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  1. I bought my 2nd hand BYD Atto 3 extended range, a couple of months ago. Going from a 20yr old Holden Astra to a computer on wheels is absolutely breath taking. My house came with a small solar array on top and that was one of the deciding factors for me. Cheap charging. Though I'd been researching EV's for a couple of years previously. I'm fortunate to have an old caravan, up on blocks, at a mates property. No more oil lamps and gas camp stoves for me now. I can charge power tools onsite now, instead of rationing the batteries. I just put the V2L lead through a window and I can power all the appliances. 🙂 Ergon had a planned outage, I plugged the freezer and telly into the car, perfect. This will be my "forever" car and fully expect it to last me out. I totally understand though, that EV's aren't suitable for every purpose nor everyone. There will always be ICE enthusiasts, and good on them. Just like there are still people today who enjoy driving (horse and carriage) as a hobby and sport.
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