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  1. Wow. There's a lot of history there. I'm fascinated by the old machines. I liked it when you didn't have to have a degree for everything too.
  2. Without those older technologies we might not have these newer technologies.
  3. I'm grateful to be here with people that were coding in the seventies. I was only a decade later but I know what it was like. I appreciate the older technologies.
  4. I meant coder. That's someone who codes or can code independent of university degree. If you're a software engineer I would call you a coder then that should know what he's doing. I had friends that didn't complete formal qualifications before they were hired by Google or other companies because of their open source experience (coders). I like that it sounds like you know what you're doing. I'm interested in knowing more about Rust now. Thanks for that. I'll have a look. Do you do parallel programming? That's like the creme caramel of programming for me. I guess all software engineers do (but not all coders).
  5. Thank you for the career advice. I like it.
  6. I also learnt machine code and binary code at uni which I loved to learn.
  7. In 1988 as a school student I learnt BASIC. I didn't learn C for many years after that. I'm learning Python now and studied many different languages including Ada, Haskell, Miranda, PHP, Modula-2 and C at uni. It feels good to be adopting new syntax. Do you know Python? My guess is you're a coder.
  8. I'm learning some new programming languages. I first learnt programming in 1988 and it's a while since I've started to learn a new language but I'm really enjoying it. It's a bit like tinkering under the bonnet of a car for me. I've not been good at hardware (yet) but have been a software developer before (amateur mostly).
  9. Sorry to hear it's been cold. I hope it warms up for you. It was a lovely day here.
  10. They came together - the first chicken must have had an egg. The question must be whether that first chicken hatched. I believe that chicken was created. It's a no-brainer then.
  11. Thanks. The answer is "because he wasn't". A chicken that isn't chicken (i.e. coward). "Too chicken to cross the road" etc.
  12. That's better than the answer I had.
  13. Lily is Nicola's daughter.
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