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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Kaz, It has nothing to do with the ageing white men, and everything to do with every man and his dog wanting cheap energy, and that comes from the ugly holes in the ground and the pollution. If you want clean renewable energy, then you had best be prepared to pay a lot more for it. You're also probably going to need a milking cow as well, because I'm not going to continue dairy farming for no return, and by the time I have fed the irrigation pumps and the dairy with expensive clean energy there isn't going to be much left. It doesn't matter if your paying for it on you energy bill or you tax bill, you're still paying. Regards Bill
  2. Test run on 11/08/2014 @ 07:25 PM Mirror: Optus Data: 600 KB Test Time: 1.15 secs Your line speed is 4.25 Mbps (4246 kbps). Your download speed is 531 KB/s (0.52 MB/s).
  3. One thing about this great country ( which a lot of people think is good enough to emigrate here), is we can always go and do something for ourselves. Set our own wages, conditions, hours.....
  4. Seriously Metalman there is actual video of people with burnt hands, that's proof that our navy boys must have done it. It is isn't it? Fair dinkum these are the same people that will stitch their mouths shut if it suits their cause, a little bit of hand frying is nothing.......
  5. They weren't coming in the back door
  6. Seriously Windsor68, you gave this post an agree after your post #474, and you Methusala thought post 474 was funny, which way do you want it?
  7. On the contrary Methusala, there is a simple answer, and that would be that we must protect our borders if we are to maintain our lifestyle and standard of living. After all even with its many flaws this country is still considered to be one of the best places on the planet to live. I have enjoyed it, you have enjoyed it and I would like our children and grandchildren to also be able to. I agree it is not ideal to make life hard for others when they arrive uninvited, but it is a tough world out there. If you don't think so ask our aboriginals, the American Indians or anybody the Romans or the Spaniards or the French or the Mongolians or...... Have conquered over the years. You like research, have a look at how some of the European countries are coping with their uninvited guests, and for most of them they can't do anything about it because they don't have the moat we have. I believe it is hypocritical of your side of them fence to be flying around in your aircraft enjoying the good life available to us, while you are busy telling our side that we should sit quietly by and watch it slip away. Our country is this way because the majority of our culture made it so, and many have given their lives to keep it. Those wishing to flee their country are doing so because the majority of their culture made it what it is. We shouldnt be importing their ways here. Regards Bill
  8. Thanks for your concern Turbo, but no need to worry. I'm not I was trying to make sense of what Windsor said in response to my post. I failed. I did go and get the trike out and put another .3hrs on it though. Did you know it is six degrees cooler at 3000 ft. Oh the joys of being a capitalist
  9. Ok, I'll rephrase the question for you. What do you find psychopathic about my post? You seem very good at coming out with one line criticisms without supply any basis for your comments
  10. So Windsor, what do you find creative about my post mate? Perhaps you would like to take over recruiting staff for me.
  11. (for arguments sake), Sorry Col but that is about the total value of your post. Tell me why I can advertise for a dairy farm hand locally and recieve no response, whe n I know several people connected with my social circle don't have jobs and have no intention of getting one. Regards Bill
  12. Don't forget it only takes one M.P holding the balance of power in our democracy to force change on us all......
  13. Hi K.G, I agree with most of what you said, but could you reference your source for the above quote please. Regards Bill
  14. I would like to see you walk into a room full of rec flying users and say, hi I'm F.T
  15. Yes, perhaps the stats say that the numbers are not causing any measurable problems ATM. Maybe that is because we make it difficult for them when they arrive, when it was made easier for them under the previous government the arrivals increased accordingly and that is the reason we need border security. One of the things that makes us the lucky country is the moat we have around the joint, countries in Europe aren't so lucky, and look at the mess they are in.
  16. Can someone help FT spell Farri
  17. Sign on the back of the door were I'm staying tonight [ATTACH]47402._xfImport[/ATTACH] Oops, it is the right way up at least:blush:
  18. As is "M8" in the youngsters texting, and it's probably less offensive to my mum
  19. I dunno Dazza, which would be the lesser of the two evils, someone who is challenged in the literacy area but is still here contributing, or someone who clearly has it down pat but can't be bothered thinking of a better way to express themselves than "WTF" Regards Bill
  20. Filling out forms, when they want your post code and then your state as well:doh:
  21. http://deviceguides.vodafone.ie/web/htc-desire-c/customise/call-restrictions/change-barring-password/
  22. If you want to see what's damaging the mental health of our youth, look at Facebook . Regards Bill
  23. Jabiru will take all the podium positions(and most of the others), Rotax will fail to finish due to sprague clutch failure............
  24. No your not
  25. Give poor Tomo a break, he was posting here several years before there was an option to like. Regards Bill
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