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Bruce Tuncks

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Everything posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. Kids.... I reckon I never even thought for a sec that they may come out "special". Gosh it is hard enough with normal kids. Here's a serious question though... the man has one sperm out of millions to do the job, so you would think that all the negative traits would come from the mother's side, on account of culling out between sperms. Why have I not noticed this ?
  2. I was carted off on account of having bpm over 100. They called it fibrillation and they worked at getting the figure well below 100. It's about 60 now, which I think is still a bit fast. At our exercise group, there is a "defibrillator machine" which I can't get them to do a session on. They say that the thing talks and tells you what to do. I say"how do you know when to use it? to which they reply " the other guy is unconscious.. how obvious is that?" So I dunno. But they did ( in Horsham) talk about using one on me, and I never went out to it. Maybe the Horsham machine is different, I dunno again And, OME, I have not yet had the test results back properly, so I don't know what sort of mask to try out. I did notice there is a medicine you can take, and I wonder if that may be better ? It has similar end results to the CPAP machine, but of course does not use "natural " methods.
  3. PS you guys sure are polite and especially after somebody has used the word "genie" before.
  4. Yep, nomad. you would sure need to fine guys who published anonymous stuff that was hurtful lies. I reckon the more money they have, the better they will be able to pay.
  5. Is genii plural? Have I made a mistake?
  6. Prince Charles once rubbed a bottle and got a genii out. A long time ago huh, he was "only" a prince back then.
  7. good point nomad. Personally, I would apply it unequally depending on the proportion of guilt. ( the compensation, I mean.)
  8. I'd fix things with the stroke of a legislative pen. Those promulgating lies are legally liable for the harm that they cause, and poor people are helped to legally complain. ANYWAY, I once read that "more than an hour a day of screen time constituted child abuse." When I passed this on to the 12 y/o grand-daughter, I got a dirty look.
  9. We may be the only people who understand how the stabbing guy was also let down by the system. I would like the rich to pay more tax so that younger people were housed better. Spenaroo is quite correct here, old folks places are not what is needed.
  10. And, ome, what is black? Is it a black woman?
  11. Thanks guys. I am really worried about the mask making it harder to go to sleep. What type is the best? I notice all styles, from full-face masks to only nose ones.
  12. I'm going in for the test soon and I'd like some advice.... has anybody here ever suffered from sleep apnia? It is also called snoring I think.
  13. Gosh we are bad at taking crazies off the street before they run berserk. I have no good ideas here, on account of how most people, even crazies, ever actually do anything like this. In the past, they locked people up in "asylums". There is an old one near Ararat " for the criminally insane". Maybe they do need locking up, after all they themselves are protected by this. Any ideas?
  14. I reckon the trinity constitute the very antithesis of democracy and it would be very boring to have to spend each day praising them up. A bit like living in north korea and having to spend all your time praising kim jong un. Good thing I don't think it at all likely, this live-forever nonsense. Well I guess they lived a thousand years before the idea of democracy entered anybody's head.
  15. Well I'm older than pierce brosnan, at 8 years older. It always intrigued me how he was supposed to be a spy... just imagine how the best-looking guy in the world would be noticed huh. As in " well there I was on the train and I never saw better looking bloke but he sat near me.."
  16. We had a guy from india who landed at wre ( weapons research ) by mistake, but in his case the local gliding field was out of his sight directly below. No, he didn't get into trouble, unlike the german guy who landed in area 51 in Nevada.
  17. Funny how " the sun is to the south" really influences you. A californian glider pilot, no intellectual slouch himself, was flying out of Gawler, to the north as usual, attracting mirth when he referred to the wedgies as " vultures" when he started flying south, thinking he was still going north! Myself, in California, really struggled with north/south for the same reason.
  18. Well argued Jerry. I grew up in a household where the wife tried continually to goad her bloke into hitting her. She never succeeded, but I often wonder if her bloke did the right thing by not hitting.
  19. I was surprised that murders have decreased since the 1990's. They have been going down since the 1790's and they are about the only reliable statistic. All the rest depend on how easy it is to report the event. Personally, I don't believe that there is a peaking-out in DV at the moment, but I agree that anything at all is too much. The problem of the women and kids having to leave the family home and wait for weeks to collect the dole should be fixed with a few pen-strokes. Why not pay the dole etc to the woman?
  20. I sure would like to know more about the bad guy. eg.... was he on bail? was he an immigrant? and more besides
  21. I really hate it how the wants of you and me are ignored by the "pro-immigration " lot. I foolishly hoped that the voice referendum results would be taken more notice of. In the meantime, I just lament our lack of democracy on the issue. Switzerland has lots of referenda, why not us?
  22. I agree with Nev here. The guy sure missed out on a hundred grand, which was a prize offered once by dick smith for a genuine "paranormal" activity. Personally, I was shocked by 2 things, firstly the poor quality of the non-entrants ( there were no real entrants because dick smith had engaged a magician guy to debunk the events) and, secondly, I was shocked at how the viewing public got angry at dick for spoiling an illusion they enjoyed.
  23. Once, some friends from California were staying with us and she went off to buy a "tarp" and it took me a long time to figure out that she meant a "top" to go over her jeans etc. I did tell her that in Oz, a tarp is used in the old ute.
  24. No I don't nev.... why is the camel called "the ship of the desert?". Remember I'm slow.
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