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Grumpy Old Nasho

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Nasho

  1. Whichever pub you buy, install 2 or 3 Tesla charging stations, think of the future. Serve the best counter lunches in Australia. Build a sizable beer garden out the back with plenty of shade. Rename the pub to an aboriginal name like: "Tom the Tracker Inn". Write a letter to the Fed Government demanding they increase Australia's national income, and reduce taxes so everyone has more money, and Local Councils have a bit of extra cash to fill pot holes. After doing all that, place a sign saying: "There's gold in (fill in town), you've just got to find it"
  2. Has she handled him yet? In the past I mean.
  3. Not so my 2016 Cerato, it has the worst designed steering in motor vehicle history, the steering ratio is too high, and the ridiculously wide modern tyres dictate to the steering wheel, over 60km/h that is. Electric power steering is crap. I'm on the look-out for something better than that, something with easier steering that doesn't break my wrists.
  4. Her brain is telling her that he's a man "I admire and respect for his stance on preventing the United States from getting involved in unnecessary wars, and helping to free the hostages in Gaza"
  5. Penny Wong will ask him for his autograph and a round of golf.
  6. You did well to catch your skin cancer in time. Many people pay no heed to their skin blemishes, and unfortunately pay the price if one is cancerous. Beware of rip-off specialist quacks though when going for a skin check. I got one once and the Doc picked a blemish on top of my head, in a location where I couldn't see it. He sent a biopsy which proved it was nothing at all. It cost me money to get that done.
  7. Funny you should say that, in itself it's a terrible affliction. My Aunty, a hundred miles away, had inoperable cancer and neither my Mum or I knew what to say or do. I plucked up the courage to call her and just started engaging in typical conversation, talking about anything but the topic of cancer - big mistake! I should have talked about it and at least comforted her by letting her know we had her in our hearts. She was 66 only. Mum joined in, at my urging, she was her sister after all, but neither of us felt adequately equipped to say the right things to a dying person. I guess it's whatever we feel we would like to be said to ourselves.
  8. Neither the left nor the right did anything for us after 1972. That's what I meant.
  9. But you understand though that left wingism does not always have social conscience and not deserting the less fortunate. It usually depends on which way the political social wind us blowing. The left campaigned to stop conscription, but did nothing about the wrecked lives. The major parties are just waiting for us to die off so they don't have to think about it any more, typical of the Labor party and the Coalition.
  10. But not for ex conscripts when Whitlam got in in 72, everyone deserted us, the left, the right, and the center. There were thousands of us, thrown on the junk heap by all parties, and we still are.
  11. And yet, Penny Wong is attending Trump's inauguration. She's selling herself out to Trump? I can't believe it. I'm waiting to see if she backs out of it, seen nothing so far.
  12. If you think Trumpism is a cult, then what is Leftwing Progressivism?, It's a much larger cult, and a cult it is. Trumpism is a sign of the times, it was bound to happen. If you'd like to say Trump is a degenerate US president, then western societies have gone that way too - degenerate - with all the crime, and on one saying much about it, or even doing much, it's being normalized. No thanks.
  13. Well, Chemo is more dangerous than seeds, and it's peer-approved so much it makes your hair fall out, weakens your whole body, and if you're not careful, it will kill you .. that's also peer-approved, they'll even tell you about a peer-approved "5 years", if you go into remission. Seeds are a preventative measure, but they can cure cancer lite once you've got it. I'm living proof of that, and I'm way past the 5 years, something like 25 years. I'm not the only one either, I got the good word from other victims who are still alive many years after trying them. I look at fruit a different way now, a more wholesome way. The juicy flesh and skin is for fiber a cleansing, and the seeds are for disease prevention. I split the seeds with a knife and swallow them. In my juicer, the seeds get pulverised and the drink then includes the beneficial cyanide. Another way is to powder the seeds and sprinkle it over your breakfast cereal.
  14. There'd hardly be any cancer if everyone crunched seeds between there teeth. Seeds have cyanide in them for fighting cancer, and instead we just throw seeds away. What do you do with apple seeds, spit them out? and orange seeds? Best to chew them up and get the good stuff into ya.
  15. I see Penny Wong is attending Trump's inauguration. I think she'll hide in the dunny while it's going on. Why do our politicians always coddle up to the US?, even with Trump as President. Trump can't be all that bad if Wong is showing up there. I wonder what nasty things she'll say behind his back to that hypocritical Rudd the Dudd? He changed his tune pretty quick didn't he? No conviction of his principles.
  16. Are you all anti-Trumpers in here? I like some of his policies, closing the southern border for one. He's not as bad as Nixon or Johnson, those two warmongering murderous Presidents. That's how I judge American presidents, by how many people they'd like to see killed.
  17. I applied my own remedy using natural cyanide, rather than chemo. I never told the specialist. He was shocked how well it cleared up, and only in three weeks.
  18. MVI_3684.AVI Roulettes having fun over my place. Double click
  19. Simon successfully beat a cancer way before this one, back in the sixties. The Liberal party conscription cancer. I should have adopted Simon's cure when I had the chance. Ex conscripts view Simon Townsend as a brave soul who made good after the inhuman treatment he endured in jail, just bread and water for a number of weeks, in solitary confinement in a bare concrete cell. I'm saddened by Simon's death at only 79 - R.I.P Fortunately for Australia, all the Nazi Liberal party torturers of that time are underground, except for little Johnny Howard. I once had cancer lite, stomach ulcer that turned cancerous. Easy to get rid of without much trouble, but still a bit scary.
  20. NSW police had Task Forces specifically named after ethnic criminal gangs, one for Lebanese, one for Asians, one for Islamic radicals, etc. Ethnic community leaders had a whinge about the police naming them as such and eventually the police big wigs dropped those ethnic titles, but the task forces remained, just under more benign names. Muslims are the worst offenders, killing each other in drug wars. We had our own "Rotheram" here in Sydney years ago when a pack of muslims raped and held captive young white girls, and if it wasn't for one or two of those girls coming forward, the creeps would have got away with it. The police acted reasonably quickly. The worst perp got 35 years, later reduced to something like 28 years. Germany, France and Sweden have the same problem. Interestingly, the US now has racial profiling, after 9/11, they're deliberately ignoring their Constitution amendments, for the sake of keeping the US safe from terrorism. Racial profiling is one tool among many tools in their kit for analyzing potential threats.
  21. Using the internet and email to communicate with strangers (other than jovial members on this forum) is a great way to get scammed. ACL may not be a scam in that sense, but the habit of continually replying is what you need to stop. I think the record loss by a scam victim in Australia was one million dollars.
  22. How would you deal with that long running "grooming" fiasco? More than ten years it was going on, wasn't it.
  23. " ........ since there's this diversity and multicultural disease going around in western nations, making us shy to mention any ethnicity, or get an ethnic person in trouble for fear of being tagged "racist"."
  24. Well I singled it out because "perhaps" it was the most likely reason, since there's this diversity and multicultural disease going around in western nations, making us shy to mention any ethnicity, or get an ethnic person in trouble for fear of being tagged "racist". No one has any cultural standing any longer, we only have government designed values and anti-discrimination laws. But if the cops asked us to describe a home invader, I'm pretty sure they'd want to know the color of their skin, and their approximate ethnicity.
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