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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. My gripe Over 75 and have to have a drivers license medical in Janurary. My pilots certificate is due for renewal in May Why can't I just photo copy my drivers licence instead of repeating the process? Shoot!
  2. I can now see. Thanks for the link. I would have had a sleepiness night Ta
  3. LARRY PICKERING 11 HOURS AGO A 'strong feisty woman' struggled out of bed this morning knowing her hours were numbered. A 'misogynist man' leapt from the doona into a new dawn. Julia Gillard is, to me, like the girl next door. You know, the scrawny freckled one who always refused to throw your ball back? Now, speculation alone has killed Gillard off. Tim's bags are packed, McTernan has booked a flight home, even the dog has moved next door... it's all over. Labor's lesbians are going straight in droves and Getup is going down on anything available. Even the ABC is revisiting their charter in a fit of self-preservation as government is about to move to an era of comfortable boredom. Fairfax Lefties are weeping into their Weetbix and the Courier Mail is about to return to Page One stories on cats caught in drainpipes. Anne Summers is back home washing the dishes with a devastated Mungo MacCallum sobbing hysterically on her shoulder. Caucus members are no longer equivocating over Gillard. Their dilemma is who the hell can they replace her with and it's a nasty quandary you wouldn't wish on anyone. Rudd means an immediate election as half the front bench would walk. Crean is yesterday's man, Shorten has bad AWU form and can't keep his dick in his trousers. Combet is a short-fused global warming nutter. The treacherous Carr is unelected ... and, except for Whitlam and Eddie Obied, that's about it. If Gillard had a mote of conscience she would resign and save her Party from tearing itself further apart. That won't happen. She has been given out but refuses to leave the crease. Oh well, Labor's salad days are gone until another generation of incestuous idealists in 20 years' time decides the Press needs muzzling and the Earth needs cooling with a tax. By then we may have paid for the salad days of this generation. Ye Ha
  4. Another quite different plan would be to take the plane tour. Pick up Victoria, Cooberpedy, The rock, Giles, Newman, Coral Bay, Meekathara, Kalgoolie, Eucla, Port Lincoln, Goolwa, home. Takes in spectacular national parks and aboriginal community stops. 14day trip, about 30 hours flying only. I am tagging along, sorry my plane is full. Could still be seats available in the 206's well woth the $$ I can give you a contact number if interested I reckon two days at the rock is max unless you are loaded and take the air tours from there, otherwise just hang around the dingos and drink beer, take some pics. Phil
  5. Here's some statistics for you to ponder I gave up playing lawn bowls because of the high mortality rate in the sport
  6. Heard that Ubank have competitive rates
  7. Elderly near neibour called in this morning. Told me about a call enquiring about his computer and something about a virus in Windows. He has been hassled lately by phone companies and was a bit blunt with this guy. He said that not to worry as he fixed the problem himself. The caller asked what he did to fix, he replied that he Gave the Virus a flu injection, opened the windows and it flew out. Still laughing.
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