention the events like we were told happened then. Personally, I would have mentioned some of the stuff if I kept a diary in those days. Here's an interesting side-story... apparently, the jesus character fails a test about whether or not he was a real historical character. You need an independent reference to pass this test, like roman tax records. Pilate etc pass, but jesus fails this test I was told. As a sidelight, the dead-sea scrolls contain a lot of stuff attributed to jesus, but they were written 400 years too early to be of relevance here. Now as an ex-teacher, I can well understand jesus using whatever sources suited him at the time. but my dad didn't build the universe and I would have liked more original stories.
  19. The Noah's arc story is about the most obvious BS ever. Apart from other absurdities, the story is obviously descended from a farmer who lived in the fertile crescent and who saved some of his family and some of his animals when there was a flood, by building a bigger than normal floating rafty-thingy. All the rest is obvious exaggeration.
  20. My best mate from high-school had a son who became a jetstar pilot with his dad's help. Then he and a couple of other pilots bought a boutique brewery in Cairns and left the flying business. Gosh I hope they are financially ok.The dad has died so I can't just ask him.
  21. You sure are right kangaroojack, apparently cyanide and salt are both natural things.
  22. I reckon the lack of a sugar tax is shocking evidence of our corruption . This tax is the only one which would meet the approval on the payees.
  23. I have a terrible punishment in mind for all those who think that Australian citizenship gives them some rights in the UK. The punishment is to go to the uk via Heathrow and wait in the line with the rest of the undesirables while swarthy guys from the EU go straight in.
  24. what was the post about? Was it possible russian? I really would like to know more.
  25. When we were building a house in Alice Springs, the place behind us was yisited by workers about once every 6 weeks. On a visitation, they would work away real fast for about 3 days and then disappear for about 6 weeks again. I reckoned that this was just how the economics of labour costings worked out at that time. But it was funny how at one time, there was a roof truss put up wrongly, as the previous guy had only marked where it went with one line and not two. Since he was not present when the next lot came, the truss was put up wrongly and when this was noticed, all the other guys had to "bodge up" the job, which slowed them down. They talked of murdering the culprit all the time.
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