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Everything posted by DGL Fox

  1. So Guys, My wife just bought a new computer with Windows 8.1 with the option to upgrade to Win 10.....should she or stick with Win 8.1 or even go back to Win 7....what do you think? David
  2. Joe, It is 7.30am on the 1st January 2016 and dawn has broken much the same as every other day, it's great to be alive and looking forward to the new year...Joe have a great 2016 mate. David
  3. Yes I agree Robbo.... they do seem to last longer but they don't play games as well as a desktop... David
  4. I have always got someone to build me a computer, I would never go out and buy a ready made desktop, when something goes wrong you always seem to have to buy genuine HP or Dell parts for example and they are expensive. The only thing that seems to kill my desktop computer is heat and dust, it gets in there and I think the heat builds up and eventually blows the hard drive or video card...bloody dust...It's just happened again when I started it up a few days ago...ah well here we go again...I think I will stick to my laptop.. David
  5. No I like him...for a POM...his choice to smoke... David
  6. If you really need to smoke go and live in Russia...20 ciggies will cost you around 2 aussie $...smoke till you drop...I brought back 2 cartons for my brother in law when we came back from Russia to the UK...he was very happy... David
  7. Well Phil... I just think like my wife and I when were there for a holiday, same as the Aussie cricket team didn't come over the play cricket they just come over for a holiday...didn't they...cricket what's that... I thought I saw them all on the beach in Poole the other day when we were there.. David
  8. Because that is the law in Indonesia, whether you agree or disagree with the death penalty that is what they do to people that smuggle drugs....they were fully aware of this law and still they continued to peddle there poison. I am disgusted in the media as they just jumped on the bandwagon to sell newspapers as I am with all these politian's crying over their deaths and making such a song and dance like they were some sot of hard done by hero's.. Lets call as it was....they were convicted drug smugglers, they were guilty and they got what they deserved...end of story... David
  9. Good to see it all over.. I applaud Indonesia for not giving in to the bleeding hearts and do gooders...some asked for 1 minutes silence...kiss my a*** they were convicted drug couriers...I ask how many times did they successfully get their drugs here to Australia before they were caught..they knew the penalty when they tried to get their poison here, if it were not for all the legal wrangling over the years they would have been dead a long time ago...good riddance I say..
  10. Yes sounds good mate... David
  11. OME you are right, I have decided to go to Warwick for the morning service and march....some of our family still live in Warwick, they are happy that I am coming out for the day ... I am looking forward to it as well...it should be a wonderful and emotional day... David
  12. It's very interesting reading peoples memories of how they remember ANZAC day of their fathers and grandfathers, my grandfather died of natural causes in the late 60's followed a couple of years later by my father so I really don't have any memories of of them going to ANZAC day parades certainly not of my grandfather, I do have some vague recollections of my father going to the RSL club with my Uncle Bill but I am unsure if they actually went to the march or just for the beer and 2 up...I was just too young really to know anything about what was going on. I know when I was in my 20's and right up to my late 40's I was not really to interested in what they had done in both wars, all I knew was my grandfather went to Gallipoli and onto France was he was an ambulance bearer in "A" company with the 3rd Field Ambulance and my Dad was in the navy and spent most of his time on a mine sweeper and was a stoker down in the bowels of the ship..I am guessing tending the engine. Only in the last 10 years have I become interested in their war time history, I have done paid to get all of my grandfathers records which I only received not long ago, I feel after reading this I know my grandfather better than I did before and my Mother has given my info on my Dad's history also very interesting in that at the end of the war he was on one of the first ships into Tokyo Bay doing mine clearance duty..not much fun I would imagine being down in the engine bay while the ship was searching for mines.. For the last few years I have been going to the morning services and then later going in the march here in Caboolture, I am just deciding on whether I will go into the city for the big march this year or maybe I will go to Warwick for the march there that is where our family originated and where both of them enlisted. I do feel that marching recognizes their service and brings me to know both of them a little better and to honour their memories and all of their mates that come home and also the one's that didn't. Lest us Forget !!! Dad's& Grandfather's Medals11015.pdf Dad's& Grandfather's Medals11015.pdf
  13. GG sending the ATO a bill...please let us know how that goes..seriously..I know my tax return is always late..if it works for you I may try later this year..good luck. David
  14. I don't know how you can have the wrong spelling here, the site has a spell check as you are writing your message..all you need to do is proof read your post before pressing the button....if everyone did that all you mr perfects in spelling would have nothing to complain about... David
  15. Hard to imagine what it would have been like there...I guess that is where the "look after your mate" really started, I think if it wasn't for their mates around them it would have been totally unbearable...I think that is something that these new immigrants to Australia just don't understand about being Aussie and I don't know how you can teach them about it...it's a feeling...it's well I don't know how to describe it..I guess something like the Kiwi's....we stir each other up, tell jokes about each other but at the end of the day if we ever had to go to war I could not ask for anyone better to be standing beside me...you know what I mean... how could you explain that to a Iraqi or Afghan immigrant.... David
  16. Great info there ome..thanks for putting it up...yes I always feel a bit sad that when my grandfather died I was still very young and I didn't have the opportunity to get to know him, talk to him, maybe..... a lot of the returned didn't want to talk about their experiences, still, it would have been nice.. David
  17. [ATTACH]47559._xfImport[/ATTACH] I will march again this year with my fathers medals from his navy days in ww2 and with a lot of pride my grandfathers medals from ww1 where he served on Gallipoli and then France as a ambulance bearer, he has the same medals as the one's shown above. I read somewhere and they posed the question..are Australians getting sick of the constant barrage of ANZAC tv movies and this type of talk in general about ww1 and the role we played...I thought to myself GOD help us if our multicultural Australia lets our soul be eroded away by this talk...I hope that I am in the ground and gone if ever there is a time that we all can't have a beer and talk about our relatives and their bravery when we were at war and fighting for this country...LEST US FORGET... David
  18. Guess we are about to find out one way or the other... David
  19. I do not follow any party any more, I am very much more interested in what the elected MP is doing for our local community during his or her 3 year term, if I see or more often than not don't see them in our local papers working with the community and I only see them around once an election is called I will look for a new MP, as is the case here for this election, our sitting LNP member was dumped, no one ever saw her. Our federal member is Wyatt Roy, he is a great young fellow, he is out and about the community working and helping people to make things better, he is always fighting for new infrastructure for Caboolture and trying to create jobs, so in my eyes even though he is a LNP member he has my vote next time the federal elections come up, I vote for my community and the person ..not the party. David
  20. Not surprised to see can't do Newman gone..he really did some silly things..but I am surprised with, as it seems, a win to get them back to government and yes I certainly hope that they don't go back to their big spending ways like Captain Bligh did not some many years ago..IMO we are taxed more than enough all governments need to learn how to use our tax money more efficiently with smaller government and much better accounting practices.. David
  21. A silk cloth?? David
  22. Good stories!!! thanks for sharing them planedriver
  23. Wow fantastico !!!!
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