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Bruce Tuncks

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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. "threescore years and ten shalt be thy days" "yet there be some so strong they go fourscore years" So sayeth the bible on the subject.... mind you, this book was written one or two thousand years before they discovered germs and stuff.
  2. I always thought that the "attraction" of insects to lights was just a side-effect of their navigation.... if you keep a bright light ( eg the moon ) at a constant angle, you will fly in a straight line, at least for awhile like insects did back before streetlights etc. try this near a streetlight and you will spiral in or stay circular or spiral out and away.... try this on paper.
  3. I don't disagree that "it is a lifestyle choice" But I sure don't want to pay for it. So, tatoos should be exempt from anything like a taxpayer-funded subsidy, and this includes the dole payments to those who can therefore "afford" tatoos.
  4. Jerry sure has it right with his desire to see ndis restricted to the genuinely-deserving cases. I hate to disagree Marty, but there are people here who have contempt for the attempts by the rest of us for a responsible and kind society. I would use deportation much more freely than at present, and I would expand deportation to include "born in Australia" and "foolishly given citizenship" cases.
  5. That's terrible spacey. I can only think they signed a rotten contract.
  6. I suspect that most people there only pretend to believe this obvious crap. Just like I always ticked the "c of e " box when I was asked about religion. Even if the alternative is not getting the job , there would be plenty of pretenders out there.
  7. I thought Obama was good until I read that he supported Putin in Ukraine..... gosh I hope this is wrong.
  8. And I wish you well willedoo..... maybe a sham marriage would help? But be very careful as you may lose a lot more than 50 a week. I knew this guy who found that he could emigrate to Australia if he had a sham marriage, so he actually did it.
  9. I reckon, spacey, that they will have a clause which lets them off paying out on over-valuations..... but feel free to have a go. At least you may embarass them a bit.
  10. I have read that " spiciness" or chilli-hot food, was actually invented by an unholy alliance between english soccer-hooligans and their profit-driven pakistani cooks. Apparently, they ( the soccer hooligans) demanded food way hotter than anything remotely authentic. Personally, I reckon that the indian curries were a reaction to living with no refrigeration. You used spices to cover the taste of rotten meat.
  11. Once,many years ago, my mother-in-law to be fixed me with a withering look as she added a handful of salt to the stew. Nowadays I have to keep my mouth shut when she gushes on about how she never fed salt to her dear departed. ( I actually admire about how convenient her memory is )
  12. There was a show on tv called " pure, white and deadly" where they looked at world-wide patterns of salt intake and subsequent stroke rates. ( the two things were proportional, in that if you double one thing then you double the other.) Mind you, what we determine to be a palatable amount depends on the culture we have grown up in.
  13. I was shocked when I heard on some cooking show that the re was a BIG difference between restaurant food and home-cooked, and it was in the amount of salt.... apparently there is much more salt in restaurant food than in home-cooked. I think it was george columbard who said this.
  14. I agree that the baseball bat would sure come to my mind in the circumstances described... but, being scientific about minimising the chances of that happening, it may well be that a softer approach is the best. Yes, the desire for retribution is powerful, as anybody who cheered on the hero in "taken" while he tortured the perps would agree. Personally, I would tie them to a tree, using fencing wire, ( out of earshot of anybody ) for a few days before beginning my questions, but this is just a fantasy which I hope will never happen. Getting back to torture, what if you really needed info urgently, say to save a daughter's life, and you had the perp who knew in your hands? I would personally say " go ahead",even though in most cases, I am very much against torture.
  15. Gosh Jerry, its far worse that I thought.
  16. I was amazed to see how California lived with legalized gambling in neighboring Nevada without following suit like they would in Australia.
  17. I have been looking at the current situation regarding gambling in Australia and I doubt that the govt is really trying to stamp it out at all. What if anybody associated with a gambler ( wife, landlord, employer comes to mind as easy choices to start with ) could get his name added to a list? Then, anybody who took money from somebody on the list could have to refund it. Of course you would need protections to ensure that only problem gamblers were on the list and not just anybody who was disliked by the lister lot, but this would be possible if not so easy. Maybe they are afraid of unintended outcomes, like making more robberies happen?
  18. i heard tht " mebbe morrow" is a good way to extend your time for paying them. I suggest you say this continually.
  19. Of course this is directed at the US. Maybe they supplied stuff so cheap that they an specify it will never be on-sold.
  20. I don't understand the reasoning behind refusing to allow a hornet to be used as a museum display. Are they scared it will be copied? Or something else?
  21. While I like the whole wind-power thing, surely we have to step back and ask " what is the true cost per kWh?" . And, we have to be smart enough to separate out costs which are caused by excessive regulation.
  22. No convicts either.
  23. Ever had dinner on the "Buffalo" replica? One of the wall-hangings was a copy of the proclamation which started South Australia. It plainly says how the abos were subjects of the king just like the rest of us, and how they were not to be despoiled. I'm quite proud of being South Australian.
  24. Thx for that, OME. I do not have the faith in oral traditions that you may have, but I still like the idea that the local aborigines we see around today were not really the first to colonise Australia. Why should it matter at all? Well for one thing, it would expose the "first nations " crap for what it is, which is a lie. Not that we should need any more evidence than we have already... the whites were first seen as potential allies against the real enemy, which was the tribe that lived next door. Invasion day!! What nonsense... we have first-hand documents showing how the abos collecting oysters didn't even look up to see the first fleet arriving... some invasion huh.
  25. I saw a documentary about small nuclear power stations in shipping containers. The hypocrisy against nuclear is never-ending though, and I doubt that such a cost-effective method would be permitted in Australia. Personally. I reckon that the only good argument against nuclear power is the cost one. As long as the cost-comparison is honestly done. It would be very easy to magnify the nuclear costs and minimise the other's costs. Not long ago, there was a story about Hiroshima, where we looked in vain for all the extra cancer cases we had been led to believe were out there. Doing energy correctly would sure change my vote.
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