On the contrary Methusala, there is a simple answer, and that would be that we must protect our borders if we are to maintain our lifestyle and standard of living. After all even with its many flaws this country is still considered to be one of the best places on the planet to live. I have enjoyed it, you have enjoyed it and I would like our children and grandchildren to also be able to.
I agree it is not ideal to make life hard for others when they arrive uninvited, but it is a tough world out there. If you don't think so ask our aboriginals, the American Indians or anybody the Romans or the Spaniards or the French or the Mongolians or...... Have conquered over the years.
You like research, have a look at how some of the European countries are coping with their uninvited guests, and for most of them they can't do anything about it because they don't have the moat we have.
I believe it is hypocritical of your side of them fence to be flying around in your aircraft enjoying the good life available to us, while you are busy telling our side that we should sit quietly by and watch it slip away. Our country is this way because the majority of our culture made it so, and many have given their lives to keep it. Those wishing to flee their country are doing so because the majority of their culture made it what it is. We shouldnt be importing their ways here.
Regards Bill