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Grumpy Old Nasho

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Nasho

  1. I reckon he pardoned them because it comes under the clause: "It is the duty of citizens to change the Govt if it becomes unconstitutional". There many red flags of socialism creeping in and freedoms being eroded.
  2. Penny didn't say, we don't know what she meant, do you? Yes, I personally think Trump is quite different to past presidents. For a start, he wants the Ukraine war to stop and negotiations to get underway. He wants all immigration to be legal. He's the best president the United States has had for many decades, he's a US Constitutionalist, not an international progressive destroying the United States.
  3. Actually it was one of those times where I changed channels and only heard her answer. I guess the question might have went. "How will you deal with this Trump administration", or words to that effect. I'll search to see if I can find the question. Her audience perhaps was a bunch of Aussie journalists for her to make a slit of the tongue like that.
  4. Differently to what Penny would do I suppose. There's a lack of respect for the election result in her comment. She could have lobbied the Electoral College to change the result to someone else if she felt strongly about it, the EC could've done that if they wanted to, not just for her though, but no harm in trying.
  5. I'm no a fan of the Liberal Coalition either, I've had enough of their threats of two years jail if you don't do what they want you to do, and their lies, and their lack of consideration and downright bastardry. And I certainly have never voted for them.
  6. She poked the bear by publicly saying Trump will do things differently, implying that her lefty politics is better his politics. That's not what I call being diplomatic. I reckon she's probably thought about it and will adjust her "diplomatic" language in the future, if she gets re-elected.
  7. Not really, I was just wondering she would attend the inauguration of a bloke she hates to her core. She is already on the wrong side of Trump, as is the party she belongs to. We rely too heavily on the United States, it's time we stood on our own two feet.
  8. The Labor party is right-of-center with their immigration policy, they joined the Coalition to make the policy non-negotiable for the public. They are extreme left by legislating countless social handouts, absorbing billions of dollars, encouraging people not to do their fair share of work for their Nation. They ignore the needs of constituents in National party seats because they are not Labor party seats. They bow to ethnic citizens, treating them softly softly, even criminals. They abandoned the Australian national ethos in favor of internationalism, then pretend Australia is still Australia. It's extreme lefty alright ... and you ain't seen nothing yet, give them time, all ideologies have their obvious conclusions.
  9. Yes it's what you call being cowardly, no guts. She rides on the tails of the extreme lefty Labor party, that's why.
  10. No, Penny wasn't brave enough to further explain what she meant by "differently". She was relying on the journalists and the public to "selectively perceive" it themselves.
  11. Sorry, but are you saying it's ok to home invade if all you want is food?
  12. I got a glimpse of Penny Wong. Someone asked her a question, and her answer to it was: "President Trump has made it very clear he is going do things differently" Differently to what? .. she didn't say. As she was giving her answer, it was plain to tell she had her knickers in a knot.
  13. The story is about an Aboriginal bloke, the ABC made sure of that. Nothing was really said about the home owner victim, as usual, only that he received injuries, and sent to hospital ... but why wasn't his family interviewed? That would have balanced the story.
  14. If we stay on topic, I see no problem discussing it, sensitive or not. Islamic terrorism has proved to be a very enduring criminal activity. There are a lot of citizens who excuse it when they shouldn't, and that presents a real problem for any nation. All of us should condemn it.
  15. "We've just got to live with Islamic terrorism" - The Mayor of London
  16. Tough tities, as they say!
  17. The caravans of thousands have stopped already, so the completion of the wall can be done at a leisurely pace going forward. Just having Trump and Homan in the administration is enough to make any illegal think twice about trying to cross the southern border.
  18. Trump is a consequence of prolonged social and political mega division. So too was Joe Biden. Each was/is tearing down the work of the other. Trump is now resurrecting what he started in his first term, and never finished. Their egos couldn't agree on anything. If Biden had finished the southern wall for example, then that would have indicated agreement on at least one essential major Trump policy and would have put him in favor with the majority of Americans. The chaos resulting from not completing the wall's construction, did enormous damage to Biden and the Democrats. Being spiteful to Trump on that policy was idiocy beyond belief and made the political divide even wider, with the words "civil war" bandied around. When things get that bad, we should perceive that something is terribly wrong ... and it is the mile long gap in the social/political divide. Each party is formulating their respective policies on different planets, for the same nation
  19. An oligarchy controlled press is "unbiased" ??
  20. Statesmen would be very lonely figures in the extreme political divides currently present in the world. Statesmen can't work within a paradigm of volatile political enemies, what would a statesman say? "Ladies and gentlemen, let's act normal and live in peace." ... then have rotten tomatoes thrown at him. Political divides are now wider than the solar system, they need to be narrowed quite substantially before statesmen can rise to the top. A leader of honour can only rise up within a society of honour. Not until we find common ground will societies be honorable and honest. In my opinion we need something better than the "Two Party" system, it's become so prolonged and so divisive, extreme thought has taken over from rational thought and common sense. Our brains have two hemispheres, let's use both, rather than the leftwing using only one, and rightwing only using the other. One hemisphere is wasted if both are not used, "Halfwittery" I call it. Trump was elected to fix the problems created by Biden and the Democrats. In 2020, Biden was elected to fix the problems Trump was reluctant to fix, like Covid. Both camps use one side of their brain only, Democrats one side, the Republicans the other side. Here, it's the Labor party, and the Liberal Coalition. In each case, the US and Oz, it takes both parties to make a full brain, hence two party system, and if they don't narrow the political divide and stop their "Halfwit" nonsense, they'll go the way of the DoDo, sooner rather than later.
  21. Not sure, but they must have done some sort of upgrade maintenance on the satellite system to improve the system's signal, it's pretty fast now. I can tell if it's only bad weather causing a weak signal, maintenance, or heavy internet traffic, each one has it's own characteristic behavior. Leading up to Christmas, during, and after till a week ago, we've had lots of good weather, yet the signal was annoyingly weak all that time, with many pages not loading at all. I discounted bad weather, heavy net traffic, and concluded it was maintenance causing the issue. They don't send emails warning users of disruptions or slowdowns, we're just left wondering what's going on.
  22. LOL, same at a campsite up the road from me, convoys of either 4wd's or motorbikes, kicking up unwanted dust. It is however, a barometer of how the economy is going. Before Covid, lots of noisy camper traffic, but now, hardly any, money is tight I imagine, keeps the dust down though.
  23. What are you laughing at Marty? Trump will work wonders, just wait and see.
  24. The front of that Mathoura "hotel" is bland, dull and boring. I'll bet motorists just breeze past it wondering what it is. It needs to be more attractive with enticements, things that makes you stop and spend a little mula, which can lead to more mula being spent.
  25. It was a corny lay-man's joke ... but yes, I think Trump will fix it.
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