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  1. 12
  2. I think Velcro and super glue might solve the problem of attaching phone to person.
  3. Thank you. That does make me feel better. I do know that I'm aging though. ☺️
  4. I am only just realising that I'm getting on in years and I'm 47. It's a surreal experience realising you're "older" when you don't feel it.
  5. Sean Penn
  6. 28
  7. I agree.
  8. I'm having fun. I successfully used the API to Gemini and have played a little with plotting data using matplotlib for example. It's so exciting that there's so much you can do with Python. I've gone back to basics though. I've been revising algorithms (and needed to). I've also been playing with Django a little bit don't want to get too distracted playing with websites until I've mastered Python myself. Thanks for asking. I've got a bit more to do today because I took a break yesterday. I've written a card playing application and have been having fun with classes and inheritance. I was really impressed playing with AI and the API. I'd not had a chance to do it before.
  9. I have incorporated generative AI using the SDK in python and feel like a young kid with a Meccano set.
  10. I'm using Gemini and have spent the last day or so attempting to correct it. It won't accept the corrections. I'm having a great time though because I am detecting flaws. I'm looking forward to using the API to play with this even more.
  11. For some reason I recall it working differently in Ada. I'm going now to look that up.
  12. Thank you for expanding on your reply. That book looks interesting. I am still playing with python and am looking at the field of data science. I'm interested in parallelism for solving data problems. What you wrote reminded me of parallel programming with C.
  13. Wow. There's a lot of history there. I'm fascinated by the old machines. I liked it when you didn't have to have a degree for everything too.
  14. Without those older technologies we might not have these newer technologies.
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